allen je napisao/la:
to definitivno,jer borci konstantno primaju udarce u glavu,dok u MMA nije baš takav slučaj
Vidi cijeli citat
da, jos lako za dugorocnu stetu i mentalne probleme, al ovo me sokiralo kad sam skuzio... neznam koliko je precizno, ali ne vidim zasto bi se krivo govorilo...
Boxing Deaths from 1998 until 2006* MMA Death Rates from 1998-2006
1998 = 2 Deaths in the ring* 1998 = 1 Death in the ring
1999 = 6 Deaths in the ring* 1999 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2000 = 10 Deaths in the ring* 2000 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2001 = 12 Deaths in the ring* 2001 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2002 = 10 Deaths in the ring* 2002 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2003 = 10 Deaths in the ring* 2003 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2004 = 9 Deaths in the ring* 2004 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2005 = 7 Deaths in the ring* 2005 = 0 Deaths in the ring
2006 = 4 Deaths in the Ring* 2006 = 0 Deaths in the ring
Total deaths in the ring for between the period of 1998 and 2006:
BOXING 70 deaths
MMA 1 Death