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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
01. srpnja 2011. u 22:50

sutra je kličko - haye.

po mnogima prva borba nakon x godina u kojoj suparnik ima neke realne sanse...

evo kao lagani uvod za one koji ne prate previse. a nisam ni ja neki fanatik... malo o toj uzasno dosadnoj situaciji na boksackom vrhu i hayeu


What the hell happened to the heavyweight division?

The brothers Klitschko have ruled the heavyweight division since Lennox Lewis retired in 2003. Part of the problem — with U.S. audiences, at least — is that the Klitschkos aren't American. Another problem is that so many heavyweight boxers have ruined the fun of super-slo-mo with their undulating man-boobs. The biggest problem, however, is the way Wladimir has elected to fight since suffering a pair of crushing knockout losses in 2003 and 2004. Klitschko's modus operandi is to keep opponents away from his chin at all costs. He achieves this by jabbing, grabbing, and refusing to open up offensively until trainer Emanuel Steward has gone hoarse from screaming at Wladimir to finish his opponent.

In boxing, it's not enough to win; you're expected to entertain. But if you get knocked out trying to entertain, then you were stupid for not just fighting to win.

Wladimir's cautious and effective style has won him 13 consecutive fights. Yet Klitschko's refusal to use his full offensive arsenal has been utterly maddening. There's nothing wrong with pitching like Jamie Moyer, but if Moyer had Randy Johnson's fastball and still pitched like Jamie Moyer, you'd be annoyed, right? Klitschko's fastball is so explosive that he ends a lot of fights early almost by accident, making him, somehow, a safety-first knockout artist. Unfortunately, it's the "safety first" part that governs all but the final few seconds of his fights, and the resulting tedium eventually convinced HBO to slash heavyweight coverage. Saturday's fight will be the first heavyweight title bout the network has aired in 18 months. Klitschko's success in the ring may be unassailable, but the fact remains that his fights are usually a chore to watch.

Who is David Haye?

Haye is a former cruiserweight champion who packed on 15 extra pounds, grabbed the one alpha-belt not held by the Klitschkos, and became a marketable challenger at a time when nobody else fits the bill. He's British, like Lennox Lewis, but unlike Lewis he's a small heavyweight with a big mouth. And, yes, that mouth earned Haye a shot at Klitschko more than anything he has done in the ring.

Haye declared Wladimir "solely responsible for killing the heavyweight division." Haye also caused the Klitschkos great displeasure by wearing a T-shirt that depicted himself holding the decapitated heads of both brothers. When HBO analyst Max Kellerman asked Haye during a prefight interview why he hates Klitschko, Haye replied "because he's clearly a dickhead" with Wlad sitting two feet away from him. If you close your eyes and listen to the fighters' conversation with Kellerman, it sounds something like a debate between Ali G and Borat, especially when Klitschko refers to Haye's jewelry as "flashy-flash."

Is this fight going to make heavyweight boxing matter again?

If Klitschko wins in his usual style — pecking away from a distance, softening Haye up, and finally stopping him in the late rounds — then this fight does nothing but add a thin layer of padding to Klitschko's Hall of Fame candidacy.

However, if Klitschko recognizes the fight as his opportunity to impress a wider audience, it could be a thriller. These are two talented, chiseled fighters with heavyweight punches and cruiserweight chins. Most boxing observers believe Haye will be in trouble the first time he gets hit with a power shot; it follows that his best chance to win is to land his own bombs before Klitschko can drill him.

Every few months boxing fans get their hopes up that one fight or another will return the sport to relevance, but it never turns out that way. If this trash-talking David upsets an uninspiring Goliath, that would provide a step forward for boxing. If said Goliath scores a sensational knockout in a dramatic fight, it would be a victory for HBO, the heavyweight division, and the Klitschko brand. It might even help to separate that brand into two distinct halves, with Wladimir standing an inch taller than Vitali for a change.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.09.2010.
Poruka: 1.728
01. srpnja 2011. u 23:05
Ajde stvarno nadajmo se da bumo konačno vidli jednu veliku teškašku borbu, koja bu podsjetila na stare, slavne boksačke dane.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
01. srpnja 2011. u 23:12

ja se uopce necu nadat vise necemu 

mislim, opet postoji sasvim realna sansa da ovo prodje kao i hrpa dosadasnjim meceva, s nekim drzanjem na distanci i pobjedom na bodove... sto je nazalost enormno dosadno.

al eto, kao i svaki sport, nikad ne znas, bilo bi lijepo da nas iznenade...

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 24.07.2008.
Poruka: 2.253
02. srpnja 2011. u 07:56
Ma nek bude borba poput one prije tjedan-dva (dugo nisam gledao tako dobar boks) i bit ću zadovoljan...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.06.2011.
Poruka: 6
02. srpnja 2011. u 11:50
oKRamxII je napisao/la:
Ma nek bude borba poput one prije tjedan-dva (dugo nisam gledao tako dobar boks) i bit ću zadovoljan...
Vidi cijeli citat

Borba Catica protiv Macklina je bila jedna od najboljih u zadnjih 7-8 godina i tesko da ce se tako nesto ponovit veceras.razocaran sam Haye-ovom kilazom.samo 96 kg protiv Klickovih 110.ionako je Klicko favorit ali u kilazi vidim glavni prevagu za pobjedu.
Captain Jack
Captain Jack
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 21.09.2008.
Poruka: 25.362
02. srpnja 2011. u 12:00
oKRamxII je napisao/la:
Ma nek bude borba poput one prije tjedan-dva (dugo nisam gledao tako dobar boks) i bit ću zadovoljan...
Vidi cijeli citat

Ako bude upola dobro ko borba Sturma i Macklina ja budem prezadovoljan..
[uredio Captain Jack - 02. srpnja 2011. u 12:01]
nek i Krušlin vidi Rija, al Hrvatsku sine voli
Captain Jack
Captain Jack
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 21.09.2008.
Poruka: 25.362
02. srpnja 2011. u 12:04
A jučer u sportskom dijelu Dnevnika HRT-a,Hrvoje Hrengek uredno najavljuje meč za jučer navečer,i to dvaput ponovi..A pošto sam vidjel najavu na Novoj za subotu,već me bilo strah da nas ovi na Novoj misle počastit reprizom..

Srećom pa je riječ bila o debilnoj pogrešci na HRT-u
nek i Krušlin vidi Rija, al Hrvatsku sine voli
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 13.01.2011.
Poruka: 32.048
02. srpnja 2011. u 12:19
Za mene će bit dosadna borba,osim ako Haye napadne.Vjerujem da će Kličko pobjedit,ali volio bi da ga netko više sruši..Ajmo Haye
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
02. srpnja 2011. u 22:41
uh, kakav nokaut u ovoj predborbi. sastavio ga je sa zemljom, cak mu je i stitnik za zube odletio ko u filmu 
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 18.09.2004.
Poruka: 18.594
02. srpnja 2011. u 22:48
Tilt game over
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