Legendarne MMA borbe

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
11. prosinca 2009. u 19:32
Ovdje mozete pronaci i postaviti sve legendarne borbe koje su Vam posebno ostale zapamcene... Ja cu po redu stavljati borbe od UFCa i PRIDEa, i to od jedinice pa nadalje, a Vi slobodno reagirajte i ubacujte svoje naj meceve
[uredio rmartin - 11. prosinca 2009. u 19:46]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
11. prosinca 2009. u 19:40
Royce Gracie - Gerard Gordeau


Branko Cikatic - Ralph White


Gary Goodridge - Oleg Taktarov

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
11. prosinca 2009. u 19:41
Royce Gracie - Pat Smith


Branko Cikatic - Mark Kerr


Gary Goodridge - Marco Ruas

[uredio rmartin - 11. prosinca 2009. u 19:44]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.957
11. prosinca 2009. u 21:06
sjećam se onog KO-a garya goodridgea...kad je u parteru protivnika uvatio u buttefly position i onda ga koljenima i laktovima u isto vrijeme unišio...prejeben knockout...to je bilo u počecima UFC-a čini mi se...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP_nKHDFFbo&t NOVI VIDEO!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.01.2006.
Poruka: 4.457
11. prosinca 2009. u 22:35
koje je cikatić kralj hahahahaha!!!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.542
11. prosinca 2009. u 23:08
Nema legendarnije od ove (osim ove od Cikatića možda  ) uvijek me nasmije a komentatori pišaju od smijeha 

I komentatori su isti kao kod Cikatića, legendarni Bas Rutten. A najveća legenda je Datsik koji se viši ne bori, zadnje što sam čuo u zatvoru je zbog krađe mobitela negdje u Rusiji 


A evo i Bassa, nekoć i sam borac, savjeti koju mogu pomoći svakome pogotovo u nekom bircu


[uredio madmax17 - 12. prosinca 2009. u 07:31]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
12. prosinca 2009. u 02:41
Kad smo vec u zajebantskom momentu, evo Datsikov Best of, inace covjek je proglasen mrtav i svi borci su ga vec prezalili da bi ispalo da je ziv i zdrav ko dren


Ovo morate pogledati!!!!

A evo i jedna poluga koja je uspjela samo jednom i to na trenutno drugom borcu svijeta, Andersonu Silvi, poluga se zove letece skarice

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
12. prosinca 2009. u 02:57
Ovo je isto interesantna poluga


Kao i najcudnije poluge u povijesti sporta (obratite pozornost na prvu i trecu, treca je brutala!!!)

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2009.
Poruka: 273
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.542
12. prosinca 2009. u 07:36
Legendarna mi je izjava komentatora iz ove borbe sa Arlovskim "Datsik with a crazy look on his face" 

Našao sam još na netu:

"Some interesting footwork there.....off balance to be exact"

"You can see he has been working on his thai kick bocking...(laughing)...yes he sure has...we will call it thai stick boxing. Its like here I come, GO! (laughing)"

"This is looking a lot like a school yard brawl. This is the infamous lunch money fight"

"Datsik has got the.....(laughing)..rear mount...(laughing) what kind of position is this?!?!"

"And we are entering the second phase of the lunch money school yard brawl"

"OOOOOO, what a technical move there by Datsik..(laughing) that was the front forward rolling frog kick"

"who knows what will happen next (laughing)"

"If Arlovski gets up from this it will be days of Count Dracula rising from the coffin"

Viacheslav Datsik is a former kickboxer and Mixed Martial Arts fighter from Ukraine. Viacheslav Datsik has attained somedegree of fame in the MMA community, due in part to his dramatic knock-out of UFC heavyweight Andrei Arlovski at the MFC World Championship in 1999,[1] and in part to his wild fighting style and notorious in-ring antics. After losing six straight fights between December of 2001 and February of 2003, Datsik seemingly disappeared completely, leading to widespread rumors that he had died in a train wreck. These rumours however were set to rest, when it was reported he was alive and well, after being detained for his part in the robbery of various mobile phone shops in St. Petersburg.
[uredio madmax17 - 12. prosinca 2009. u 07:46]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
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