F1 Sportnet Liga (RFT2010)

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 08.10.2010.
Poruka: 126
18. listopada 2010. u 17:17
Ja cu veceras doci oko 21 h, malo da uhvatim koji krug. Pitanje, da li u kvalifikacijama trosimo i gorivo za utrku(nije mi to skroz jasno da ili ne, da znam koliko da natankam za kvalifikacije) i koliko krugova vozimo.

Na slobodnom treningu voziti iza Mortiisa je kao voziti iza parne lokomotive. Stoga kad ga vidim iza ili ispred sebe, tog dimnjacara, ja fino usporim, pustim njega i njegovu dimnu zastavu da prodju, pa fino polako po svjezem zraku  

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 25.07.2009.
Poruka: 12.909
18. listopada 2010. u 17:44
CrazyMo je napisao/la:
Ja cu veceras doci oko 21 h, malo da uhvatim koji krug. Pitanje, da li u kvalifikacijama trosimo i gorivo za utrku(nije mi to skroz jasno da ili ne, da znam koliko da natankam za kvalifikacije) i koliko krugova vozimo.

Na slobodnom treningu voziti iza Mortiisa je kao voziti iza parne lokomotive. Stoga kad ga vidim iza ili ispred sebe, tog dimnjacara, ja fino usporim, pustim njega i njegovu dimnu zastavu da prodju, pa fino polako po svjezem zraku  

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prije nego izađeš na stazu u kvalifikacijama postavljaš sve pa tako i gorivo.
kad odvoziš prvi krug više ne možeš ništa mjenjat osim prednjeg krilca.
sa koliko goriva izađeš na kvalifikacije sa toliko počinješ trku. dakle, akoželiš biti jako brz izači ćeš sa manje goriva ali češ onda morati ići 2 puta u boks.
u trci je obavezan 1 boks inače.
Potpis se prikazuje ispod svake vaše poruke. Ne smije biti dulji od 250 znakova i smije sadržavati samo tekst.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 08.10.2010.
Poruka: 126
18. listopada 2010. u 17:47
Thx Chule i mislio sam da je tako, al opet bolje biti siguran. Ma ja fino nakrcam, pa nek bude sporije(bar me ovdje gorivo nista ne kosta ). A koliko se krugova vozi? Oko 20-tak?
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 25.08.2007.
Poruka: 3.000
18. listopada 2010. u 18:05
CrazyMo je napisao/la:
Thx Chule i mislio sam da je tako, al opet bolje biti siguran. Ma ja fino nakrcam, pa nek bude sporije(bar me ovdje gorivo nista ne kosta ). A koliko se krugova vozi? Oko 20-tak?
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na ovoj stazi 23 kruga
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 08.10.2010.
Poruka: 126
18. listopada 2010. u 18:09
23 hmm, prognoziram da cu se oko 12 slupati, spucati, skucati, potrgat bolid o neki zid ili tako nesto
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.925
18. listopada 2010. u 18:33
i ja sam danas oko 21.00h na serveru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP_nKHDFFbo&t NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.925
18. listopada 2010. u 18:37

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since we last updated on the forthcoming F1 2010 patch so here is where things are at currently…

The team are hard at work, and have been since launch, building the patch. We’ve focussed on both fixes to the game and a number of gameplay improvements based on your feedback. Once the process has finished, we can then release the patch for submission which will take an additional couple of weeks until it is available for release. Here is a quick overview of the main issues which we’re addressing:

1. Corrupt Save Games - We have identified an over-zealous anti-cheating check that manifested as falsely identified corrupt saves, specifically the ones relating to practice and R&D upgrades, the save-games should now load without issue. However if any of you are experiencing corrupt saves outside of this then please continue to send your PS3 save game files to us (Xbox360 & PC saves aren’t of any use to us) and we can test these against the latest patch to see whether all instances of this issue have now been fixed

2. AI not pitting in dry races where a mandatory pit stop was required (20% or more) – This has been fixed.

3. Player held in pit-stop too long – We’ve improved exit logic so that it isn’t too cautious in holding players during a pit-stop.

4. Puncture frequency reduced – The likelihood of players suffering punctures has been reduced.

5. Pit-stop lock-ups - Fixed several instances which caused the pit crew to lock-up and not be able to service the cars.

6. Automatically updating race strategy – Selecting prime tyres from the tyre menu (over default option) now updates the strategy so that the pit-crew assign options during the pit stop as opposed to re-attaching another set of primes (in a dry race of 20% or more).

7. First lap calculates correctly – The lap time for the first lap of the race now calculates correctly, from the lights going out as opposed to the cars crossing the start line.

In addition to these fixes we’ve also made improvements to the game based on your forum feedback:-

1. OSD changes – showing split times rather than gap to leader – We’ve changed how the OSD timing information functions so that split times are now displayed on the OSD, showing race time and race time differences to the other cars – I.e. how far ahead/behind are at a sector boundary.

2. AI affected more by damage received – Damage sustained by an AI’s car will have a greater effect their handling characteristics, effectively slowing damaged AI down more. AI cars that cannot maintain a racing speed will naturally yield to faster cars & come into the pits for repairs. As before, If they receive too much damage, they will retire from the race.

3. AI yielding to other cars when not on flying lap in qualifying - Improved AI behaviour to move off the racing line or out of the player’s way when the player is on a flying lap.

4. Increased wheel support – Increased wheel support and force feedback tweaks (where applicable) for the following wheels; Thrustmaster Ferrari F430 Force Feedback (officially supported), Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience (officially supported), Thrustmaster RGT Force Feedback Pro Clutch (not officially supported but will work), Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S & GT3 RS2 (both officially supported).

5. Wet weather improvements - Rebalanced graphical and handling effect of cars driving on a wet track - the level of wetness has been increased as well as tyre trails being made more prominent.

6. Improved Damage Modelling – Tweaks to the damage system so that more damage is visible / received during lesser impacts.

7. Next lap invalidated time trial logic - In time trial the next lap is no longer invalidated for any offence committed in the 3rd sector. It is calculated per track and is predominantly based on the final corner.

8. AI: Driver Behaviours - Addressed some issues in driver behaviour balancing that were causing occasionally unrealistic finishing positions.

There have also been several PC specific improvements as well:-

1. PC 'replay saving' and playback – You will be able to save out the files to replay them later or share them with others.

2. DX11 – The F1 2010 patch will enable the game to run on DX11. All of the graphical improvements are configurable from graphical options when in DX11. Specifically, "ultra" settings for 'shadows' and 'postprocess'. (These options require a lot of processing power, and are only recommended for high-end graphics cards.

3. Eyefinity Support – F1 2010 now supports 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 monitor display setups (minimum requirement of 3 x monitors)

4. Optimisations – We have made better use of multi-core processors in general, which will lead to better framerates on higher end machines.

5. Additional Support - Support for SandyBridge processors, which also adds support for currently available 'modern' processors, like Core i7, which wasn't correctly detected previously.

This list is not exhaustive of the issues being addressed in the patch but a snap shot of the key improvements. Please keep your feedback coming though as it is invaluable both for the work on the patch and for the design of F1 2011.

Once the patch goes into submission, we’ll try to give you guys a heads up as to when it will be live and ready to download as soon as we know.

Thanks for your continued support & feedback.

The F1 2010 Development Team.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP_nKHDFFbo&t NOVI VIDEO!
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 08.10.2010.
Poruka: 126
18. listopada 2010. u 20:22
Joj sto mi vise ide na jetru stalno izbacivanje igara bez postenog testiranja istih. Pa onda cekanje za posteni patch par mjeseci, modiranje od strane korisnika, pa tek onda, negdje nakon godine dana dobijemo proizvod kakav je trebao biti na samom pocetku izdavanja istoga. Its all bout the benjamins . I onda me netko pita zasto skidam torrente i sl., skinem torrent, probam igru, pricekam patch i sl., pa ako mi se svidi kupim(i zaista je tako, ako mi igra legne, kupim original).

Ajde sad mozda i probam taj F1 2010, normalno kad izadje taj patch

napom. uff jutros sam se ustao u 5 i 50, radio do 18.15, valjda necu zaspati oko 22 h. A i vidjet cemo na sta ce to liciti veceras, valjda cu uspijeti skupiti nesto koncentracije.
[uredio CrazyMo - 18. listopada 2010. u 20:24]
Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.09.2009.
Poruka: 2.972
18. listopada 2010. u 20:28
CrazyMo je napisao/la:
Joj sto mi vise ide na jetru stalno izbacivanje igara bez postenog testiranja istih. Pa onda cekanje za posteni patch par mjeseci, modiranje od strane korisnika, pa tek onda, negdje nakon godine dana dobijemo proizvod kakav je trebao biti na samom pocetku izdavanja istoga. Its all bout the benjamins . I onda me netko pita zasto skidam torrente i sl., skinem torrent, probam igru, pricekam patch i sl., pa ako mi se svidi kupim(i zaista je tako, ako mi igra legne, kupim original).

Ajde sad mozda i probam taj F1 2010, normalno kad izadje taj patch

napom. uff jutros sam se ustao u 5 i 50, radio do 18.15, valjda necu zaspati oko 22 h. A i vidjet cemo na sta ce to liciti veceras, valjda cu uspijeti skupiti nesto koncentracije.
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Pa tko radi 13 sati na dan?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.05.2010.
Poruka: 314
18. listopada 2010. u 20:32
E imam jedno offtopic pitanje , jel neko mozda ima iskustva sa internet kladionicama tj poglavito ovim nasim fortuna ili supersport ??
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