1. Download Game Ranger. www.gameranger.com/download
  2. Install.
  3. Go to FIFA 11> Game folder.
  4. Create a blank text(.txt) file.
  5. Rename it to rna.ini, u have to change the extension from .txt to .ini
  6. Save the rna.ini
  7. Right click to this file, go to properties. Check the READ ONLY option so that game ranger won't be able to edit it.
  8. If already a rna.ini file exists open it and delete all its content and follow step 6 & 7.
  9. Run Game ranger.
  10. Host a FIFA 11 room or join a FIFA 11 room.
  11. Host will start the game & the game will be started.
  12. Go the the Main Menu > Online Modes > Multiplayer > LAN play.
  13. Enter your name.
  14. Create a lobby/Host a game or join a game.
  15. Now enjoy the game with ur FRIENDS!