Football Manager 13

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 04.01.2009.
Poruka: 31.097
26. listopada 2012. u 10:12
meni na 12-ici iz prekida, pogotovo iz kornera dosta golova zabija stoperski par, a visoke napadače nikad nisam dovodio
Pax vobis. Memento mori qui. ludetis pilla
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.01.2006.
Poruka: 1.793
26. listopada 2012. u 10:42
Ma iz prekida da, ali iz igre, nikako...
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 09.10.2009.
Poruka: 4.999
26. listopada 2012. u 12:37
Tako ti je to kad vodiš Valenciju.
Man, I love duct tape. I love how it tapes, I love the sound it makes. I love saying it. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape...Duct tape...
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.954
26. listopada 2012. u 16:20
izašao prvi update za betu

First of all we just want to thank everyone who has posted on our forums or contacted us via Facebook or Twitter since the beta was released. We’ve had a huge amount of feedback which have proved incredibly valuable in the development of Football Manager 2013.

Available now for you all is an ‘update’ of the pre-order beta, if you have automatic updates on your game will update the next time you open Steam (if you’ve got the game open now, shut it down and then re-launch the game and it’ll update). If you find it is not updating at all, try verifying your game cache as instructed in the FAQ HERE

Once your beta has updated it will make your version number the following:

PC: 326362
Mac: 326348

Included are a number of fixes listed in our ‘change list’ below. Bear in mind if you’ve raised an issue and it’s not been fixed for this update that does not mean it won’t be fixed for release. Although this is a beta update, this version is still a ‘work in progress’ and is not complete.

Just a quick disclaimer that although we try to include as much as possible, not every single fix which has been made has been included in this changelist, only the major issues raised. Thanks.


  • Improved processing speeds when scouting large numbers of players
  • Fixed crash during match when interface rendering mode is set to ‘GPU Assisted’
  • Fixed crash during match when using quick tactics/shouts
  • Fixed star rating on ‘Detail Level’ screen not correctly reflecting computer performance

  • Prevented ‘View-Only’ leagues from loading in too many players
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts from disabling when object explorer is closed
  • Fixed mouse cursor hotspot accuracy

  • Fixed transfer centre icon not displaying in FMC
  • Fixed processing bar sometimes not displaying in FMC
  • Goalkeeper and sweeper no longer overlap on Team Report’s Position Strength pitch
  • Scrollbar position remembered when on Player Search, click on a player, and then click [Back]
  • If you resize the Custom Search Option subpanel on the Player Search, its size will now be remembered
  • Split View size when customised is remembered

Transfers & Contracts
  • Prevented new signings from becoming released immediately
  • Fixed free transfers not concluding
  • Fixed internal Director of Football hires
  • Fixed ‘Next Available’ transfer date being an option when using the ‘Approach To Sign’ option for a player in the last 6 months of their contract.

Competitions & Rulegroups
  • Fixed players on holiday at the start of a new game having their return date extending
  • Fixed training camps and friendlies being scheduled past the start of the league season
  • Fixed training camps clashing with club European competition Qualifying matches
  • Fixed players attending training camps being available for Reserve/Youth team matches
  • Fixed players becoming unregistered for their parent club when send out on a short term loan
  • Fixed clash between Fourth Round Spanish Cup and International matches

Match Engine

- Fixed bug where keeper would not prevent team mate's poor control from becoming an own goal
- Fixed one more example of keeper not controlling a backpass
- Fixed players kicking off not always facing correct direction at start of 2nd half
- Fixed AI teams not always setting one central midfielder to a defensive duty
- Improved marking of player running with ball
- Some ball physics collision fixes including the "hole in the net"
- Reduced shots from tight angles

- Fixed players going for the same ball and both avoiding each other leaving ball loose
- Improved keepers at point blank range slightly
- Improved keeper judgement coming for ball or making save
- Improved angle of non held keeper save
- More last ditch challenges/interceptions in danger area
- Improved defender positioning in own area
- Improved player reactions to loose ball
- Made players in space more likely to try to turn to face opposition goal when on ball
- Increased use of high risk high reward passes in dangerous areas
- Fine tuned general pass choice
- Fixed unrealistic clearances towards own goal

- Midfields shifting across slightly more when defending
- Tweak to defensive reactions
- Reduced potential instances of wild clearances behind own goal
- Toned down some risky passes slightly from 1303

- Fix to stop "ghost" goals ( where ball goes in but goal kick given )

- Temporarily disabled fix for "ghost" goals as its a bit troublesome and causing unwanted side effects
- Fixed keeper coming to punch ball and then diverting to avoid a collision and hence missing ball completely
- Fixed some instances of keepers saving ball prematurely and getting little purchase on save
- Fixed a few bugs causing keepers not to attempt saves when they should do
- Fixed keepers making risky quick throws or passes to team mates
- Further fix for defending crosses
- Slight tweak to speed of longer passes
- Fixed wrong team getting throw/corner/goal kick after tackle sends ball out of play
- Toned down long shots taken on weak foot slightly

Match v1309
- Sorted out problem with "ghost goal" fix and re-activated it
- Fixed keepers trying to come out and intercept dribbled ball they have no chance of getting
- Tweaked direct free kicks
- Tweaked headers slightly NOVI VIDEO!
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 61.567
26. listopada 2012. u 16:33
allen je napisao/la:
- Fix to stop "ghost" goals ( where ball goes in but goal kick given )
Vidi cijeli citat

oni stvarno i uporno iz godine u godinu izdaju poluzavrsen proizvod

da mi se ovo dogadja stalno s kupljenim originalom, trazio bih lovu nazad... i sumnjam da bi vise ikad kupio

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.954
26. listopada 2012. u 16:44
igra jos nije ni izasla ..tako da im se za sada ni nemoze nista prigovorit
tek izlazi za tjedan dana...a mi smo dobbili testnu verziju bas zato da se vide svi bugovi pa da se to uglanca do izlaska igre NOVI VIDEO!
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.01.2012.
Poruka: 2.122
26. listopada 2012. u 17:50
Neznam dal mi je drago zbog ovog update ili ne jer sam baš uigrao takitku za ovaj bug pa u sezoni uzeo 31 pobjedu, 6 remija i samo 1 poraz no na kraju mi je ipak drago što je update tu jer ipak takav način igranja nisam smatrao ozbiljnim.
"I ask him which way he thinks it should be done we got down to it and then we talk about it for twenty minutes and then we decide i was right" Brian Clough
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 27.09.2011.
Poruka: 949
26. listopada 2012. u 18:55
Znaci demo za vikend,super taman polusezonu rjesit dok ne izade "rjesena" verzija
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.954
26. listopada 2012. u 19:16
izašao demo NOVI VIDEO!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 27.09.2011.
Poruka: 949
26. listopada 2012. u 19:43
skida se
  • Najnovije
  • Najčitanije