Football Manager 2012

Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.09.2009.
Poruka: 2.972
07. rujna 2011. u 17:26

datum izlaska: negdje oko kraja 10. ili početkom 11. mjeseca, nije još potvrđeno.

cp sa sigames foruma

Key new & improved features for Football Manager 2012:

Transfers & Contracts – significant changes to the transfer andcontract systems, including loyalty bonuses, better implementation ofamateur and youth contracts, an improved transfer centre and the abilityto lock areas of the contract negotiation when you aren't prepared tobudge. This helps you to manage your budgets and gives you flexibilityin what you offer money hungry players, or agents, as incentives.

Scouting improvements – using several real life scouting reports, a newin-game report has been devised which includes squad analysis, tacticsinformation and information about goals scored and conceded alongsidelots of other scouting improvements, giving you all the information youneed to prepare before kick-off and throughout the season.

3D Match Improvements – new animations, a whole new crowd system,improved weather system, more stadiums, plus two brand new cameras -"Behind Goal" and "Director Cam" as well as all other camera anglesbeing reversible - meaning you can watch and analyse every aspect ofevery game.

Manage Anywhere, Anytime – the ability to add or take away playablenations in your saved game as often as you want. Manage in that countryat the start of the next season- meaning you don’t have to stay in thenations which are chosen by you to be playable at the start of yourcareer.

Tone – a whole new level has been added to team talks and conversations,with the new tone system, which allows you to specify the way you wantto say things – be as cool as a cucumber by saying things calmly orthrow tea cups around by saying things with passion. There are 6different tones to choose from with specific comments per tone.

Intelligent Interface – a new adaptive layout system, which means thehigher your screen resolution, the more info is easily at yourfingertips. The new interface also contains new filters, customisablecolumns, a new tactics screen, and lots of new overview screens.

Brand New Tutorial – standing separate from the main game, a mode tohelp new players find their way around the game easily, whilst alsooffering tips to experienced managers on how to get the most out of thegame, as well as a new in-game “how to” system.

On top of these key innovations, there are lots of areas of the gamethat have had huge improvements, such as the media system, pressconferences, the youth system, newgens, the social networking options,friendlies, international management and many more which will bedetailed in a series of video blogs over the coming months, alongsidemore information about Football Manager 2012.

FM12 Intelligent Interface Video

FM12 3D Match Engine Video
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.953
12. rujna 2011. u 21:16
21.10.2011. je službeni izlazak igre NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.953
12. rujna 2011. u 21:49
Hello everyone, and welcome, to the Football Manager 2012 blogs. This year we’ll have a selection of written blogs and video blogs to show you many of the new features that are in this years’ forthcoming release.

My name is Miles Jacobson, and I’m studio director at Sports Interactive, the development team behind the Football Manager series of games. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be guiding you through the changes and new features in this years’ PC & Mac release for Football Manager 2012.

Before I start talking about what has changed and been added in this years game scouting wise, I have an announcement to make.

(drum roll please). Football Manager 2012 now has a provisional release date!

No longer just “before Xmas 2012” as we’d previously announced, but we’re working around the clock to be able to release the game on Friday, October 21st.

Right - now onto the new features!

There have been significant improvements this year with scouting. Some of this was briefly mentioned when we originally announced Football Manager 12 a few weeks ago, but we can go into more detail now, as well as give you a few new nuggets.

One of the biggest improvements to the whole game this year is the new team report. We’ve very luck at Sports Interactive to have a large number of fans in amongst football, including many scouts who, with permission from their employers, give us the real scouting reports that they put together for teams when watching them for the manager.

And with FM12, we’ve implemented as much of this information as we can!

Not only do you get these reports when scouting the next opposition – you can get a team report from any club in the game world just by asking one of your scouts to scout them.

So what, exactly, do the team reports show you?

Let’s start at the start, and the first screen you’ll see if the “strength overview” screen which shows you the top 3 players at each position at the club, with star ratings for each player.

If you want to go into even more depth than this, just click on the “position strength” options, and you can then see the ratings and rankings for every player and position in the oppositions (or your, if the team report is on your team) squad.

The next option is “team comparison”. This allows you to compare various stats between the two clubs, such as average age, height, weight, caps in the squad, wage bills and how many players are unavailable.

When you are looking at your own team report, the team comparison option will allow you to do a comparison with any team within your own division.

Clicking on the “all positions” tab gives you a comparison of average stats amongst your players, and if you then look at the following tabs to look at goalkeeper, you’ll see a comparison specifically for goalkeeping stats. And with the defenders tab, you see a comparison specifically for defenders. And for midfielders, and attackers.

The “last match” tab gives you information about the clubs last match, with stats such as shots, shots on target, possession etc., and the ratings, goals, and status of each player in that match for both the team you’ve scouted, and their opposition, plus a text match report. And the option to go and watch the match.

Tactic analysis gives you information on how you’ve fared when using specific tactics, with information on how many times you’ve started with those tactics, how many minutes you’ve used them, how many goals you’ve scored & how many you’ve conceded. As well as a breakdown for goals scored and conceded against different rankings of team – higher rated, similar rated and smaller rated. Along with a paragraph of analysis. For each tactic used.

Tactics faced gives you the same information, based on the tactics you’ve played against.

Next up is goal analysis – this shows you at what time in the game you have scored and conceded goals, and where your assists have come from, the types of goals you’ve scored and conceded, and the type of assist for or against you.

It’s quite comprehensive, and isn’t just available for first teams – it’s also available for international teams and your youth and reserve teams.

There are also improvements and new things with player scouting too.

You now have the choice of using a scouting pool to scout players. This would send a scout or member of your coaching staff to go and have a look at a player without you having to designate someone specific.

The scouts are also more intelligent, and will even tell you if they think the scouting mission you’ve sent them on is a waste of time. And if they’re a decent scout and you hire them, they might even bring a ready-made scouting list with them.

They’ll give you feedback on a players best tactical role, will directly compare them to others in your squad in their scout reports, give better feedback on player weaknesses, can be assigned to scout all your feeder clubs & ask them to scout for specific attributes.

But don’t think they’re always clever. If you just scout a player once, and they aren’t famous, you’d better keep scouting them every year or so, or else you might just find some of their stats become hidden again.

I'll be back with another blog around midday tomorrow. NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.953
13. rujna 2011. u 22:49 NOVI VIDEO!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 01.05.2008.
Poruka: 8.593
14. rujna 2011. u 13:36
odlično to izgleda 
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 25.07.2009.
Poruka: 12.909
14. rujna 2011. u 14:44
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Potpis se prikazuje ispod svake vaše poruke. Ne smije biti dulji od 250 znakova i smije sadržavati samo tekst.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.953
16. rujna 2011. u 02:42
preuzeto sa fm-serbia

Dan 4

Mladi tim i regeni

Danas se govori o regenima i mladim igracima, i kako se oni razvijaju u FM 2012. Kaze se da je FM 2012 pola evolucija, a pola revolucija, pa da krenemo sa revolucijom...

U proslim verzijama, nisi mogao da imas mnogo kontrole oko mladog tima i na kraju svake sezone si dobio samo gomilu klinaca od kojih pola nisu ni za amaterski fudbal.

Sa FM 2012 ce imati vise kontrole koji igraci mogu da dodju do tvog mladog tima. Pri kraju domace sezone, dobices vest da su kandidati za mladi tim stigli i da ih treba pogledati. Treneri ce vec imati spreman skauting izvestaj, kao sto ce i asistent predlagati kome treba, a kome ne treba dati ugovor. Takodje ce biti organizovana i prijateljska izmedju kandidata i sadasnjeg mladog tima, a moci ces i da na neko vreme da ih ubacis u mladi tim da odigraju par utakmica, pre nego sto se odlucis da li da ih potpises.

U pocetku ce se tretirati kao dodatni tim, tako da mozes lako da vidis ko su oni, a posle prijateljske ce ostati u tvom mladom timu par nedelja, kao igraci na probi. Ovo je potpuno nov nivo kontrole i mikromenadzmenta, ali isto tako se zna da se ovo nece svima svideti, pa moze da se stiklira da asistent sve uradi umesto vas.

Jedna stvar koja se pokusava iz igre u igru je potreba za balansom kada se ubacuju nove opcije, jer svi igraju igru na svoj nacin.

Zna se da ce neki voleti novu vrstu kontrole nad mladim timovima. Neki se ne primer i ne trude oko mladog tima, vec samo kupuju spremne prvotimce. Takodje postoje i oni koji igraju LLM, pa zbog finansija moraju da balansiraju izmedju prvog i mladog tima.

E, pa ima opcija i za to.

Sada mozes da pitas upravu da skroz ponisti ceo podmladak. Ovo znaci da novi igraci nece dolaziti, i da jednostavno mladi igraci ne primaju plate. Uprava moze da kaze ne, naravno, ali ako vide finansijski potencijal i hoce da ustede, onda je vrlo verovatno da ce se ovo i desiti.

Takodje je bilo napretka i na polju regena, kako su oni generisani i sa 'crtom' nacionalnosti, tj. odakle dolaze. U Brazilu, na primer, retko se desava da imaju prirodna krila u RL, ti igraci su vise napadacki bekovi (Wing Back), tako da ces videti vise bekova nego krila koja dolaze iz Brazila. Isto se moze reci i za mentalne atribute. Npr., Brazilci, zbog nacina na koji odrastaju i probijaju se, ce verovatno imati veci Flair, dok ce Spanci vise igrati na kratke pasove. Sve ove crte su sada bolje implementirane u igru.

Unapredjen je i nacin na koji regrutacija klinaca (Youth Recruitment) radi u razlicitim klubovima. Klupska YR mreza i objekti za mladi tim (facilities) nisu samo povezani sa kvalitetom regena koji dolaze, vec i sa obimom regrutacije. Tako da klubovi sa odlicnim YR i state-of-the art objektima imaju mogucnost da dovedu ne samo lokalne igrace, vec one i sa drugih kontinenata. Takodje je bilo napretka i kako se generisu imena za sve klince, posebno u drzavama gde ima mnogo pokrajina i imena su vise regionalna nego 'drzavna' (Baskija, Katalonija...)

To je to sto se tice mladog tima i regena za sada, ima jos novih stvarcica, ali ostaju nedorecene, da bi sami igraci otkrili kad budu igrali FM2012 kasnije ove godine. NOVI VIDEO!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 02.10.2010.
Poruka: 7.976
17. rujna 2011. u 11:00
godinu za godinom nitko, ni roditelji, i cura, ni drugovi, nitko me ne moze ugodno iznenadit poklonom za rodjendan kao sto to rade ovi iz sports interactiva hvala

ne mogu docekat
...ladne su mi, ladne ove kiše a na jugu i zime su od zlata...
Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.09.2009.
Poruka: 2.972
17. rujna 2011. u 12:30
goikoetxea je napisao/la:
godinu za godinom nitko, ni roditelji, i cura, ni drugovi, nitko me ne moze ugodno iznenadit poklonom za rodjendan kao sto to rade ovi iz sports interactiva hvala

ne mogu docekat
Vidi cijeli citat

Tu izjavu bi trebali staviti na naslovnu stranu novog menagera.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.953
18. rujna 2011. u 19:28
This year we have found what we believe is an acceptable solution. Any version of Football Manager 2012 bought on disc will have to be activated through the Steam network, so therefore purchasers will have to have an internet connection for initial activation. This is a one-time only activation which requires you to sign up for a Steam account (which is free) and to install the Steam client and once it has been done the game can be played offline by turning on Steam's Offline mode. With those two simple steps done there are no more hoops to jump through or steps to take. NOVI VIDEO!
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