Football Manager 2015

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.003
25. listopada 2014. u 16:45
a je malog neko napumpao
a bas me i zanima koliko dugo ce se zadrzat u Atleticu i vratit u vk... NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.003
25. listopada 2014. u 16:50
vidim da je SI dozivio velike probleme sa licencama u njemackoj...tako da u 2.ligi imamo ove klubove...

München Lions
Hamburg St.Pauli
Frankfurt Erlenbruch
Berlin-Köpenick Dammfeld


ali ajde sreca pa se to lagano ispravi... NOVI VIDEO!
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 62.188
25. listopada 2014. u 16:52
svejedno, to im je veliki kiks. Za igricu koja se temelji na nekad fanaticnim detaljima su Munchen Lions saka u oko
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.003
25. listopada 2014. u 16:54
istina...ali bilo je slucajeva jos prije da je porto pisalo FCP...benfica FCB...lyon...OL...marseille OM...i tako
bundesliga je bila first division td..
pa je uvijek dosao onaj ''sussie'' patch koji isrpavi imena svim klubovima i natjecanjima NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.003
26. listopada 2014. u 08:10
evo za pocetak nesto sto ispravlja(al kasnije ce vjerojatno novi kompletniji izac kad izadje full game...

Due to licensing issues some competitions and clubs have fake names in FM 2015. For instance all the clubs in the German Bundesliga have fake names, the English Premier League is called “Premier Division”, the German national team has fake players. All these issues can be solved easily with our FM 2015 Real Names Fix, download, install it with our step by step instructions and enjoy a more realistic game!

Get real names in Football Manager 2015, replacing “Premier Division” with “Premier League“, “Champions Cup” with “UEFA Champions League” and much more. Several real competition names are included in this fix, along with real award names and real players in the Germany national team, South Korea national team and Japan national team.

After you install this fix you have to restart FM 2015 and your should be able to see the real names in your game. Something like this:

Here’s a quick list of the most important things that are included in this download:

FM 2015 Real Competition Names
    UEFA Champions League
    UEFA Europa League
    UEFA Youth League
    Barclays Premier League
    Serie A TIM
    Serie B Eurobet
    Primeira Liga (Portugal)
    Segunda Liga (Portugal)
    2. Bundesliga
    3. Bundesliga
    And many more, including real names for all European and South American domestic competitions.

FM 2015 Real Club Names
    FC Porto
    Sporting CP
    Real names for Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga clubs, including FC Bayern Munchen, Borussia Dortmund and Schalke 04.

FM 2015 Real Players
    Real players in Germany national team.
    Real players in Japan national team.
    Real players in South Korea national team.

How to install FM 2015 real names fix

1. After downloading the file, which is a zip archive, you will have to extract it to this folder: Program Files>Steam>steamapps>common>Football Manager 2015>data>db>1500>lnc

(replace the “all” folder with the new one, along with all the files in it)

2. If asked whether you want to overwrite any existing files in that folder, select “yes”.

3. That’s it, start or re-start your game and enjoy! NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.003
26. listopada 2014. u 08:21
e ono sta mi jos nikad nije leglo u FM...kad skautiras igraca npr uopce ti ni 1% nije vazno sta ce skaut rec za njega i njegove mane i vrline..kad se tebi otvore atributi pa ti sve sam vidis...i onda sta ti vrijedi sta ovaj prica..tako da nevidim uopce ni ulogu skautiranja igraca (osim ono kad su ti skriveni atributi pa da ti se onda otvore)
zato mi se nikad nije bas svidjalo to sto je sve kod tih igraca tj njihovi atributi prikazani brojkama..jer to nije bas nekako prerealisticno NOVI VIDEO!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.04.2013.
Poruka: 3.149
26. listopada 2014. u 10:10
Ako bi ko tia kupiti FM po povoljnoj cijeni,nek mi se javi u inbox...dat ću mu šifru i korisničko ime steama, on meni pare na račun i svi sritni i zadovoljni

cijena će biti full jeftina
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.01.2012.
Poruka: 2.125
26. listopada 2014. u 10:57
To što klubovi u njemačkoj nemaju pravo ime je užas igram fm već jako dugo i nikad ne pamtim da nekom klubu nije pisalo pravo ime.
"I ask him which way he thinks it should be done we got down to it and then we talk about it for twenty minutes and then we decide i was right" Brian Clough
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 62.188
26. listopada 2014. u 11:43
FM kao FM: ako nema par patcheva dan nakon izlaska na trziste, nista nisu napravili
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.01.2012.
Poruka: 2.125
26. listopada 2014. u 12:40
Kramarićeva statistika nakon polusezone:
"I ask him which way he thinks it should be done we got down to it and then we talk about it for twenty minutes and then we decide i was right" Brian Clough