Greške na forumu

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
03. ožujka 2007. u 17:52
nemogu poslat poruku 10 minutaStern%20Smile
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.01.2006.
Poruka: 4.063
03. ožujka 2007. u 17:58
- do kada će trajati ti problemi ?
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 09.06.2003.
Poruka: 12.946
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:09
Server Error in Forum Application
An error has occured while writing to the database.
Please contact the forum administrator.

Support Error Code:- err_SQLServer_save_new_post_data
File Name:- new_post.asp

Error details:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Timeout expired
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 09.06.2003.
Poruka: 12.946
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:10
trebalo mi je 4 puta da postiram taj post gore...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.12.2005.
Poruka: 11.625
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:11
Server Error in Forum Application
An error has occured while writing to the database.
UPDATE tblAuthor WITH (ROWLOCK) SET tblAuthor.Last_visit = GetDate() WHERE tblAuthor.Author_ID = 7239;

Please contact the forum administrator.

Support Error Code:- err_SQLServer_getUserData()_update_last_visit
File Name:- functions_login.asp

Error details:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Transaction (Process ID 69) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 09.06.2003.
Poruka: 12.946
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:14
KA-Power je napisao/la:
- do kada će trajati ti problemi ?
Vidi cijeli citat
izgleda da programeri ne rade danas. sutra je nedjelja, a Bozanic ne da da se radi nedjeljom...Wink moglo bi ovo potrajat duze...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.06.2006.
Poruka: 8.206
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:16
ovo je nenormalno,svaki drugi post me izbaci-explorer
Server Error in Forum Application
An error has occured while writing to the database.
UPDATE tblAuthor WITH (ROWLOCK) SET tblAuthor.Last_visit = GetDate() WHERE tblAuthor.Author_ID = 8250;

Please contact the forum administrator.

Support Error Code:- err_SQLServer_getUserData()_update_last_visit
File Name:- functions_login.asp

Error details:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Timeout expired
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:27
Koristim "vatrenu lisicu"

Ajde, moramo biti strpljivi, sad sam bio vanka na svjezem zraku, pa mi lakse pada error Big%20smile
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.11.2004.
Poruka: 8.657
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:41
Server Error in Forum Application
An error has occured while writing to the database.
UPDATE tblAuthor WITH (ROWLOCK) SET tblAuthor.Last_visit = GetDate() WHERE tblAuthor.Author_ID = 3410;

Please contact the forum administrator.

Support Error Code:- err_SQLServer_getUserData()_update_last_visit
File Name:- functions_login.asp

Error details:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Timeout expired
explorer, vec sam naveo
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 55.008
03. ožujka 2007. u 18:46
ubija me ovaj forum.... NOVI VIDEO!
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