Vijesti kojih nema?

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.04.2006.
Poruka: 1.301
18. listopada 2011. u 15:07
A mozda sam ih i promasio... ali ovo je definitivno interesantna, koja bi se malo mogla i diskutirat ovdje

postirat cu na Engleskom al - "novci" - sta oni donose u sport... i kao sto je Pacak pisao nakon njegovog toura in US... mozda sport treba i bit "samo" zabava gdje jedes karboniziranu piletinu i pijes dok ti tim igra...

u ovom clanku - da se ukine ispadanje i promocija iz glavne lige da bi vlasnici zastitili svoj ulog.


The official, Richard Bevan, is the chief executive of the League Managers Association, which looks after the interests of managers not only in the Premier League but also on the lower rungs of the English soccer ladder. He said that “American owners and some of the Asian owners as well” had discussed a league set-up similar to those in American leagues like the N.F.L. — where E.P.L. owners like Arsenal’s Stan Kroenke, Manchester United’s Glazer family and Aston Villa’s Randy Lerner also own teams — in order to protect their multimillion-dollar investments.

“There are a number of overseas-owned clubs already talking about bringing about the avoidance of promotion and relegation in the Premier League,” Bevan told The Guardian. “If we have four or five more new owners, that could happen.”


- zasto u ovom forumu?, pa tak mogle bi se listat "news topics" gdje novinari moze pogledat u jedan thread i vidit ako ima nesto interesantno sto nisu pokrili do sad...
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.04.2006.
Poruka: 1.301
19. listopada 2011. u 15:07
vidim da su se pojavile... i to na danasnjem Engleskom Pacijentu  - sa super uvodom od Marina. 
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