El capitano je napisao/la:
Baš jutros pričam sa frendom iz Londona i čovjek se složio sa mnom. Evo posta: ''Yes, I completely agree that this was just part of Clattenburg's general deterioration into insanity. I've seen refs like him before, say, David Elleray, and their reputation for being strict and not backing down leads them to stuff like this and is again why a digital referee is needed, because stuff like that brings disrepute to the game. As ever on the pitch between our players, it was a good game with no funny stuff, like used to happen a lot with Arsenal, seems there is some sort of respect between our clubs, but as Zaff alludes to a good game was ruined, completely ruined between two of the better teams in the league, and that's why Clattenburg needs to go. I've got no real complaints about Manchester United at all, it was a good match, even if it would've ended at 2-2, it would be a fair reflection of the game and 2 points dropped for us at home''. Dakle, prestanite sa hejtanjem ManU-a. Za one koji očito ne prate zbivanja u engleskom nogometu, Clattenburg je već godinama na glasu kao idiot kojemu trebaju naočale i mrze ga navijači SVIH klubova. Oštećivao je on i Manchester... ma sve kojima je sudio. Nikome nije jasno zašto još uvijek sudi u prvoj ligi. Iliti bolje, zašto uopće sudi.