Hugo Sanchez je napisao/la:
Koji karakter taj Nagy, patriotizam na prodaju! Dogovorio je on i ostanak u BArci i igranje za Španjolsku, pa su onda došli novi ljudi u mađarski savez s puno zelenjave i čovjeku eto proradio zov domovine :D
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Pa u principu Nagy je pokazao karakter.
Rekao da je da nece igrati za reprezentaciju dok su ''oni'' ljudi u savezu. Sad su dosli novi ljudi i on se vratio. Dakle, nije pogazio svoju rijec.
Mozda je u pitanju i zelenjava, ali mogao je izabrati i Spanjolsku, i tamo ima zelenjave, a sa sportske strane imao bi vece izglede za trofeje.
Since 21 June, 2009, he has not played in the Hungarian national team, and has refused for several reasons, which severely disappointed the fans. It was rumored that he might gain Spanish citizenship and represent Spain in later competitions, but Nagy refuted it many times.[8]
Finally, on 2 November, 2010, he shared his thoughts and motives in an open letter. He explained that he found the conditions were far from ideal and the insurance issue also needed to be solved. He also said he had had talks with Hungarian Handball Federation president László Sinka, in late 2009, and was told that things were going to change. However, they did not, and Nagy stated that as long as the attitude stayed the same, he would not play for Hungary.
[uredio Pijanec - 16. lipnja 2012. u 11:55]