Cedevita player Luka Babić said before Game 3 of the 2016/17 ABA League Finals that his team still has chance to win the trophy.
Luka Babic (Photo: Crvena zvezda mts)
Cedevita player Luka Babić said before Game 3 of the 2016/17 ABA League Finals that his team still has chance to win the trophy.
"We are very tired, but we are in the same situation as our rivals. Unfortunately, we have returned from Belgrade with two defeats, but I would not say that it is over yet. We have to give everything we got. I think that the 2nd half from Game 2 should be an example of how we need to play in the rest of this series. In those 20 minutes we showed that despite being tired we can play strong and aggressive defense and create easy points from fast breaks. I would like that our fans come to the gym in large numbers, so we can together try to defeat Crvena zvezda."
Luka Babić - "Ništa još nije gotovo"
Luka Babić, igrač Cedevite, rekao je uoči treće utakmice finala ABA lige da njegov tim i dalje ima šanse da se domogne trofeja.
"Umorni smo jako, ali kako je nama tako je i njima. Nažalost, vraćamo se s dva poraza, ali ne bih rekao da je išta gotovo. Moramo dati sve od sebe. Mislim da nam je putokaz drugo poluvrijeme druge utakmice kad smo umorni pokazali da možemo igrati dobru i agresivnu obranu i da iz toga možemo stvoriti dobre i lakše napade, prije svega lake poene iz kontranapada. To će nam sigurno puno značiti i to je jedan putokaz za sutrašnju utakmicu. Volio bih da nas publika dođe podržati u što većem broju. Sigurno da će nam puno značiti njihova podrška, da nam budu vjetar u leđa, da nam daju dodatne snage i energije i da svi skupa dođemo i pokušamo pobijediti."