Ante Žižić

Dinko Bilich
Dinko Bilich
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 08.07.2012.
Poruka: 21.759
30. listopada 2018. u 13:45

north-vz je napisao/la:

Cavsi su iskoristili opciju i produžili mu ugovor.

Vidi cijeli citat

Odlično, sad kad nema Lovea idu vjerojatno u full tank(ako imaju zaštićeni pick, nisam siguran) ,a on će dobiti priliku.

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 19.03.2017.
Poruka: 594
30. listopada 2018. u 19:14

prvih deset je zaštićeno tako da im se isplati tankirat...

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.945
08. studenog 2018. u 17:48

nitko nista, a napokon dobio malo minuta i odmah super statistika... NOVI VIDEO!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 20.01.2004.
Poruka: 7.354
08. studenog 2018. u 19:03

Moram priznati kako sam u Osijeku kroz oba dana steak ovrlo pozitivno mišljenje o Anteši, onako vrlo smireno se ponašao, bez ikakvih iskakanja, i vidjelo se kako mu je stalo da ostavi jako dobar dojam u reprezentaciji, baš zbog toga mi je neobično drago da je napokon dobio šansu

my favorite:Nash,Wade,Ginobili,Nowitzki,Duncan
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.10.2016.
Poruka: 1.184
20. studenog 2018. u 08:47

Napokon nešto! 32

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.01.2012.
Poruka: 520
20. studenog 2018. u 09:08

Nije baš "nešto", ima tu mesa, 17 min, 12 koševa. 

Interesantno je da prije tbog posta zadnji bio 8. studenog. Ajmo Ante! :D

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.01.2012.
Poruka: 520
20. studenog 2018. u 09:52

I was all set to get really pissed about the Cavs not playing Ante Zizic, but then I looked at his game logs, and it turns out he is playing, just not very much. But he's getting in most games this season, which is better than what he was doing last year. Of course, there are certain circumstances that are different. I can still get pissed that he's not playing ENOUGH, though. Really, all I want is a chance to use my fancy "Antetozizpo" nickname for him. I was afforded that chance tonight. 12 points! 5 buckets! A jumper! He was so good that while he was in, the game transitioned from garbage time to "if the other team turns it over on all of their remaining possessions and we hit nothing but threes maybe we can win" time. There is, apparently, something wrong with Zizic that means he doesn't get more playing time. Since I absolutely cannot be bothered to watch a Cavaliers game right now, I'm going to assume that the problem lies more on the coaching end of things. Because every time I see this dude in highlights, he's getting buckets. Calling him a "bucket-getter" might be a stretch this year, but last year, damn.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 26.08.2014.
Poruka: 1.090
27. studenog 2018. u 01:50

Ovaj Klivlend je smeće

[uredio SlavenBilicIsGod - 27. studenog 2018. u 01:54]
Pristupio: 28.08.2011.
Poruka: 22.579
27. studenog 2018. u 10:49


Evo jedna prigodna na tvoj komentar 4

Moja duša živi za tebe...kad je tesko i kad sunce miluje...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.09.2018.
Poruka: 1.047
29. studenog 2018. u 22:29

Dobio 13 min i upao u top 10 plays of the night.

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