Budućnost hrvatske košarke

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.02.2013.
Poruka: 1.003
18. ožujka 2013. u 16:47
split izgubio od olimpije u polufinalu...cedevita razmontirana od partizana u polufinalu... za trece mjesto i bez d. bendera split lagano dobio cedu.....l. bozic je igro za split...dal to znaci da je on sad njihov igrac
[uredio scirocco - 18. ožujka 2013. u 16:47]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 02.10.2010.
Poruka: 7.976
20. ožujka 2013. u 21:38
Dragan Bender (1997, 6’9’’, PF, KK Split, Croatia): he is a player with an incredible natural talent and I am sure that he will have a very bright future.  In Valjevo unfortunately he played only two games due to a slight ankle injury but he however showed all his potential: great passing technique, good vision of the game, good defensive rebounder and what is most impressive is his ability to move with elegance despite his height. He scored 14,5 points, grabbed 7 rebounds and served 3 assists per game but I think he still has limits and if he wants to become an NBA prospect he needs to improve his ball handling, he must learn to make a better use of his left hand and he needs to improve his one on one in attack. I think he could aspire one day to become an NBA player because his physique is great: very long arms and very fast feet, and he will have time to improve his weaknesses.
Markus Loncar (1996, 6’11”, C, Cedevita Zagreb, Croatia): Long and athletic center with good mobility and huge hands. He has a good physical basis, but he could work on his explosiveness and lateral speed. His hands are soft and he can conclude with a reliable hook shot both using left or right. He has a huge potential, but he needs to add consistency to his game and to work on the conditioning, an aspects that is currently limiting him. He’s not selfish at all, he always looks to open the court starting from post position, but he need to work on his game comprehension, since sometimes he causes turnovers due to interceptions. Plus his ball handling skills and ball control are still weak, and sometimes he tends to have early foul troubles. On the defensive side he has good intimidation sklls, thanks to his mobility and physical strength. Definitely an intriguing prospect, who needs to add fluidity and confidence to his game.

evo opet za denga... malo dotepenaca oboja u petorci turnira u valjevu skupa s glisicem, mussinijem i magdevskim
...ladne su mi, ladne ove kiše a na jugu i zime su od zlata...
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 08.07.2011.
Poruka: 1.856
21. ožujka 2013. u 13:13
Prije  dva dana mali   Bešilić  Frano -  odlično nastupio za  svoju  gimnaziju  na finalnoj tekmi  prvenstva srednjih škola.....nažalost  izgubili su  , ali  bitno da se on vratio  igri  pod koševima
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.04.2012.
Poruka: 1.000
21. ožujka 2013. u 13:15
Torca-Dubrava je napisao/la:
Prije  dva dana mali   Bešilić  Frano -  odlično nastupio za  svoju  gimnaziju  na finalnoj tekmi  prvenstva srednjih škola.....nažalost  izgubili su  , ali  bitno da se on vratio  igri  pod koševima
Vidi cijeli citat

Koja gimnazija i tko je bio u finalu? Gdje se igralo?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.02.2013.
Poruka: 1.003
26. ožujka 2013. u 16:16

Dragan Bender (1997, 6’10”, SF/PF, KK Split, Croatia)

Dragan BenderDragan BenderStanding 6’10” he has a great combination of height and mobility that makes him a mismatch nightmare at this level of competition. He’s a bit skinny, but his structure is solid and he will put on weight, especially in the upper body, quite easily. He has amazing passing skills and instincts for his size and position, he plays as offensive facilitator of his team, showing great court vision. He’s able to create from the dribble, for himself and the teammates, with some glimpses of pure talent, especially assists. Anyway his ball handling skills need improvement, adding consistency and confidence to his fundamentals. He has also good spacing and game comprehension, also showing a great attitude on the defensive side. He’s a solid rebounder and a good shot blocker, with timing. He needs to work on his shot, especially the mechanics, which is currently rather weak. He also needs to improve his post game, in order to better exploit mismatches that his height cangenerate against other small forwards.

Bender is a prospect with huge ceiling, at 16 years old his development is yet to be completed, and his mobility could allow him to become even better than Dario Saric.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.02.2013.
Poruka: 1.003
26. ožujka 2013. u 16:17

Markus Loncar (1996, 6’11”, C, Cedevita Zagreb, Croatia)

Long and athletic center with good mobility and huge hands. He has a good physical basis, but he could work on his explosiveness and lateral speed. His hands are soft and he can conclude with a reliable hook shot both using left or right. He has a huge potential, but he needs to add consistency to his game and to work on the conditioning, an aspects that is currently limiting him. He’s not selfish at all, he always looks to open the court starting from post position, but he need to work on his game comprehension, since sometimes he causes turnovers due to interceptions. Plus his ball handling skills and ball control are still weak, and sometimes he tends to have early foul troubles. On the defensive side he has good intimidation sklls, thanks to his mobility and physical strength. Definitely an intriguing prospect, who needs to add fluidity and confidence to his game.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.03.2012.
Poruka: 202
26. ožujka 2013. u 17:45

Mozda sama ideja nije losa,ali verujem da ce Cedevita igrati evropske meceve sledece sezone.Takodje smatram da nije tacna konstatacija-koliko para toliko muzike-->jer da je tako Cedevita bi sigurno bila u 4,Igokea bi bila na sredini tabele(osim dva amerikanca njihov tim je ultra jeftin).
Ne znam kako vi razmisljate ali meni je najzalije Splita i Nikole Vujcica.Romanticna prica sa tuznim krajem.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 30.06.2004.
Poruka: 5.212
28. ožujka 2013. u 15:30


A zašto u Hrvatskoj samo Dario trenira po 6-7 sati dnevno, i s posebnim trenerima, i po 300 šuteva dnevno?
Većina profesionalaca, bar oni mlađi, zapravo svi mlađi od recimo 30 godina bi trebali toliko trenirati pa nam košarka nebi bila na niskim granama.

To sam pitanje postavio i na temi o Dariju Šariću.

Pitam se ja je li klubovi uopće imaju želju da igrači toliko rade.

Pitam se i je li treneri imaju želju toliko raditi s igračima.

Ja mislim da, na žalost,  ni klubovi ni treneri nemaju nikakve volje za tolikim radom.

A ni s Darijem ne bi toliko radili da ne moraju vratiti lovu za koju su se zadužili kod privatnika kad su Darija dovodili.

Ljudi moji bez rada nema ništa. Pravog rada. Danonoćnog rada. A kad se zadnji put u nas govorilo o takvom radu. Samo i isključivo kad je bila riječ o Draženu, te Toniju i Dinu i Splitu koji je vodio Božo Maljković. Zato od tih vremena i nemamo rezultata u košarci.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.04.2005.
Poruka: 12.275
28. ožujka 2013. u 15:39
poen je napisao/la:


A zašto u Hrvatskoj samo Dario trenira po 6-7 sati dnevno, i s posebnim trenerima, i po 300 šuteva dnevno?
Većina profesionalaca, bar oni mlađi, zapravo svi mlađi od recimo 30 godina bi trebali toliko trenirati pa nam košarka nebi bila na niskim granama.

To sam pitanje postavio i na temi o Dariju Šariću.

Pitam se ja je li klubovi uopće imaju želju da igrači toliko rade.

Pitam se i je li treneri imaju želju toliko raditi s igračima.

Ja mislim da, na žalost,  ni klubovi ni treneri nemaju nikakve volje za tolikim radom.

A ni s Darijem ne bi toliko radili da ne moraju vratiti lovu za koju su se zadužili kod privatnika kad su Darija dovodili.

Ljudi moji bez rada nema ništa. Pravog rada. Danonoćnog rada. A kad se zadnji put u nas govorilo o takvom radu. Samo i isključivo kad je bila riječ o Draženu, te Toniju i Dinu i Splitu koji je vodio Božo Maljković. Zato od tih vremena i nemamo rezultata u košarci.

Vidi cijeli citat

jos neki cibonini klinci treniraju 6 sati dnevno
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 30.06.2004.
Poruka: 5.212
28. ožujka 2013. u 15:50
Je li treniraju onako kao Dražen, Toni, Dino?
  • Najnovije
  • Najčitanije