Cedevita unexpectedly had a lot of problems with
Cibona in the semi-final of the Croatian national championship but won the series 2-1 and qualified for the final.
With such a finish between the two city rivals,
Zagreb CO (the second Croaian finalist) profited the most since it was confirmed for a spot in the NLB League while
Cibona will have a chance to get a wild-card for the 2011/12 season.
Cibona could overtake
Zagreb only in case of winning the championship but since it fell out in the semi-final, everything became clear in the early stage....SA SLUZBENE STRANICE
znaci kad vide kolki im je budzet prvo odvojit 150 000 eura za upad u NLB a onda sa ostatkom slagat ekipu... ne bas briljantan uvod u sezonu pogotovo kad se zna da nece bas imat previse tih eurica tako i tako....