Dražen Petrović

The Dream
The Dream
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 25.07.2016.
Poruka: 1.932
15. srpnja 2017. u 14:28
Poanta videa je da postoji relativno dobra šansa da Rose, iako je bio MVP, da ne uđe u Hall of Fame zbog slabih predstava nakon silnih ozljeda, pa čovjek pokušava naći razloge da ipak uđe u Hall of Fame - jer je veliki navijač Bullsa i samog Rosea.

Sjetimo se kako je Rose nedavno pričao da će tražiti max ugovor, a sada se opet sastaje sa Bucksima koji mu nude ulogu rezervnog beka i neke ,,male'' ( za njega ) novce. Općenito, nije baš da se u ligi otimaju za njegove usluge.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 23.11.2012.
Poruka: 11.422
23. rujna 2017. u 14:05
da se podsjetimo na stara dobra vremena
Cibona - Simac (Milano) iz 85.g
47 koševa Dražena

Bio na toj utakmici. Na stajanju ispod koša.
Oh dear look what they've done to the blues, blues, blues.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.08.2011.
Poruka: 436
23. rujna 2017. u 19:46
litleben je napisao/la:
da se podsjetimo na stara dobra vremena
Cibona - Simac (Milano) iz 85.g
47 koševa Dražena

Bio na toj utakmici. Na stajanju ispod koša.
Vidi cijeli citat

U jednom dokumentarcu prikazan grafit :

A kako ih je Simac razvalio u Italiji,
bilo je 90:66 uz Draženovih 16 poena.

Tko zna koliko je izveo asistencija kroz noge,
to mogu reći oni koji su gledali te utakmice,
ja sam ipak malo mlađi,
pa gledam ono što se može nabaviti snimljeno.

1986 protiv ekipe Obras  asistencija  koja uzbudi  komentatora 

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.07.2017.
Poruka: 2.302
22. listopada 2017. u 21:41
Da je sreće... danas bi slavio 53. rođendan. Počivao u miru Božjem.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 04.06.2017.
Poruka: 465
27. veljače 2018. u 10:37
Voljeli ili ne voljeli Amerikance, jedno im se mora priznati — znaju napraviti show!

Svaka čast! 

Video Brooklyn Nets honour the legacy of Drazen Petrovic

[uredio gavroche - 27. veljače 2018. u 10:47]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 26.10.2017.
Poruka: 7.957
28. veljače 2018. u 04:54

Kokoskov told Doncic about how, during Yugoslavia's run to the 1989 EuroBasket championship in Zagreb, Yugoslavia (now Croatia), Petrovic would wake up before 6 a.m., drag an assistant coach into his red Porsche 911, and drive to a gym for a workout while the rest of the team slept. He would return two or three hours later, dripping in sweat, and eat breakfast with his groggy teammates.

"With all these goals you have in front of you," Kokoskov remembers telling Doncic, "you should hear these stories. You should know what it will take."

That is what has perhaps been forgotten about Petrovic when we reminisce about his stunning, braggadocious, and tragically short rise to All-NBA prominence (as the Nets did in holding a touching tribute for Petrovic on Monday night): the work it took to get there. It was Petrovic's defining trait to those who knew him best, and longest. As a kid, Petrovic insisted on playing against older boys, says Neven Spahija, who grew up on the same street as Petrovic in Sibenik, Croatia, and has coached all over the world -- including with the Hawks under Mike Budenholzer, and now as the head coach of Maccabi Tel Aviv.

In the mid-1980s, after a national team training camp in Sarajevo, the players who lived in what is now Croatia took a six-hour, overnight bus ride home. Petrovic's mother, Biserka, was waiting to pick him up at about 6 a.m., recalls Stojko Vrankovic, perhaps Petrovic's closest friend on the team. Vrankovic was continuing on to Zadar. As Petrovic got off the bus, Vrankovic asked him what he would do that morning.

"I just expected he would say he was going to sleep," Vrankovic says. Petrovic was heading to the gym, right that moment, to get a couple hundred shots up.

"From the standpoint of work ethic and getting better, I put him in [Dirk] Nowitzki's class," says Rick Carlisle, who was an assistant with the Nets during Petrovic's two-plus seasons there.


jebeni njemacki autoputi.... sve bi bilo puno drugacije ......

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.459
01. ožujka 2018. u 15:19
Da je bio u Porcheu umjesto u onom jeftinom smeću možda i bi.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 15.10.2017.
Poruka: 246
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 11.06.2006.
Poruka: 1.116
07. lipnja 2018. u 08:16

25 godina je otkako nas je Dražen napustio. 

Mirno ti more želim kapetane

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 21.11.2003.
Poruka: 158
07. lipnja 2018. u 08:27

Što više vremena prolazi, u našim si očima sve veći...

Slava ti, kapetane.
