Nagy, Tres i svi ljudi dobre volje koji sudjeluju u akciji, htio bih vam se zahvaliti.
Kakav god bio postotak sansi da uspije, bezbroj puta je veci nego da se nista ne pokusa.
Ako mogu pomoci svojim (ne)znanjem, mozete me kontaktirati.
Inace sam prije par godina poslao mail nike-u (za vrijeme "Bender gate-a"), njihov odgovor :
Hi Tomislav,
Thank you for contacting Nike. It is really cool that you are a loyal fan of Jordan brand we here at Nike do everything to look after all our consumers or as we call them athletes. Croatian Basketball jersey is a very nice and super popular jersey. So I will be more than a happy to assist you today.
I have searched on our systems and our authorized retailers like JD Sports, Sport Direct and Footlocker for this Croatian Basketball jerseyand, unfortunately I wasn't able to find this item you are looking for.
Tomislav, I wouldn't be worry about it as I took your feedback to have this product available on, this will be passed directly to our team. They will look into the jersey to see if there is a high demand for it, if they find there is they would look into the possibility to make this item available on our web site. We don't know ahead of time if we'll make available a particular style. We're always receiving new shipments, so continue to check Feedback like yours does influence our business decisions, and we thank you for it.
I see you are a member of, Tomislav, we would like to thank you for this. We would also advise you to keep updated our launches and restocks on Twtter and Facebook page, I have provided these links below:
I hope this helps, if there is anything else I can do for you please let me know, I will be more than happy to help you.
Have a nice day!
Consumer Services