konacni spisak kandidata za EP

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 8.488
30. srpnja 2003. u 14:38
znaci kod srba su otkazali njihova tri ***a iz prve runde drafta.ne brinite se,sljedece godine oni ce se svi kuniti samo da bi igrali na OI,ja ih nebi pustio.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 19.09.2002.
Poruka: 1.447
30. srpnja 2003. u 22:32
[QUOTE] ne brinite se,sljedece godine oni ce se svi kuniti samo da bi igrali na OI,ja ih nebi pustio
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e znam da ih ti ne bi, stvar je u tome sto smo mi ipak mala zemlja i svaki uspijeh(medalja) na OI je ko Mt.Everest, i ako oni kroz slijedecu sezonu prikazu nivo igre za reprezentaciju, treba ih pozvati naravno..
a hebiga sta da se radi, dosla su neka druga vremena, sport je postao dosta komercijalan, pogotovo za ove mlade perspektivne igrace kojima se oci kolutaju u $$$...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 8.488
30. srpnja 2003. u 22:50
vi se nadate da cete na olimpijadi tuci amere zbog njihovog ***ijalizma i njihove sebicnosti,ali to vam zasigurno nece uspjeti sa igracima koji njeguju iste ili slicne poglede kao oni.postoji li bolje pripreme za nba nego odigrano europsko prvenstvo? meni ta logika ne ide u glavu,gasol je nakon odlicnog nastupa na EP-u 2001 postao rookie of the year u nba,nisam ni uocio da nowitzki i stojakovic bas pate u americi zbog igranja za repku.potpuno nedokazani igraci poput pietrusa,kasuna,pavlovica,milicica i cabarkape ne zele igrati na EP-u,igraci koji nisu ostavili bas nikakvi trag u europi.nece ni jedan od njih biti vise od prosjecnog "bench contributor" u nba.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.12.2002.
Poruka: 672
30. srpnja 2003. u 23:22
koji je trag ostavio nowitzki u evropi?

naravno da ce neki od njih biti shto ameri kazu "bust" i to mnogo vishe evropljana nego ranije, ali to je zato shto sad u nba idu svi evropljani koji imaju potencijal za tako neshto dok su ranije ishli samo dokazani igrachi ili can''t miss talenti
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 19.09.2002.
Poruka: 1.447
31. srpnja 2003. u 14:26
[QUOTE] postoji li bolje pripreme za nba nego odigrano europsko prvenstvo? meni ta logika ne ide u glavu,gasol je nakon odlicnog nastupa na EP-u 2001 postao rookie of the year u nba
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ni meni to nije najjasnije, nego znas kako, ovim mladi igraci su sigurno pod jakim uticajem menadzera i vjerovatno ih pumpaju sa pricom "sta ako se povredite? prva vam je sezona najbitnija,trebate individualno raditi..ovo ono.." i jos ako k tome dodamo da i ovaj Vujosevic nema autoritet kao sto su Ivkovic,Obradovic..ili Pesic..pa onda i sama konfuzija u KSSCG..sve se to lagano odrazava da ovi mladi igraci gledaju prvenstveno na sebe i nacin kako da udovolje menadzerima koji su ih predstavili americkoj javnosti kao veoma klasne igrace..za Milicica i Pavlovica sam to nekako i mogao svariti, ali Cabarkapa me je zaista dosta negativno iznenadio, jer je vec bio reprezentativac, kad mozda i nije toliko zasluzio..a sto mu je sigurno pomoglo i za NBA..sad,kad je vidno potrebaniji..ponio se dosta neprofesionalno sa kasnim reagovanjem..mada ponavljam, za to vjerovatno ima nekih razloga i u samom KSSCGu...koji vec duze vrijeme pokazuje jasne znakove neozbiljnosti..ali opet sve je to nedovoljno jak alibi, za tu njegovu odluku..koja je ipak samo njegova..a vrijeme ce pokazati da li je bio u pravu..
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 8.488
31. srpnja 2003. u 14:51
[QUOTE] koji je trag ostavio nowitzki u evropi?

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nowitzki je izuzetak koji potvrdjuje pravilo.meni su sve te usporedbe milicic - gasol,pavlovic - stojakovic,pietrus - ginobili vise nego smjesne.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.12.2002.
Poruka: 672
31. srpnja 2003. u 22:31
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.12.2002.
Poruka: 672
31. srpnja 2003. u 22:34
DETROIT -- Meet Will Robinson.

Robinson is the assistant to the president of basketball operations for the Pistons. He is the NBA''s oldest scout, at the ripe age of 92. He has been inducted into 24 Halls of Fame. He has coached the likes of Doug Collins and Spencer Haywood. He was the first African-American head coach in the history of NCAA Division I basketball.

And if you listen to him, he invented such things as the full-court press and the fast break.

It''s tough to find anyone who''s been around long enough to dispute that.

You''ve heard of six degrees of separation? Robinson plays about three. Rumor here in Detroit has it that he cut the hole in James Naismith''s peach basket.

He comes to work every day, watches game film and never misses a workout. Robinson has sat through the Pistons'' draft workouts for the past 28 years, witnessing the auditions of Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Dennis Rodman and Grant Hill.

Dumars, now the Pistons president, smiles when he sees Robinson walk onto the court Wednesday in preparation for Darko Milicic''s individual workout. Call him a comfort blanket.

"Let me tell you something about Will Robinson," Dumars says. "He''s seen it all. You can''t fool Will Robinson. Nothing gets by him."

Robinson''s a little early today for a reason. He''s a late-comer on the international bandwagon. He has listened to the talk radio hosts and local writers imploring the Pistons to take Carmelo Anthony over Milicic. Like the rest of them, he has yet to see the young Yugoslavian in person.

"In the past, when we brought in the guys from overseas, Will would sit there, shake his head and say ''Send him back ... he needs to spend more time in the oven,'' " Dumars says with a laugh.

Darko Milicic has impressed the Detroit Pistons both on and off the basketball court.
Robinson takes his seat courtside, crosses his legs and stares Darko down as he begins warming up. For the next 45 minutes, his eyes never leave the 7-footer.

From agility exercises (Darko ranks in the top 15 percent) to tests that gauge lateral quickness (Darko ranks in the top 2 percent), vertical jump (a little above average) and upper and lower body strength (OK on the first, above average on the second), Robinson is watching Milicic''s every movement.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.12.2002.
Poruka: 672
31. srpnja 2003. u 22:35
It isn''t until Milicic ***s up a basketball and starts effortlessly draining NBA-range 3-pointers (remember, his coach in Yugoslavia wouldn''t let him take European 3s, let alone from the NBA distance) that Robinson begins speaking up. He doesn''t stop talking until well after the workout.

"We hit the jackpot," Robinson says with a smile. "Jackpot!"

Milicic moves into the post and begins hitting jump hooks, first with his left hand. Then with his right. Robinson can''t tell whether Milicic is left- or right-handed. That''s a good thing.

"How''d that boy learn to shoot with both hands?" he asks.

Interesting story. Milicic was born left-handed, but his parents and teachers encouraged him to do everything with his right hand. He shoots 3s with his left, signs autographs with his right and handles the ball equally with both.

"That''s just unfair. Very few players can do that."

At one point, a clearly exhausted Milicic bends over and, for a moment, looks like he can''t go on. He sips a glass of water, slaps his hands together and gets back on the court.

"Did you see the way he just gutted that out?" Robinson says. "That''s the type of kid you want to coach. If I was coaching him, we''d go to the moon."

Soon Darko is running the floor, handling the ball on the break and finishing with thundering dunks.

"He''s going to own the game. Own the game," Robinsons exclaims. "We''re going to have to build a new arena. The only thing that could destroy a kid like that is a woman."

Another big dunk, and Robinson gets up from his chair and begins walking toward Dumars.

"I''ve seen all I need," he says.

"Take him," he screams at Dumars.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.12.2002.
Poruka: 672
31. srpnja 2003. u 22:35
The Pistons aren''t through with Milicic yet. After lunch with Dumars and Co., Milicic is back at the workout facility receiving his homework assignments from strength and training coach Arnie Kander.

Kander isn''t taking the usual approach to tall, skinny Europeans. Over the few hours since Darko''s audition, Kander has been devising a workout plan for the kid that will get him up to speed for minicamp.

Milicic and his agent, Semi Pajovic, have asked for the help. Until now, Milicic has been living on a steady diet of 200 push-ups and 300 sit-ups per day.

Kander''s plan calls for no weight lifting, fewer push-ups and zero protein supplements. Kander is blown away by what he calls "Darko''s tremendous gift of speed."

"He''s got a naturally strong body," Kander says. "I don''t want him to bulk up. If he does that, he''ll lose that quickness he''s been blessed with. I just want him to get a little stronger, work on his base and improve his flexibility. I love his body for a 17-year-old. I just want to let it grow."

Kander prescribes a number of exercises meant to give Milicic upper body strength, better balance and more explosiveness in his jumping ability.

He also gives him a tip or two about rebounding by pulling a page out of Ben Wallace''s book. The key to Wallace''s rebounding prowess, according to Kander, is the way he always keeps his arms bent. It allows him to free himself from defenders and get to the ball quicker. Kander shows Milicic exercises that will get him in the right position to rebound. Nothing like learning from the best.

"He has all of the physical tools to exceed," says Kander, who has been testing draft prospects for the Pistons the last 10 years. "My job is to teach him how to use them."

Kander lectures Milicic on everything from posture to shooting form to push-up positions. Darko eats it up. He had nothing even remotely close to this in Yugoslavia. Kander promises that if Milicic faithfully follows the regime four times a week, he''ll be in NBA shape by the start of summer league.

After the workout, Milicic measures out bigger than expected: 7-foot-1, 253 pounds.

Robinson has found religion.

"I''ve seen a lot of kids come through here in my day," Robinson says. "And none of them have ever played like that. That kid''s going to be a star. He''s a 7-footer that plays like a point guard. That kid''s something special."

From the looks on the faces of the rest of the Piston brass and assistant coaches, they''re on the same page.

"Welcome to the Pistons, young fella," Robinson tells Darko after the workout. "Ain''t youth a wonderful thing?"

Yes it is. Like just about anything else Robinson says, it''s awfully hard to argue with 92 years of experience.

In a league that can be swayed by the whims of trends and fleeting success stories, it''s nice to have an anchor that keeps the ship from straying too far beyond shore.

Will Robinson is sold on Darko Mililic. The question, for the unbelievers still out there, is why aren''t you?
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