alekpetro je napisao/la:
Ne. Ti ne smes da diras loptu kad udari u obruc, sve dok postoji verovatnoca da ona udje u kos. Sad ti mozes da je skines, ali sudija vrsi procenu da li je ona isla u kos.
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Ovo što si naveo vrijedi prema 31.2.5 FIBA-inih pravila samo u ova dva slučaja (No player shall touch the ball after it has touched the ring while it still has the possibility of entering the basket):
• An official blows the whistle while the ball is in the hands of a player in the act of shooting, or the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal,
• The game clock signal sounds for the end of the period while the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal,
Za sve ostale slučajeve vrijedi pravilo da šut završava u sljedećim slučajevima (točka 31.1.1)
- Enters the basket directly from above and remains within or passes through the basket.
- No longer has the possibility of entering the basket.
- Touches the ring.
- Touches the floor.
- Becomes dead.
Dok traje šut vrijedi pravilo da se lopta ne smije dirati ako je u silaznoj putanji ili nakon što je udarila u tablu (točka 31.2.1)
Goaltending occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and:
• It is on its downward flight to the basket, or
• After it has touched the backboard.
Ali nakon što lopta dotakne obruč, šut je završio i prestaju ograničenja iz točke 31.2.1 što je navedeno u točki 31.2.3 što je i Sky22 naveo:
The goaltending restrictions apply until:
• The ball no longer has the possibility of entering the basket.
• The ball has touched the ring.
i tada domaći igrači mogu loptu maknuti iz koša, osim (vratimo se na početak) ako se oglasio sudac radi faula pa treba vidjeti hoće li biti i dodatno bacanje, ili je sirena označila kraj četvrtine pa treba vidjeti hoće li dok lopta skaće po obruču biti koš ili ne (pravilo 31.2.5) primjer - Smithov koš Partizanu.