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a sad nazad na Milicica
Darko Milicic, the Pistons'' No. 1 draft ***, apparently has an affinity for Scores, a New York strip club.
According to Sunday''s New York Post, Milicic, who turned 18 on June 20, has visited the club several times over the past three weeks.
The Post reported that Milicic''s visits to Scores culminated "in a post-Draft Night get-together with the Nets'' top ***, Croatian Zoran Planinic, and the Knicks'' new Polish heartthrob, Maciej Lampe. . . .
"Of Darko, our Inspyder noted, ''He is very generous with the dancers and always buys dances for his friends, and has been known to have two girls dance for him at one time.''
"As promised, the gentlemen also bore gifts -- AND1 sweatshirts and warm-up jackets for the girls. And they didn''t forget Little John the Doorman, who has big feet. You know what they say about big feet -- you need big sneakers -- and the hoopsters presented John with size-17 dandies.
"On Tuesday night, Jenna and Heidi, the two ''Survivor'' girls, who are featured in the new Playboy were sitting at Scores. Jenna, the sole Survivor who took home the million-dollar prize, was telling a friend how she is attracted to tall men. Just then, in walks the 7-foot-1 Milicic. Darko sat with Jenna, and the two had a nice chat."
iskreno, da imate 18 godina jel bi vishe voleli da imaete grupno tushiranje sa Stojakovicem i Drobnjakom ili sa Jennom iz Playboya? naravno da je odgovor jasan