Mario Hezonja

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 13.06.2011.
Poruka: 16.608
07. listopada 2017. u 20:40
obećao sam adminu da ću biti dobar
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.07.2017.
Poruka: 2.302
07. listopada 2017. u 21:54
hawks91 je napisao/la:
200kn, L cini mi se
Vidi cijeli citat

Uzeo bi ali mi treba "XXL".
[uredio Mag - 07. listopada 2017. u 21:55]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.07.2017.
Poruka: 2.302
07. listopada 2017. u 21:56
Pa što ne kopirate tekst o Hezonji...


Mario Hezonja | SF/PF | Orlando Magic

Player Type: Versatile shooting combo forward

Strengths that haven't translated

Shooting: Hezonja hit 38.1 percent from 3 the year before entering the NBA, including 60.0 percent of his triples in seven games vs Real Madrid, but has struggled mightily to find his stroke in the NBA, finishing in the 29th percentile on catch-and-shoot jumpers and 37th off the dribble, while making only 30 percent of his 3s.

Athleticism/finishing: While his athleticism popped in Europe, Hezonja's explosiveness hasn't translated to the NBA level as the same wing who shot 62.1 percent at the rim on 58 attempts in 2014-15 made only 36.5 percent of his shots at the rim last season, dead last among players with more than 50 attempts.

Defensive potential: Although always lacking discipline in his game, Hezonja appeared to have the foot speed and agility to develop into a plus-defender, but that has yet to come to fruition against NBA wings.

Concerns that held up

Decision-making: Hezonja's no-filter style of play was on display last season as 80.1 percent of his shots were jumpers, with 33 percent of those coming between 17 feet and the 3-point line.

Ball-handling: His rigid handle has really limited him as a half-court shot creator as he's struggled to get all the way to the rim and create high percentage looks in the half court.

Drawing fouls: Hezonja averaged only 0.12 free throw attempts per field goal in 2014-15, and that has remained fairly consistent during his NBA career -- 0.13 in 2015-16 and 0.15 in 2016-17.

Situational factor

Hezonja entered arguably the worst developmental situation in the NBA, joining an Orlando team that was on its third coach in four seasons, lacking direction and in dire need of a future star. The fiery, hard-headed guard was paired with Scott Skiles, a rigid, old-school coach who had run his course at the NBA level and the two predictably butted heads. Hezonja's leash shortened even more under new head coach Frank Vogel, who was under pressure to make the playoffs, and his production plummeted.

Reasons for optimism/pessimism

In a depleted Eastern conference, the Magic are expected to be more competitive, and Hezonja may have a chance to play a role in meaningful games on a team that lacks shooting. However, the Magic drafted Jonathan Isaac, still have Aaron Gordon, remained committed to Evan Fournier and added Jonathon Simmons for three years, so where does Hezonja fit in?

Now standing 6-10 in shoes, weighing 220 pounds, Hezonja skipped Eurobasket to train in Los Angeles all summer long. The 22-year-old has more than enough mass to play considerable minutes at the 4 this season, something Vogel did more of toward the end of last year. He has the footwork and release to catch-and-shoot off of screens, step into one or two dribble pull-ups if chased or use his size to get to the rim if the defense doesn't commit a second defender. He can make quick-action pull-ups with nice elevation out of ball screens and is a capable enough passer to hit the roll man if his defender has to fight over. More time at the 4 will also allow for longer closeouts and more spacious driving lanes -- something Orlando has severely lacked since he arrived.

But has Hezonja already run his course in Orlando? Will the new, well-respected Magic front office of Jeff Weltman and John Hammond remain patient? There's a chance it takes Hezonja bottoming out with Orlando before eventually turning things around, but he remains a very intriguing buy-low candidate for teams in need of a shot-making combo forward.

[uredio Mag - 07. listopada 2017. u 21:57]
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 11.08.2017.
Poruka: 490
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.09.2017.
Poruka: 130
07. listopada 2017. u 22:08
Nije bio naj bolji u selu ali se otisnuo preko bare.
Moramo mu priznati hrabrost.
Sada mu preostaje raditi ono što je trebao i morao od 16 do 20 godina.Dakle igrati košarku ali sada po surovim pravilima .
To nemogu učiniti njegovi menadžeri niti novinarsko sportska propaganda.Licem u lice, jesi ili nisi?
Vrlo ugodna rabota pod uvjetom da ne prati košarkaške  forume ,jer da  nije njih nebi ni znao da još nije bio  materijal za NBA nego za tkz. amatersku košarkui
[uredio pasdupli - 07. listopada 2017. u 22:09]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 26.08.2015.
Poruka: 2.106
07. listopada 2017. u 23:56
Neki od komentara sa real gm,,: ..last game if he make just one more 3s his evaluation will be awesome
2s 3/5 60%
3s 2/5 40%
this is just preseason for him
last year he was just a shooter so 3s for him was only important thing
now he attack the rim with success, his layout isnt like oladipos (without touch) and hi is much more often on ft line
and his passing ability is awesome
byombo can't catch the bal but simmons can
assist is always about 2 guys, who pass and who catch (and can he finish)
with better player arround you, you can be better passer
if his fta is 10 and he drill 10+ pts it is good contribution
but if his 3s become close to 40% and his attacking the rim is 60% with at least 3 ft per game his contribution will be huge
more than huge

people all over Mario....
He shot 4-10, Simmons shot 4-12. Mario had the highest +/- on the team.
To me, his non shooting game is coming around, passing, getting to the line, defense, (not saying great defender, just now knows how to play in system). itd...uglavnom ima skeptika isto koliko i pozitivnih komentara,samo se nadam da nisu naši u pitanju.

[uredio j.s.veron - 07. listopada 2017. u 23:57]
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.07.2012.
Poruka: 14.082
08. listopada 2017. u 01:53
Evo gledam drugu četvrtinu, imao jedan napad na koš koji nažalost lopta nije ušla i u istom napadu promašena trica...Međutim u obrani igra zaista sjajnu obranu, nikad ga nisam vidio toliko koncentrirana, evo sad je iznudio faul u napadu. 
Za tricu zaista ne znam šta da kažem, pa Shaq bi zabio barem dvije iz toliko pokušaja...
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 07.05.2015.
Poruka: 2.399
08. listopada 2017. u 02:06
Igra agresivno i u napadu i u obrani.Par puta je lipo ,čvrsto probia čuvara i doda ili šutira iz rolinga.

Nikad ga nisan vidia ovako koncetriranog.Sa ovakvom igrom će doći i šut,mora jer kad mu malo počne ulaziti biti će mu dosta lakše.Ako nastavi ovako,ovo će uistinu biti njegova sezona.

Ova napadačka agresivnost baca na dane u Barceloni...
Zovu Lakersi,ali zove i Zadar.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 26.08.2015.
Poruka: 2.106
08. listopada 2017. u 02:15
Ja ga ne bi želio ureknut ali mislim da bi ove sezone trebao napokon neš napravit,pa barem po pitanju psihe,inače ćao đaci..
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 21.02.2017.
Poruka: 1.600
08. listopada 2017. u 02:56
Ne izgleda dobro za Hezonju