Mario Hezonja

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
13. lipnja 2011. u 17:13
(Jel vec postoji tema?)

2011 adidas Eurocamp: Day 2

Sun, 06/12/2011 - 7:04pm
Day two of the 2011 adidas Eurocamp was another long, eventful day. Add Chris Wallace to the list of GMs (Kevin O'Connor, Bryan Colangelo, RC Buford, Darryl Morray, Masai Ujiri, John Hammond, Dell Demps, and David Kahn) making what has to be a camp record 9 GMs that came over for the event. Larry Bird and Indiana cancelled due to rain delays.

A Star is Born

I've gotten a chance to see Mario Hezonja at three different events now in the past couple months (Jordan All American Classic, Final Four juniors in Barcelona and now here). And I will say he is probably the best 2-guard prospect to come out of Europe since Drazen Petrovic. Rudy Fernandez and Marco Belinelli weren't even close to the talent

Mario Hezonja

Mario Hezonja
or polished players that he is at 16 years of age. He's certainly the most talented European guard prospect that I have seen in the 10 years I've been doing this. He's playing against kids 3 years older than himself and making it look easy.

He began the game against the Under 19 Serbian Team with a quick three pointer and followed that up with a dunk on the break. He also made a nifty up and under move and stroked another pretty outside shot finishing with 17 points on 7-10 shooting. So much for jitters with 50 NBA scouts watching.

We'll get a chance to see him again tomorrow but it appears he has eclipsed fellow Croatian wonder 6-10 small forward Dario Saric as the top European prospect of the next generation. 1992 has Jonas Valanciunas, but it doesn't appear there is a better pro prospect in the years in between.

He can handle the ball, shoot from distance, plays with great intensity and is extremely athletic. If he were in the USA, he would be going into just his sophomore year and would easily be a top 3-5 player in his class. He's that good. I'll write more about him tomorrow.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
13. lipnja 2011. u 17:13

Mario Hezonja stole the show with breathtaking athleticism and a silky smooth fluidity, elevating repeatedly around the rim for some explosive dunks, and knocking down shots from the perimeter. Many NBA people were calling him the best player at the camp at the ripe age of 16 (born 1995)—going up against players two and three years older than him. We had already had a chance to scout Hezonja in person on two opportunities this year in Charlotte at the Jordan Brand Classic and at the Nike International Junior Tournament in Barcelona, and we could only nod our heads in agreement as scouts praised his precocious talent.

kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
13. lipnja 2011. u 17:55
Ne valja. Overhype. Mozda i jeste toliko talentiran al ne valjda da se o njemu sa 16 pričaju bajke. Današnjim klincima je puno teže nego Draženu i ekipi. Sa 16 već ko od šale nadju 100 000 linkova o sebi. Lako im se u glavi zavrti od toga. Treba bit neko pravilo na forumu da se o klincima ispod 18 ne smiju otvarati teme. I treba ih nazivati sa "onaj čije ime se ne spominje" u postovima
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
13. lipnja 2011. u 18:01
Sigurno ce ovaj thread njega unistiti.

Bez ovu temu njemu bi sigurno bilo malo manji pritisak.  

Razumijem poantu, ali jebiga, sto je tu je. 

kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
13. lipnja 2011. u 18:07
of kors, dobro se razumijemo
randy marsh
randy marsh
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2011.
Poruka: 9.678
13. lipnja 2011. u 20:58
pa jbga, živimo u takvom vremenu, moraju se naviknuti na medijski pritisak. Koliko god you tube i dostupnost scoutima jeste pritisak, ako to pravilno iskoristiš može biti velika prednost. Dakle, nema izgovora, samo naprijed!
...jedna po jedna prsnu pod nogom!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.02.2010.
Poruka: 121
13. lipnja 2011. u 21:50
Jordan Brand Classic International Game: Top Prospects
April 20, 2011
Coming off a strong performance at the NIJT qualifier in Rome a few months ago (Hezonja helped his team qualify for a trip to the Euroleague Final Four in Barcelona despite being significantly younger than most of his opponents),Mario Hezonjawas one of the more intriguing prospects slated to be at this event.

Hezonja did little to dispel the notion that he's one of the top young prospects in European basketball over the course of the week, although his performance in the game was a bit uneven – he scored 15 points and dished four assists, but shot just 6-19 from the field and turned the ball over eight times.

The intrigue around Hezonja begins with his excellent physical attributes. He's a true wing player with terrific size (6-6), a very nice frame and outstanding athleticism. He reeled off a couple of impressive dunks over the course of the week and showed the quickness and fluidity needed to create his own shot effectively.

Hezonja has a nice stroke from beyond the arc, showing the ability to knock down 3-pointers with his feet set or off the dribble. He can also beat his man off the bounce, getting low to the ground and even mixing in some nice spin moves at times.

His ball-handling skills are still a work in progress, though, particularly his ability to change speed and direction. His decision making ability hasn't quite caught up to his talent level, as evidenced by his poor shot selection and struggles with turnovers in Charlotte.

On the defensive end, Hezonja was not particularly impressive, showing average length and putting in little effort.

Hezonja also showed a bit of cockiness, which is a bit concerning considering his age. He looked aloof and displayed poor body language at times. Hopefully this is just a sign of immaturity and not an indication that his early success is going to his head.

In terms of physical attributes and pure talent, there's no question that Hezonja is well ahead of most players in the world at his age. If he continues to work on his game and stays humble, his future is obviously very bright.

From DraftExpress.com

kada već vadimo komentare na hezonju. za razliku od ostalih, ovdje ima i kritike. 
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 05.04.2011.
Poruka: 2.664
13. lipnja 2011. u 22:05
Zanimljivo, kritiziraju njegov "decision making ability". A kad govorimo o sirovom talentu, onda je baš to ono što mi prvo padne napamet i gdje se pokazuje nečija genijalnost.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 02.10.2010.
Poruka: 7.976
13. lipnja 2011. u 22:14
pa postoje razne vrste talenta. a na zalost kosarka je takav sport da je taj "decision making ability" gotovo najmanje bitan za uspjeh. uzmi primjer malog prostrana, da je samo to vazno bio bi jedan od najboljih na svijetu, ovako njegovo tijelo ne dopusta da uopce igra profesionalno.

mene vise brine kad kaze da je hezonja los u obrani, s takvim predispozicijama trebao bi ubijat
...ladne su mi, ladne ove kiše a na jugu i zime su od zlata...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.05.2011.
Poruka: 930
14. lipnja 2011. u 00:06
Kritiziral sam Hezonu na forumu.Sam negativni  dio njegove sportske osobnosti.Dar za sport kaj ga on ima je rjetko viđen.Pitanje je kaj će pobjediti u njemu ...fantastične fizičke predispozicije ili isto toliko veliki egoizam?Odgovor mogu dati sam njegovi roditelji i trener pod uvjetom da već sada  prepoznaju i pravilno usmjere  personality koji ga čini različitim od ostale dece.
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