Mario Hezonja

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 26.10.2017.
Poruka: 7.848
01. veljače 2018. u 14:36
prosle sezone Hezonja je postigao ukupno 317 poena.... i ove godine je postigao 317.......dosad
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 27.11.2017.
Poruka: 264
01. veljače 2018. u 16:18
Bullsi i Pelicansi se čine kao momčadi sa najvećom rupom na poziciji 3, tako da bi idealno bilo kada bi Mario završio u jednoj od tih franšiza.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 29.01.2011.
Poruka: 159
01. veljače 2018. u 20:52
DownToBuck genijalan kao i obicno:

Mario Hezonja had a successful three-point excursion for the second straight game, nailing four of five triples in this one after hitting three of five in the previous game. Two games is a small sample size, too small to draw useful conclusions, but I'm sure all you optimists out there are saying to yourselves, "Hezonja's shooting his finally come through! This is the start of him being a sharpshooter who is coveted leaguewide for his quick release and accuracy!" I'm not ready to make such proclamations myself, but I can see where the optimism would come from. Hezonja scored nearly 11 PPG in the month of January after being RUDELY AND UNFAIRLY HELD DOWN by coach Vogel for most of the early part of the season. Hezonja has proved with his play recently that he at least deserves some minutes. Maybe not starter's minutes, he hasn't quite earned those yet, but significant minutes off the bench in every game are basically an inalienable human right for a top-five pick who's playing like this. If Vogel doesn't continue to give him those minutes, I will contact the United Nations.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 27.07.2014.
Poruka: 36.575
01. veljače 2018. u 21:57
Samo san se dosa jos jedanput posut pepelon!
MIRIŠE NA TITULU / Bit cemo prvaci ako nas pogleda
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 27.11.2017.
Poruka: 264
01. veljače 2018. u 22:47
Hezonja je proigrao tek kada je i Fićo odustao od njega, slučajnost?  
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 26.10.2017.
Poruka: 7.848
02. veljače 2018. u 01:37

Play Mario Hezonja more

Mario Hezonja will be an unrestricted free agent this summer, and although he has done little to suggest it would be a mistake letting him walk, some are getting nervous.

This is because he’s taken his chances in the lineup whenever injuries have struck down his teammates, which has been pretty frequently.

Why, then, would the Magic want to alert other teams to him any more by playing him more than they already are? With the trade deadline approaching, contending teams in need of some scoring off the bench are going to panic and want to bring guys in.

Hezonja is one such player, especially given how he has played since around Christmas time, with that 28-point, 8-of-12 shooting night from downtown game against the Detroit Pistons being the turning point.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.10.2016.
Poruka: 1.184
02. veljače 2018. u 10:03
replicant je napisao/la:

Mario Hezonja will be an unrestricted free agent this summer, and although he has done little to suggest it would be a mistake letting him walk,....

Vidi cijeli citat

Ovaj dio mi nije jasan? Netko još sumnja da on vrijedi 5 miliona godišnje?
[uredio Putreni - 02. veljače 2018. u 10:03]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 05.06.2006.
Poruka: 2.683
02. veljače 2018. u 23:52
Izgleda da u Orlandu ipak misle o trejdu pred kraj, ali ne za Hezonju nego za AG.
Uzimajuci u vidu da igra najbolju sezonu dosad, u Orlandu mogu nesto dobiti i u uzvratu za promenu.
Iako dosad su u trejdovima su bas promasivali zadnjih godina....

Ko vidi Nindžino lice i priča o tome, umreće u najstrašnijim mukama!
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 11.09.2010.
Poruka: 234
04. veljače 2018. u 00:58
Gordon out, ali Mario opet s klupe...

Frank Vogel said he initially planned to start Mario Hezonja at PF tonight, but he decided it would be best to go with the same lineup that fared so well in the win over the Lakers. Also, John Wall's absence makes it easier to play Speights on defense.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 26.10.2017.
Poruka: 7.848
04. veljače 2018. u 05:18
10-14 za tri u zadnje tri tekme.....
kad bi zadrzao priblizno ovakav nivo jos neko vrijeme ( sto je prakticno neizvedivo al samo da ne padne previse....) to bi mu diglo 3pfg% na preko 40 posto a to bi ga onda u lipnju napravilo jako jako bogatim .......