NBA 2009-10
Istraživanje: Adriana Lima najljepša žena NBA košarkaša
Američki online-portal The Big Lead, birao je deset najljepših žena NBA košarkaša, a podcrtali su kako jedna od njih nema nikakvu konkurenciju.
Apsolutna je pobjednica Brazilka Adriana Lima, 28-godišnja manekenka koja se u veljači ove godine udala za srpskog košarkaša Marka Jarića, inače člana Memphis Grizzliesa.
Recimo samo da je Adriana Lima kroz svoj život imala mnogo burnih veza, od kojih je javnosti najpoznatija ona s američkim rockerom Lennyjem Kravitzom.
Za nju je The Big Lead napisao da pobjeđuje bez ikakve konkurencije i da bi bilo lijepo da Jarić, barem donekle, tako dominira u NBA ligi.
Na drugom mjestu je Vanessa Bryant, supruga ponajboljeg NBA košarkaša Kobea Bryanta. Za nju se navodi da nije izgubila ništa od svoje ljepote makar je rodila dvoje djece.
Istraživanje: Adriana Lima najljepša žena NBA košarkaša
Eva Longoria i Tony Parker (photo: gettyimages)
Na trećem je mjestu Hope Dworaczky, supruga jednog od najboljih organizatora igre svih vremena Jasona Kidda, dok pomalo iznenađuje tek peto mjesto Eve Longorije, poznate glumice, koja je uz to bolja polovica Francuza Tonyja Parkera. Kaže se da je vrlo dobro vino, ali u jakoj konkurenciji.
Top 10 najljepših žena NBA košarkaša:
1. Adriana Lima (Marko Jarić)
2. Vanessa Bryant (Kobe Bryant)
3. Hope Dworaczyk (Jason Kidd)
4. Alek Kamil (Predrag Stojaković)
5. Eva Longoria (Tony Parker)
6. Heidi Battier (Shane Battier)
7. Tamia Hill (Grant Hill)
8. Yeliz Okura (Mehmet Okur)
9. LaLa Vazquez (Carmelo Anthony)
10. Gabrielle Union (Dwayne Wade)
... [/quote]
Istraživanje: Adriana Lima najljepša žena NBA košarkaša
Američki online-portal The Big Lead, birao je deset najljepših žena NBA košarkaša, a podcrtali su kako jedna od njih nema nikakvu konkurenciju.
Apsolutna je pobjednica Brazilka Adriana Lima, 28-godišnja manekenka koja se u veljači ove godine udala za srpskog košarkaša Marka Jarića, inače člana Memphis Grizzliesa.
Recimo samo da je Adriana Lima kroz svoj život imala mnogo burnih veza, od kojih je javnosti najpoznatija ona s američkim rockerom Lennyjem Kravitzom.
Za nju je The Big Lead napisao da pobjeđuje bez ikakve konkurencije i da bi bilo lijepo da Jarić, barem donekle, tako dominira u NBA ligi.
Na drugom mjestu je Vanessa Bryant, supruga ponajboljeg NBA košarkaša Kobea Bryanta. Za nju se navodi da nije izgubila ništa od svoje ljepote makar je rodila dvoje djece.
Istraživanje: Adriana Lima najljepša žena NBA košarkaša
Eva Longoria i Tony Parker (photo: gettyimages)
Na trećem je mjestu Hope Dworaczky, supruga jednog od najboljih organizatora igre svih vremena Jasona Kidda, dok pomalo iznenađuje tek peto mjesto Eve Longorije, poznate glumice, koja je uz to bolja polovica Francuza Tonyja Parkera. Kaže se da je vrlo dobro vino, ali u jakoj konkurenciji.
Top 10 najljepših žena NBA košarkaša:
1. Adriana Lima (Marko Jarić)
2. Vanessa Bryant (Kobe Bryant)
3. Hope Dworaczyk (Jason Kidd)
4. Alek Kamil (Predrag Stojaković)
5. Eva Longoria (Tony Parker)
6. Heidi Battier (Shane Battier)
7. Tamia Hill (Grant Hill)
8. Yeliz Okura (Mehmet Okur)
9. LaLa Vazquez (Carmelo Anthony)
10. Gabrielle Union (Dwayne Wade)
... [/quote]
[quote]Istraživanje: Prvaci NBA nakon poraza u prošlogodišnjem finaluDok je Kobe Bryant plesao na terenu slaveći tako pobjedu u NBA finalu, Dwight Howard
je tugovao na klupi sa svojom momčadi. Dok su Lakersi slavili, Howard
je razmišljao o svojem idućem koraku. Zagrlio je svog suigrača Jameer Nelsona, zajedno su sjeli na klupu i rekli da žele iduće godine podići trofej Larry O'Brien.
"Nekad moraš izgubiti da bi pobjedio", rekao je Howard. To je izjava koja seže još u vremena kad je još postojala čipka na lopti. Smetnja koja izgrađuje karakter i postavlja temelje za iduće uspjehe.
Nakon 20 godina i Bad Boysa iz Detroita, Lakersi su prvi tim koji je nakon poraza u NBA finalu uspio iduće sezone biti NBA prvak. U prethodne 62 NBA sezone svega 9 puta su se timovi gubitnici iduće sezone vraćali kao NBA prvaci.
Posljednji put kada je netko ovo učinio je 1989. godina kad su Detroit Pistonsi osvojili titulu NBA prvaka nakon što su prethodne sezone izgubili u finalu od Los Angeles Lakersa. U toj seriji 1988., koja se igrala u 7 utakmica, herojski se istaknuo Isiah Thomas koji je igrao sa ozljeđenim gležnjom.
Možda je Pistonse tada najviše motivirao Thomas i njegova borba da dođe do vrha. To je bilo kao penjanje na jednu višu razinu. Prvo su pobjedili Boston Celticse u finalu Istoka da bi se popeli na tron pobjedom protiv Lakersa od 4-0.
No činjenica je da poraz u NBA finalu znači i žaljenje za propuštenom prilikom. Sjetimo se samo promašaja Courtney Leeja koji bi donio pobjedu Magicu, ili 2 promašena slobodna bacanja Dwighta Howarda u 4. utakmici. Sigurno je da će to utjecati na psihičko stanje svih igrača Magica idućih par godina.
Utah Jazz Karl Malona i Johna Stocktona su jedina momčad koja je mogla
parirati Jordanovim Bullsima u osvajanju 6 NBA titula. Iako su Lakersi,
Sunsi, Blazersi i Supersonicsi u svojim redovima imali po nekoliko
All-star igrača, to nije bilo dovoljno da se bar malo približe
Bullsima. Ozljede, zamjene igrača i čudesni pobjednički šutevi Jordana
su razlog zbog kojih ove momčadi nikad nisu pobjeđivale u finalima.
Zanimljivo je da su Lakersi, dok su osvajali 3 uzastopne titule (2000., 2001., 2002.), uvijek igrali protiv različitih timova u NBA finalu. Redom su to bili Indiana, Philadelphia i New Jersey.
Maratonski duga NBA sezona traži od svih momčadi konstantnost, disciplinu i zdravlje. Upravo je ozljeda Kevina Garnetta razlog zašto su Celticsi ispali već u 2. krugu playoffa ove sezone.
Orlando Magic je zadnji put bio u finalu 1995. kad su ih predvodili mladi Shaquille O'Neal i Penny Hardaway. Tada su uvjerljivo izgubili 4-0 od Houston Rocketsa, no mislili su da će pred njima biti još prilika za NBA titulu. Iduće sezone pomeli su ih Chicago Bullsi u finalu Istočne konferencije. Vidjevši da ne može u Orlandu, O'Neal odlazi u Lakerse srušivši time snove o dinastiji u Orlandu.
Danas, 14 godina poslije, Magic se nakon poraza u finalu, želi vratiti na tron kao prvak.
Mogu li zadržati free agente Hedu Turkougla i Marcel Gortata? Može li Jameer Nelson opet pružiti partije zbog kojih je pozvan na All-star utakmicu? Mogu li iduće sezone biti još bolji nego ove?
"Ne možete uzeti zdravo za gotovo da ćemo opet imati ovakvu priliku", rekao je trener Magica Stan Van Gundy. Dok su gledali Lakerse kako slave, jesu li Nelson i Howard shvatili da je vratiti se teže nego što to izgleda?
Za kraj, donosimo vam popis timova koji su nakon poraza u NBA finalu, uspjeli doći do naslova prvaka već iduće sezone.
1954. Minneapolis-Syracuse 4-3
1955. Syracuse-Fort Wayne 4-3
1957. Boston-St. Louis 4-3
1958. St. Louis-Boston 4-2
1958. St. Louis-Boston 4-2
1959. Boston-Minneapolis 4-0
1972. Los Angeles-New York 4-1
1973. New York-Los Angeles 4-1
1982. Los Angeles-Philadelphia 4-2
1983. Philadelphia-Los Angeles 4-0
1984. Boston-Los Angeles 4-3
1985. Los Angeles-Boston 4-2
1985. Los Angeles-Boston 4-2
1986. Boston-Houston 4-2
1988. Los Angeles-Detroit 4-3
1989. Detroit-Los Angeles 4-0
2008. Boston-Los Angeles 4-2
2009. Los Angeles-Orlando 4-1[/quote]
Kobe Bryant osvojio četvrti NBA naslov (photo: gettyimages)
"Nekad moraš izgubiti da bi pobjedio", rekao je Howard. To je izjava koja seže još u vremena kad je još postojala čipka na lopti. Smetnja koja izgrađuje karakter i postavlja temelje za iduće uspjehe.
Nakon 20 godina i Bad Boysa iz Detroita, Lakersi su prvi tim koji je nakon poraza u NBA finalu uspio iduće sezone biti NBA prvak. U prethodne 62 NBA sezone svega 9 puta su se timovi gubitnici iduće sezone vraćali kao NBA prvaci.
Posljednji put kada je netko ovo učinio je 1989. godina kad su Detroit Pistonsi osvojili titulu NBA prvaka nakon što su prethodne sezone izgubili u finalu od Los Angeles Lakersa. U toj seriji 1988., koja se igrala u 7 utakmica, herojski se istaknuo Isiah Thomas koji je igrao sa ozljeđenim gležnjom.
Možda je Pistonse tada najviše motivirao Thomas i njegova borba da dođe do vrha. To je bilo kao penjanje na jednu višu razinu. Prvo su pobjedili Boston Celticse u finalu Istoka da bi se popeli na tron pobjedom protiv Lakersa od 4-0.
No činjenica je da poraz u NBA finalu znači i žaljenje za propuštenom prilikom. Sjetimo se samo promašaja Courtney Leeja koji bi donio pobjedu Magicu, ili 2 promašena slobodna bacanja Dwighta Howarda u 4. utakmici. Sigurno je da će to utjecati na psihičko stanje svih igrača Magica idućih par godina.
Malone i Stockton još sanjanju nevjerojatnog Michaela Jordana (photo: gettyimages)
Zanimljivo je da su Lakersi, dok su osvajali 3 uzastopne titule (2000., 2001., 2002.), uvijek igrali protiv različitih timova u NBA finalu. Redom su to bili Indiana, Philadelphia i New Jersey.
Maratonski duga NBA sezona traži od svih momčadi konstantnost, disciplinu i zdravlje. Upravo je ozljeda Kevina Garnetta razlog zašto su Celticsi ispali već u 2. krugu playoffa ove sezone.
Orlando Magic je zadnji put bio u finalu 1995. kad su ih predvodili mladi Shaquille O'Neal i Penny Hardaway. Tada su uvjerljivo izgubili 4-0 od Houston Rocketsa, no mislili su da će pred njima biti još prilika za NBA titulu. Iduće sezone pomeli su ih Chicago Bullsi u finalu Istočne konferencije. Vidjevši da ne može u Orlandu, O'Neal odlazi u Lakerse srušivši time snove o dinastiji u Orlandu.
Danas, 14 godina poslije, Magic se nakon poraza u finalu, želi vratiti na tron kao prvak.
Mogu li zadržati free agente Hedu Turkougla i Marcel Gortata? Može li Jameer Nelson opet pružiti partije zbog kojih je pozvan na All-star utakmicu? Mogu li iduće sezone biti još bolji nego ove?
"Ne možete uzeti zdravo za gotovo da ćemo opet imati ovakvu priliku", rekao je trener Magica Stan Van Gundy. Dok su gledali Lakerse kako slave, jesu li Nelson i Howard shvatili da je vratiti se teže nego što to izgleda?
Za kraj, donosimo vam popis timova koji su nakon poraza u NBA finalu, uspjeli doći do naslova prvaka već iduće sezone.
1954. Minneapolis-Syracuse 4-3
1955. Syracuse-Fort Wayne 4-3
1957. Boston-St. Louis 4-3
1958. St. Louis-Boston 4-2
1958. St. Louis-Boston 4-2
1959. Boston-Minneapolis 4-0
1972. Los Angeles-New York 4-1
1973. New York-Los Angeles 4-1
1982. Los Angeles-Philadelphia 4-2
1983. Philadelphia-Los Angeles 4-0
1984. Boston-Los Angeles 4-3
1985. Los Angeles-Boston 4-2
1985. Los Angeles-Boston 4-2
1986. Boston-Houston 4-2
1988. Los Angeles-Detroit 4-3
1989. Detroit-Los Angeles 4-0
2008. Boston-Los Angeles 4-2
2009. Los Angeles-Orlando 4-1[/quote]
[uredio filip1992 - 28. lipnja 2009. u 14:34]
aaaaa Kobe crni Kobe..
evo još jednog na temu Kobijeve seksualnosti
nek i Krušlin vidi Rija, al Hrvatsku sine voli
Istraživanje: Najutjecajnije osobe američke košarke / 1. dio
vam 1. dio priče o najmoćnijim ljudima globalne košarkaške scene
današnjice koja je, naravno, većim dijelom orijentirana na američko
košarkaško tržište, i to ne bez razloga. Dobro je poznato da NBA ima
najveći utjecaj u svijetu košarke, a sada ćete otkriti i tko su
najutjecajniji ljudi u američkoj košarci. David Stern i LeBron James (photo: gettyimages)
Među moćnicima koji drmaju svijetom košarke nalazi se (osim igrača, trenera, čelnih ljudi klubova) veliki broj menadžera i predsjednika velikih sportskih marki koji u velikom dijelu određuju popularnost košarkaških zvijezdi. Naravno, korist je obostrana.
1. David Stern - NBA komesar
2. SFK Entertainment - menadžerska agencija čiji su vlasnici David Falk i Arn Teller.
3. Adam Silver - predsjednik NBA Entertainmenta i RUSS Granik, zamjenik NBA komesara.
4. George Bodenheimer - predsjednik ESPN-a. U svijetu košarke ESPN je
5. Mike Krzyzewski - trener sveučilišta Duke.
6. Billy Hunter - izvršni direktor udruženja NBA igrača.
7. Phil Knight - osnivač i predsjednik Nikea.
Shaquille O'Neal (photo: gettyimages)
9. Paul Fireman - predsjednik Reeboka.
10. Allen Iverson - igrač Detroit Pistonsa.
[uredio filip1992 - 29. lipnja 2009. u 14:16]
Rockets could lose Yao for season, if not longer
As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming’s(notes) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets. The fear isn’t that he’s just lost for next season, but longer.
The Rockets and Yao’s reps are frightened over his future, and the concern is the most base of all: Does Yao Ming ever play again?
“The realization has hit them that this is grave,” one NBA general manager said.
For now, the Rockets have privately told league peers it could be a full season before Yao might be able to return to basketball. Multiple league executives, officials close to Yao and two doctors with knowledge of the diagnoses are describing a troubling re-fracture of his navicular bone. Three pins were inserted a year ago, but the foot cracked in the playoffs and isn’t healing.
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“It sounds like he’s missing most of next season, if not the entire 82 games,” one league executive who has had recent discussions with the Houston front office told Yahoo! Sports. “That’s all that [the Rockets] will concede quietly, but they know it’s probably much worse.”
After Yahoo! Sports first reported the severity of Yao’s injury, Rockets team physician Tom Clanton conceded franchise’s fears to the Houston Chronicle.
“At this point, the injury has the potential for him missing this next season and could be career threatening,” Clanton said. “One of the things we are trying to get is a consensus opinion on that, to make certain there is no option we are overlooking that would provide an earlier return or would be an option for treatment that he would prefer rather than doing additional surgery.”
Houston general manager Daryl Morey refused comment on Monday and a team spokesman said the Rockets will not have further comment until Yao undergoes additional medical tests.
There’s no reason for the Rockets to disclose the severity of the injury, nor the uncertainty over Yao’s future. Before the Rockets confirm a dire diagnosis, they plan to send him to three more specialists this week, a source said. For now, the Rockets have season tickets and sponsorships to sell.
This has turned into an impossible situation for the Rockets’ capable GM. Even if Yao plays again, Morey knows it’s just a matter of time until his lower body breaks down. His feet and ankles just can’t support the mobility of his 7-foot-6 frame.
With four surgeries in three years, the Rockets worried they were reaching a breaking point. Well, it’s here. After missing 86 games in the previous three seasons, the 28-year-old Yao missed a mere five this past regular season before injuring his foot during the Rockets’ second-round playoff series against the Los Angeles Lakers.
It wasn’t until last week when Houston issued a statement saying Yao’s fractured foot hadn’t healed properly, that he would be unavailable “indefinitely.” Prior to Thursday’s draft, Morey tried desperately to trade into the high lottery to take Spanish prodigy Ricky Rubio(notes). Houston needed a young star, but had too few assets to make a deal with Memphis or Sacramento. It seemed odd to teams that Houston had thrown Shane Battier(notes) and Aaron Brooks(notes) into offers within weeks of pushing the NBA champion Lakers to seven games in the Western Conference semifinals.
Now, the Rockets have tough decisions to make: Do they keep pushing Tracy McGrady(notes) and his expiring contract on the market or let the $22 million expire next summer? So far, Morey is getting offered bad contracts and junk talent for him. What’s more, does Houston re-sign Ron Artest(notes) to a $40 million-plus contract when contention is no longer viable? Why not create cap space for the summers of 2010 and 2011? Why not get younger now? Yao could opt out of his contract next summer, but odds are that Houston won’t be so fortunate.
The Rockets should do themselves a favor and just start over. That isn’t easy in a sophisticated and rabid NBA market like Houston, but what everyone long suspected has reached fruition: Yao and McGrady are no longer a faulty foundation, but a collapsed one. Houston needs to proceed with an understanding that they’re no longer chasing the Lakers, but beginning again.
Rest assured, Houston has long been fearful that Yao’s responsibilities to the Chinese national team were rapidly contributing to his breakdown, and perhaps they’ve finally been met. Yao wouldn’t have missed the Beijing Olympics for the world, but it was clear he wasn’t fully healed in those Games. The Rockets paid a price for his nationalism, his obligation and now the darkest fears are close to confirmation: It isn’t just a season on the brink for Yao Ming, but perhaps a career.
Šteta za Yao Minga, mada treba malo pričekati pa vidjet koliko su ove prognoze točne. Prije svega velika šteta za njegajer mi je dosta drag igrač. Rocketsi baš nemaju sreće, ozljede ih nikad ne zaobilaze. Po meni, ako se ovo ostvari, treba trejdat McGradya koji ima pretežak ugovor.
The Pistons have fired head coach Michael Curry after just one season. |
The Pistons were highly disappointing last season and a recent report that Rip Hamilton doesn't even speak to Curry may have been the straw that broke the camel's back. The Pistons were just 39-43 last season before being swept by the Cavaliers in the playoffs. No word yet of who will replace him, although one-time Pistons coach Doug Collins is thought to be the favorite to land the job. |
Top 10 NBA free agents
Shawn Marion, SF/PF, Toronto Raptors (unrestricted)
Marion is an unrestricted free agent with a history of doing the dirty work and creating overflows on the stat sheet; rebounding well above his 6-foot-7 stature has been Shawn's signature. He also has become well known for whining about respect and touches, while working for huge money on what had been an extremely successful run in Phoenix. Marion didn't exactly kill in Miami (12.0 points per game) or Toronto (14.5), and everywhere we turn for NBA gossip, nobody's talking about him. You'd think there might be a few teams coveting Shawn for their vacant 3 spot. It should be noted that the Raptors drafted USC freshman Demar DeRozan, a Marion-type athlete, with their lottery pick. Marion may have a couple of years left in those springy pins and would seem like a nice on-court fit for a contender in need of tough perimeter defense and big-time (8.5 per game last season) rebounding. Unfortunately, Shawn's tradition of crabbing about a lack of notoriety and a reported interest in getting paid more than the market wants to cough up could make this a long month for him.
Marvin Williams, SF, Atlanta Hawks (restricted)
Marvin checks in higher on this list than some might expect because he's only 23 years old, has nice length (6-foot-9), decent lateral movement for a three and can really shoot. As a restricted free agent, Williams may not be as valuable to another team as he is to the Hawks, who lost (at least temporarily) Josh Childress to last summer's surprise journey to Europe and may be interested in moving bouncy Josh Smith while his value is at least close to the level of his head on those tomahawk slams. The Hawks could have money enough to keep Marvin if they lose Mike Bibby, Flip Murray and Zaza Pachulia to free agency this month. Marvin should consider making his stand with the franchise that drafted him over Chris Paul and Deron Williams.
Jason Kidd, PG, Dallas Mavericks (unrestricted)
Despite his advancing years and inability to stay in front of those ultra-quick point guards, the Mavericks reportedly are willing to spend enough of Mark Cuban's fortune to keep the unrestricted Kidd in Dallas. While averaging a triple-single last season, the veteran assist master did register as one of the more offensively efficient players in the league. And the Mavs have enough finishers on offense to eliminate any need for Jason to create shots for himself. But the New York Knicks reportedly consider Kidd a potential upgrade as the push component in their fast-break attack. It should be noted that coach Mike D'Antoni prefers having a point guard who poses a stop-and-pop option on his frequent use of high screen-and-roll tactics. Other allegedly interested franchises include the Portland Trail Blazers and champion Los Angeles Lakers, who, in Kidd, would have yet another point guard incapable of guarding someone like Aaron Brooks.
Trevor Ariza, SF, Los Angeles Lakers (unrestricted)
Please bestow all deserved credit upon the one-and-done former UCLA Bruin who worked hard enough on his perimeter stroke to because a star role player on a championship team. Ariza also rates mention for giving the Lakers above-average on-the-ball defense and several key efforts in the passing lane. Now let's add a dose of reality by suggesting that it's far easier developing as a young player when anything you contribute on offense is considered gravy. With Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom making the bulk of the plays when Los Angeles had the ball, all Trevor had to do was move to an open spot for a wide-open three or cut to the hoop for a pass-and-dunk opportunity. That's not to say anyone with some length, quickness and ups can duplicate what Ariza gives the Lakers. But teams interested in hiring Trevor for big loot (his agent insists no hometown discount should be expected) should make sure the kid doesn't have to do more than he's capable of without such hotshots around him. Hey, Portland has some money to play with and some dissatisfaction with its work at small forward last year. Can that hard foul by Trevor be forgotten?
David Lee, PF, New York Knicks (restricted)
This kid loves to defend and rebound, but hasn't made a 3-point shot in four seasons as an NBA employee. How can Mike D'Antoni coach a guy like this? Actually, it's pretty easy. On a team with several disinterested rebounders and defenders, Lee has provided the Knicks with enough toughness to drag them toward respectability. Now, they must decide if his 16 points and 11.7 rebounds per game (career highs) are worth paying whatever is market value just one year before officially wooing LeBron James and a crony. With rookie Jordan Hill and the great Darko Milicic added to the rebounding stable, the possibility increases that New York will be in rear-view mirror for this high-leapin' former Florida Gator. After watching Lee leading the league with 65 double-doubles, the usual-suspect Detroit Pistons may consider lobbing a big deal his way. Other interested parties could be the Oklahoma City Thunder and Portland Trail Blazers, the latter reportedly interested in dealing for Lee during the last trading-deadline flurry.
Paul Millsap, PF, Utah Jazz (restricted)
Millsap, who started three games for Utah over his first two years as a pro, received the honor 38 times during this season's injury interlude for Carlos Boozer. The 24-year-old Millsap, whose 30 minutes per game were about 10 more than his average the previous season, gave the Jazz 13.5 points and 8.6 rebounds per game. Using quickness and a strong face-up game, the 6-foot-8, 250-pound Millsap kept Utah viable in Boozer's absence while being paid less than $800,000 for his third season. Several NBA teams would love to make him a lot wealthier, but precious few (yeah, yeah ... the Detroit Pistons reportedly are interested) can make it happen. He'd be a great fit in Cleveland, but the title-contending Cavaliers would be offering short money to a player who has yet to enjoy a serious NBA payday. Oklahoma City has the money and the need for someone with Millsap's skills. But Jazz officials insist they will pay the freight to keep Paul in Salt Lake City.
Ron Artest, SF, Houston Rockets (unrestricted)
Prevailing speculation has the controversial Artest prepared to seek employment elsewhere after it was reported that Yao Ming's foot injury could take more than a year to heal. If it heals at all. Observers of the NBA scene have been attempting to put Ron in a Lakers jersey for a couple of years, with the departure of Lamar Odom (through trade in the past and free agency now) seen as the catalyst for such a desperate move. The word desperate is used, of course, because Artest — who was a dandy citizen while working for the Houston Rockets — may not be prepared to maintain a reasonable level of sanity under the Los Angeles microscope. On the court, Artest certainly provides defensive toughness, although — at age 29 — he no longer possesses the lateral-movement chops required to earn the reputation he still has. He's a decent three-point shooter (40 percent last season), but takes bad shots inside the arc because he can't beat defenders off the dribble as easily as in the past. By the way, Artest would be a better fit with the Lakers if Trevor Ariza doesn't return and Odom does.
Ben Gordon, SG, Chicago Bulls (unrestricted)
A professional scorer (20 points per game last season), the 26-year-old Gordon is listed as 6-foot-3 but may be closer to 6-1. It really doesn't matter because the former Connecticut Husky works hard enough on defense to prevent being excessively taken advantage of inside. He's not exactly a facilitator on offense, but has the handle, foot quickness, balance and release to squeeze off a decent shot against anyone. He benefited by playing alongside the penetrate-and-kick-oriented rookie Derrick Rose, but Ben's interest in pounding the ball himself made him seem expendable to Bulls executives who prefer watching Rose dribble. Of course, the Detroit Pistons have been mentioned as one team prepared to make a strong charge for the unrestricted Gordon. Didn't they just struggle last season with a short two-guard who likes to dribble and shoot? They sure did, but Ben will work for much less and (as mentioned) has no problem playing defense.
Lamar Odom, SF, Los Angeles Lakers (unrestricted)
Even though Trevor Ariza is younger and has yet to bump into his ceiling, Odom's versatility makes him more vital to the Lakers' bid for a championship repeat. While playing out the last season of a lucrative contract, Lamar rose from coach Phil Jackson's bench to produce better numbers in the playoffs than he did during the regular season; it should be noted that Phil relied upon Odom more in the postseason, a variable that could create bigger financial numbers ... from another team. The 6-10 Lamar insists he wants to remain a Laker and why shouldn't he? The big question is how low will he go and how high will team owner Jerry Buss go over the luxury-tax threshold to keep his title team reasonably intact. If both answers are "not very," a team tracking this 29-year-old lefty will be looking at a player who can run an offense as a slick-handling, point-power forward. Odom remains nimble enough to defend many small forwards, hungry enough to dominate the glass and skilled enough to score on the post. He's not much of a perimeter shooter ... still.
Hedo Turkoglu, SF, Orlando Magic (unrestricted)
In dealing for Vince Carter on draft day, the Magic seem prepared to begin life after Hedo, a skilled 6-10 swingman who was voted the league's Most Improved Player in 2008. Opting out of the final year of his contract, Hedo probably expects to pull in an offer for considerably more than the $7 million and change he would have made in Orlando. Magic general manager Otis Smith has claimed continued interest in re-signing Turkoglu, but must hope the market really crashes for free agents and Hedo — who was offered and turned down an extension of four years and $35 million — slinks back to the Magic for a price that prevents catastrophic luxury-tax issues. Turkoglu, who spent many fourth-quarter stretches as the initiator of the Magic offense, is a solid driver, expert marksman and far better defender than most of you think.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
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