NBA 2011/2012

randy marsh
randy marsh
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2011.
Poruka: 9.678
21. lipnja 2011. u 16:36
GS im je ponudio Ellisa za Iguodalu, ali nisu sigurni kako bi im se on uklopio u ekipu gdje već imaju Holidaya i Williamsa, pa i Turnera koji igra 2-3... Ellis je sigurno jača roba od Kamana, ali Kamanov ističući ugovor je veliko bogatstvo, naročito sad kada se bude redukovao sallery cap
...jedna po jedna prsnu pod nogom!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.11.2010.
Poruka: 1.862
21. lipnja 2011. u 19:14
Taj posao je trebao biti obavljen jos u drugom mjesecu, a Stefanski idiot ni sam ne zna sta bi sa ekipom
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.06.2007.
Poruka: 1.211
21. lipnja 2011. u 19:55
Rivers mali mi je ko spoj van exela, kaj se crossovera tiče i francisa kaj se leapa i zakucavanja tiče..jebeno brza promjena pravca

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.06.2011.
Poruka: 213
21. lipnja 2011. u 21:42
randy marsh je napisao/la:
GS im je ponudio Ellisa za Iguodalu, ali nisu sigurni kako bi im se on uklopio u ekipu gdje već imaju Holidaya i Williamsa, pa i Turnera koji igra 2-3... Ellis je sigurno jača roba od Kamana, ali Kamanov ističući ugovor je veliko bogatstvo, naročito sad kada se bude redukovao sallery cap
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Koliko sam čitao kod Ellisa ih brine obrana, ako on dođe vanjska linija im je Holiday-Ellis-Turner, napadački vjerojatno dobra ali fizički (tj. obrambeno) neimpresivna.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 13.01.2008.
Poruka: 13.756
22. lipnja 2011. u 00:46
madmax17 je napisao/la:
Zanimljivo da su svi odavno u penziji osim Howarda koji je igrao u finalu nedavno 
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i zbog njega mi je još dodatno drago što heat nije osvojio naslov.strašno je to kolko mi je on antipatičan i to već godinama,još odkad sam počeo pratiti NBA tamo 1995

luzerski igrač koji je igrao u gro klubova i ništa značajno nije napravio.od svojih 17 nba sezona samo u njih 6 je igrao play-off,i tek je evo u ovoj dogurao do finala gdje je uspio opet ispasti smiješan kad se išao tuči/raspravljati par puta ničim izazvan

neznam šta ga još drži da igra,taj je odavno trebao biti u penziji

...ništa ja nisam vidio,ja sammmmm pio vodu...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.06.2010.
Poruka: 1.209
22. lipnja 2011. u 02:48
magnets je napisao/la:
Upravo pogledao ESPN 30 for 30: The Fab Five

Odusevljen sam, preporuka svima koji nisu pogledali (a moguce da sam i zadnji na forumu gledao ), odmah mi je do Hoop Dreams

Michigan's Fab 5 - ESPN Sportscenter 03/25/07
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Skinuo sam film odavno, u HD-u, ali nikako da ga pogledam. Sad kad sam ovo pročitao sam ostao budan da ga pogledam i nije mi žao.
Jednom riječju, filmčina.

Nisam uopće čuo za Fab Five (čuo sam za termin, ali nisam znao što znači i na koga se odnosi), toliko je temeljito zameten trag koji su ostavili. Sjajno se prikazuje nepošten odnos prema sportašima i enormnim zaradama koje oni donose kompanijama, NCAA-u, i uopće svima osim sebi samima. Kao što je Chris rekao, nemaš za burger, a u izlogu njegov dres prodaju za 75 dolara. Sad bolje razumijem i He got game, i zašto onako nemilosrdno i nemoralno regrutiraju.

Također, može Obama biti predsjednik, ali rasizam još uvijek postoji u Americi. Jebiga, zatucanih ljudi će uvijek biti.

Fab Five!

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 05.04.2011.
Poruka: 2.664
22. lipnja 2011. u 04:22
Kad smo kod Howarda, se sjećate da je frajer cca '96 u sklopu neke Nikeove kampanje u KC Dražen Petrović održao mali session košarke, malo se zajebavao s klincima i slično. Bio sam na tom, imao sam kojih 10 godina i lik je ispao vrlo kul, zato mi je i danas simpatičan
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.05.2011.
Poruka: 299
22. lipnja 2011. u 06:49
Steph Curry je napisao/la:
magnets je napisao/la:
Upravo pogledao ESPN 30 for 30: The Fab Five

Odusevljen sam, preporuka svima koji nisu pogledali (a moguce da sam i zadnji na forumu gledao ), odmah mi je do Hoop Dreams

Michigan's Fab 5 - ESPN Sportscenter 03/25/07
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Skinuo sam film odavno, u HD-u, ali nikako da ga pogledam. Sad kad sam ovo pročitao sam ostao budan da ga pogledam i nije mi žao.
Jednom riječju, filmčina.

Nisam uopće čuo za Fab Five (čuo sam za termin, ali nisam znao što znači i na koga se odnosi), toliko je temeljito zameten trag koji su ostavili. Sjajno se prikazuje nepošten odnos prema sportašima i enormnim zaradama koje oni donose kompanijama, NCAA-u, i uopće svima osim sebi samima. Kao što je Chris rekao, nemaš za burger, a u izlogu njegov dres prodaju za 75 dolara. Sad bolje razumijem i He got game, i zašto onako nemilosrdno i nemoralno regrutiraju.

Također, može Obama biti predsjednik, ali rasizam još uvijek postoji u Americi. Jebiga, zatucanih ljudi će uvijek biti.

Fab Five!

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1:25, kako se Webber nasmije kad prođe igrača

Eto, u obzir Ed Martin skandala, uvijek je meni činilo proročki da ni jedan od njih su osvojili prsten u NBA, a kamoli pričati o Webberov slučaj u 2002. godine protiv Lakersi.
[uredio afhx - 22. lipnja 2011. u 08:21]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.05.2011.
Poruka: 299
22. lipnja 2011. u 08:45

[QUOTE]NBA owners now offering players 'flex cap'

NEW YORK — What NBA commissioner David Stern described as a “critical’’ day for labor negotiations in hopes of avoiding a lockout turned into a four-hour session that resulted in progress but also more questions.

After offering a $45 million hard cap the past few months — an offer steadfastly rejected by the Players Association — Stern called the league’s new proposal a “flex cap’’ that would set a median salary cap at $62 million and eliminate the large disparity in spending among teams.

This past season, the Los Angeles Lakers had the league’s highest payroll at $91 million, while the Sacramento Kings spent a league-low $44 million. The owners want to implement an “NHL-type’’ system, according to deputy commissioner Adam Silver, one that would allow teams to exceed the $62 million cap but would also place the financial onus on the players if the average payroll of all 30 teams exceeded $62 million.

The league is seeking to lower overall player salaries, limit guaranteed contracts, and reduce player basketball-related income. Stern promised during a press conference at the Omni Berkshire Hotel yesterday that player revenues would not dip below $2 billion per season.

However, the new proposal is dramatically different from the current plan, which has a $58.044 million salary cap and levies a dollar-for-dollar penalty for teams that exceed the luxury tax of $70.3 million, which the Celtics have done the past several seasons.

The Players Association said it will spend the next three days determining whether it interprets this proposal as a hard cap with different language. The players asked to meet again Friday in New York.

“The owners believe that the system modifications that we have requested make a lot of sense to make sure that our teams are both competitive and profitable,’’ Stern said. “We have modified our proposal to a ‘flex cap,’ where there is a targeted salary but teams can go above it and teams will have a minimum below it, which is more flexible than our last offer.

“We think this is virtually the best shot we have to demonstrate to the players our good faith, our desire to go as far as we can to avoid a lockout.’’

Stern would not say whether this was the owners’ final offer, but he did appear close to the end.

“This makes 10 proposals that have gone back and forth, at least,’’ he said. “We think we’ve demonstrated that we’re here to try to make a deal.’’

According to Players Association president Derek Fisher of the Lakers, the sides have not agreed on any of the smaller issues because they are interconnected with the hard cap and guaranteed salaries.

“So far, there hasn’t been much movement at all,’’ Fisher said. “It’s been characterized in different ways; essentially they want to create a hard salary cap.

“We just don’t see it, for the reasons why we’ve been given, as necessary. We feel that teams have shown the ability to be creative and pay the guys they want to pay and not pay the guys they don’t want to pay. We feel that teams should have that opportunity independently and be able to run their businesses the way they see fit.

“We continue to toss ideas out and express our willingness to move on certain parts of the deal, but there are certain parts we have no interest on moving on.’’

Players Association executive director Billy Hunter did not sound optimistic, but like Stern, he refused to close the door on striking a deal before the current collective bargaining agreement expires June 30.

He repeated that the players will not strike if the owners continue to negotiate in good faith, and he asked the owners to refrain from a lockout.

“I would think someone has to make a big move, that’s a good way to characterize it,’’ Hunter said. “I guess there are some concerns on their side to stem their expenses and obviously they have been calling for a guaranteed return on investment, which we have difficulty with.

“We’re hopeful that something can transpire, that we can structure a deal. It has to be a win-win. We have said all along we’re not going to accept a bad deal, not at least without a fight. The question is whether or not we can avoid the fight.’’

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Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 13.01.2011.
Poruka: 32.133
22. lipnja 2011. u 09:40
NBA Draft Fashion

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