NBA 2012-13

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.10.2004.
Poruka: 9.948
02. srpnja 2012. u 16:34
Asiku je ponudjeno 25 miliona za tri sezone 5+5+15 miliona u trecoj kadar nevera
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
02. srpnja 2012. u 17:36
Asik and destroy će postat sila za koju godinu ne sila ko Gortat ali vrlo dobar centar.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.02.2010.
Poruka: 1.224
02. srpnja 2012. u 17:43
pogledajte prvi post ove teme ... meni je to prvi put da vidim da neki post ima 100 minusa ...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.06.2011.
Poruka: 5.602
02. srpnja 2012. u 17:44
i kakvu nagradu dobivam za to
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 29.11.2009.
Poruka: 2.641
02. srpnja 2012. u 17:49
shitface je napisao/la:
Ako amnestiraju Stoudemirea mogu dovest Paula, zar ne?
Vidi cijeli citat

Iskoristili su lani amnestiju na Billupsu. 
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
02. srpnja 2012. u 18:19
Gle fakat, 104 minusa nisam ni znao da toliko ljudi lista temu
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.09.2010.
Poruka: 394
02. srpnja 2012. u 18:28
nije bas da je svaki minus jedan covjek.... ja mu svaki put lupim minus kad to vidim:)
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
02. srpnja 2012. u 18:33
Evo jedan stari članak o Kwame Brownu, iz današnje perspektive tu ima više gluposti nego u našem saboru, jedna stvar mu se mora priznati čovjek se fakat dobro prodao, kao da mu je agent platio 3-tjednu školu gdje je naučio glumit (lagat) pomoglo je i to što je uništio Chandlera 1-1, Tyson je imao slab dan možda i najgori dan.

Wiz Kid
In 19-year-old Kwame Brown, Wizards boss Michael Jordan may have drafted a player Whose competitive fire rivals his own

In his day, Michael Jordan lived for vengeance, whether the affront to him was real or imagined. So, too, does 19-year-old Kwame Brown, who was certain he was not the Washington Wizards' first choice—"a scrub" is how he thought they viewed him—as they considered their options for the No. 1 pick in the NBA draft. When Brown arrived in Washington 12 days before the draft for his second meeting with team president Jordan and his staff, no one was at the airport to meet him. The driver who finally showed up wasn't sure where he was supposed to deliver Brown, and when Brown reached his hotel, he was told there was no reservation for him. It turned out that his last name had been misspelled. "How can you not get that right?" Brown says.

The slipups, however, didn't bring out the worst in Brown; he's not the type to be petulant. No, Brown used the Wizards' apparent indifference to build some Jordanesque animosity toward his chief rival in the draft, 7-foot high school star Tyson Chandler. When Brown arrived at Washington's practice facility, he ran into Chandler, who let him know that he'd been meeting with Jordan's people for two days. Kwame-come-lately was then told to wait on the sideline as the Wizards put Chandler through an individual workout. "It was like they were coaching him—'Come on, Tyson!'—like he was their player already," says Brown. With a shrug he adds, "So then I went out and killed him. Killed him."

If Jordan was looking for a competitor reminiscent of himself, he saw glimpses of one that June day as the 6'11", 250-pound Brown repeatedly lowered his thick shoulders and dismantled the 235-pound Chandler one-on-one. When the Wizards said they had seen enough, Brown walked over to Jordan, his hero, and vowed, "If you draft me first, I'll never disappoint you."  Before turning away, the teenager offered a prediction for a one-on-one showdown in the not-so-distant future: "And I'll beat you."

The Wizards, who on June 27 made Brown the first high school player to be chosen No. 1, maintain that he was wrong to think they had their hearts set on Chandler. Nonetheless, assistant general manager Rod Higgins likes hearing that Brown reacted to the perceived slight as Jordan would have. "If that's the competitive nature Kwame has," Higgins says, "then he's off to a good start."

Growing up in the shrimping town of Brunswick, Ga. (pop. 16,433), Brown would watch Jordan on TV whenever he could, learning from his example and drawing strength from whatever similarities to His Airness he found. His competitiveness and poise may change the perceptions of those opposed to high school players leapfrogging college and going directly to the NBA. Though Brown declared for the draft the night before his senior prom at Glynn Academy, he appears to be as centered, mature and reasonable as any draftee this side of Shane Battier.

Brown turns stereotypes on their heads, beginning with the one about young men in households where the father is absent: His circumstances actually improved significantly when his father left. Kwame was six or seven years old when the police came to his Charleston, S.C., home and arrested Willie James Brown on a criminal charge that Kwame cannot recall. What he does remember is that it was the last time they saw each other. Kwame's mother, Joyce Brown, who has said she was beaten by her husband, soon moved with her eight children out of Charleston, eventually ending up in her hometown of Brunswick. In 1990 Willie was sentenced to life without parole for murdering his 22-year-old girlfriend with an ax handle and burying her in a shallow grave along a suburban Charleston road.

"He's pretty much dead to me," Kwame says of his 59-year-old father. He has heard that Willie would like to renew their relationship, now that his son is guaranteed more than $9.9 million over the next three years. While the Reverend John Williams, Kwame's pastor, predicts that Kwame will someday visit Evans Correctional Institution in Bennettsville, S.C., and confront his father, it is not high on his list of priorities. "He used to beat all of us," says Kwame, the second youngest of the eight children. "He would tell us, 'I gave my life to the devil.' We couldn't say anything about God, about church—nothing. He would pick up whatever he could find and beat you or spank you. The next day he would come home from work with a gift for you. I don't know why. I guess that was how he would try to buy your friendship."

The relief the family felt when Willie was arrested was tempered by the realities of life without the regular paycheck he earned as a truck driver. Joyce did the best she could by finding work as a maid at the Brunswick Days Inn. While raising her children, she suffered from high blood pressure, lost a kidney to disease and eventually went on disability with a bad back. After living hand-to-mouth for so many years, Kwame has a hard time imagining himself wasting money, no matter how much he is paid. "Invest it right and don't spend money on all those stupid little chains everybody wears, and you'll be all right," he says.

Yet as recently as three years ago, admits the apparently levelheaded Brown, he was following the path of his father. "I could be in prison right now," he says. "I grew up around a bunch of violent people, and if anybody did something wrong to me, I would hit the person. The payback for anything was physical abuse."

One symptom of Brown's lack of direction was his poor performance in school, which led him to Williams during his sophomore year. The associate director of The Gathering Place, a ministry for teenagers in Brunswick, Williams filled the role of the father Brown never had. "He was just a lazy guy," says the 37-year-old Williams, who impressed on Brown the need to hit the books. Brown made honor roll in his last four semesters and qualified to play for Florida, whose scholarship offer he accepted last summer before deciding to enter the draft. Brown also joined the church, sang in the choir and two years ago was baptized by Williams. Mr. John, as Brown refers to him, even cuts his hair.

In the last of his four years as a starter at Glynn, Brown averaged 20.1 points, 13-3 rebounds and 5.8 blocked shots. Beyond his physical skills, he impressed NBA scouts by demonstrating a good rapport with his less gifted teammates. Brown says he never realized he might be the best high school player in the country until last summer, when he began to meet the bigger national names. Against fellow lottery selections Chandler (the No. 2 pick), Eddy Curry (No. 4) and DeSagana Diop (No. 8), he more than held his own.

Unlike most other high school draft choices of recent years, Brown has the muscle to play inside as a rookie, and his strength will increase as he begins lifting weights regularly for the first time. He didn't fill out until this year—"I wasn't 200 pounds until I was a junior," he says—by which point he was already a deft ball handler with a reliable midrange jumper. "Everybody in the NBA has to have a great jump shot," he says. "If I develop mine more, I could even play some small forward."

Again, he uses Jordan as his model, noting that he perfected the turnaround shot that made him unstoppable. "What Mike did, he found out what his weaknesses were, and he kept working on them until he didn't have any," Brown says. "That's what I need to do."

Jordan has already invited his new protege to his estate in suburban Chicago for 10 days of well-heeled boot camp in August. "The guy took probably the biggest risk of his life, picking a high school player Number 1," Brown says. "I'm conscious that if I screw up, I'm messing with Michael's reputation. I know he's going to work me to death."

When they sat together during a press conference in Washington after the draft, Brown playfully repeated his vow to beat his boss. "That is a dream," responded Jordan. This is a relationship unlike any Jordan has experienced in basketball. After spending a career making sure he was the preeminent player in the game, Jordan now finds it in his own best interests to make Kwame Brown the league's best. Little did young Kwame imagine, as he was watching his idol on TV all those years ago, that he would be the one chosen by Jordan to extend his legacy.

Says Williams, who knows a bit about the big picture, "I really don't think it's an accident it's turned out this way."
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.10.2011.
Poruka: 10.240
02. srpnja 2012. u 18:43
Boston zeli Landrya i Cambya, zele se pojacati pod kosem, to bi bila odlicna stvar za njih.
Camby je i u ovim poznim godinama odlican obrambeni, bloker i ogromno tijelo pod kosem, tocno ono sto im treba u borbi protiv heata.
Bullsi ponudili veteranski ugovor Hinrichu, tesko ce on pristati na to, iako je izjavio da se zeli vratiti nazad u staro jato, ali tastina je ogromna kod gotovo svih igraca u ligi, tako da ne vjerujem da ce pristati na to.
Boston navodno i Greena potpisuje sto posto za 10-ak milijuna. Dosta riskantno s obzirom na njegove probleme.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 31.01.2010.
Poruka: 969
02. srpnja 2012. u 19:05
Nemoj molin te Tysona Chandlera spominjat u istoj recenici sa Hibberton. Tyson je za njega institucija.
Navijan za Odena jer je momak kad je (kratko) bi zdrav pokaza da bi bi top3 centra u ligi da nije tih ozljeda.
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