NBA 2012-13

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.10.2004.
Poruka: 11.758
12. srpnja 2012. u 00:37
riki_mo je napisao/la:

Svi oni koji su Allena imali u avataru očekujem da to zadrže i u narednoj sezoni, samo da budu pošteni i da aktualiziraju dres na njemu.

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profesionalnost je skupa, a odanost još skuplja.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.06.2010.
Poruka: 2.755
12. srpnja 2012. u 00:59
Source says Mavs will use amnesty clause on Brendan Haywood.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.10.2011.
Poruka: 10.240
12. srpnja 2012. u 01:02
jedna mi stvar nije jasna. ako je brand sad u bubnju i ekipe ispod capa ga mogu dovest, moze li on sve te ekipe odbiti i ici u neku ekipu koja je iznad capa?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.08.2008.
Poruka: 741
12. srpnja 2012. u 01:03
započeli pregovori oko dovođenja korvea u t'wolvse, ako se to desi bit će najbjelja momčad ikad :D
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.10.2004.
Poruka: 11.758
12. srpnja 2012. u 01:03
angelus je napisao/la:
Source says Mavs will use amnesty clause on Brendan Haywood.
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hey, pošto dva metra i neš drva( wooda) ?
[uredio Shaggy - 12. srpnja 2012. u 01:06]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
12. srpnja 2012. u 01:17
Brooklyn could have Dwight right now if Nets didn't deal an unprotected No. 1 to Portland for Gerald Wallace. That pick, plus a few others and throw-ins would've gotten deal done

Eto vam na, Wallace umjesto Howarda tada sam rekao da je to preloša odluka Netsa, eto vam, ETO

Jarrod Rudolph: Magic GM Rob Hennigan wouldn't give "specifics" of conversation with Howard. Sources tells me he told Howard "we tried."

Pokušao si? To nije dovoljno dobro, sada kad Howard počne tankirat utakmice Magica
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.05.2011.
Poruka: 1.128
12. srpnja 2012. u 02:36
leonard cohen je napisao/la:
jedna mi stvar nije jasna. ako je brand sad u bubnju i ekipe ispod capa ga mogu dovest, moze li on sve te ekipe odbiti i ici u neku ekipu koja je iznad capa?
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koliko ja znam ne može, evo što salary cap faq kaže o amnestyu

Amnesty is a one-time opportunity for teams to release one player via the waiver process (see question number 63) and remove him from their team salary and luxury tax computations. For a player to be eligible for the Amnesty provision he must be on his team's roster continuously from July 1, 2011 to the date he is amnestied, without any new contract, extension, renegotiation or other amendment to his contract in the meantime. Players who were waived prior to July 1, 2011 and are still receiving guaranteed salary are also eligible. Teams cannot amnesty players they sign, receive in trade, extend, renegotiate, or otherwise amend after July 1, 2011.

Amnesty can be used prior to the 2011-12 through 2015-16 seasons, although teams may use the provision only once in total -- not once per season. For the 2011-12 season the Amnesty provision was available from December 9-16, 2011. For the 2012-13 through 2015-16 seasons it is available for the first seven days that follow the July moratorium (see question number 101).

Players waived using this provision are not counted in team salary (see question number 14) or luxury tax (see question number 21) computations, except for the following:

  • Amnestied players continue to count toward the minimum team payroll (see question number 15).
  • Amnestied players continue to count toward the players' league-wide revenue guarantee (see question number 18).

As with any other waived player, teams must continue to pay the guaranteed base salary of their amnestied players.

Also as with any other waived player, another team may place a waiver claim in order to acquire the player before he clears waivers (see question number 63). But amnesty is different from the normal waiver process in that it allows teams to make either a full or partial waiver claim. When a team makes a full waiver claim it acquires the player, assumes his full contract, and pays all remaining salary obligations (and the waiving team has no further salary obligation to the player). Full waiver claims have precedence over partial waiver claims -- if one team makes a full waiver claim and another makes a partial waiver claim, the team making the full waiver claim is awarded the player. If multiple teams make full waiver claims, the player is awarded to the team with the worst record.

A partial waiver claim is a bid for a single dollar amount. If no team makes a full waiver claim, the player is awarded to the team submitting the highest bid in a partial waiver claim. If multiple teams bid the same amount, the player is awarded to the team with the worst record. When a team is awarded a player via a partial waiver claim, it pays the following portion of the player's salary:

  • The amount of their bid, spread pro rata across all remaining guaranteed years of the player's contract
  • All non-base compensation, such as bonuses
  • 100% of the player's salary in non-guaranteed seasons

The waiving team continues to pay the remainder of the player's salary -- any portion that is not paid by the claiming team. For example, the New York Knicks amnestied Chauncey Billups in 2011 with one year remaining on his contract for $14.2 million. The Los Angeles Clippers submitted the only bid, for $2,000,032. The Clippers paid Billups the amount of their bid, with the Knicks responsible for the remaining $12,199,968. This system (plus the rules for minimum bids, as described below) helps ensure that the waiving team doesn't have to pay the player more than they would have paid had they waived their player without amnesty.

The minimum bid for a partial waiver claim is whichever of the following is larger:

  • The sum of the player's minimum salary for all remaining years of his contract, except for completely non-guaranteed seasons (seasons with 0% salary protection) which are ignored for this purpose.
  • The sum of all non-guaranteed salary in partially-guaranteed seasons.

For example, if a 10+ year veteran is amnestied in 2012 with three years remaining on his contract at $10 million each season, and his salary is guaranteed 100% in 2012-13, 60% in 2013-14, and 0% in 2014-15, then the minimum bid for a partial waiver claim is $4 million -- the unprotected amount in the partly-protected 2013-14 season, which is larger than the sum of the minimum salaries for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 seasons. Since the 2014-15 season is completely unprotected, it is ignored when determining the minimum bid amount.

If instead the above player's salary was 100% guaranteed in all three seasons, the minimum bid amount would be $4,200,178 -- the sum of the minimum salaries for a 10+ year veteran for those three seasons.

In order to submit a bid for a partial waiver claim, the bidding team must have cap room equivalent to the portion of their bid that would be charged to team salary in that season, plus the amount of any likely bonuses (see question number 72) for that season. If necessary, teams can create this cap room by waiving non-guaranteed players, but not by making trades. The team must make the cap room available immediately upon being awarded the amnesty claim.

An amnestied player's Bird clock does not reset when he is awarded to the team with the winning bid. In addition, for the purpose of the non-Bird or Early Bird exception (see question number 25) his prior salary is considered to be his full salary prior to being amnestied. For example, Chauncey Billups was amnestied prior to the 2011-12 season with one season remaining for $14.2 million, and claimed by the LA Clippers for just over $2 million. He becomes a non-Bird free agent at the end of the 2011-12 season with the Clippers eligible to offer up to 120% of $14.2 million, or $17.04 million.

The waiving team may not re-sign or re-acquire the player for the length of his contract (which includes seasons following an ETO, but does not include seasons following an option), and the claiming team is prohibited from trading the player until the following July 1.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
12. srpnja 2012. u 10:36

Judas Shuttlesworth majice izašle u prodaju iza toga stiže jesenska kolekcija BetRay Allen šalova.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
12. srpnja 2012. u 10:46
Jeremy Lin ‏@JLin7
im no genius or anything but someone explain how @tysonchandler is defensive player of the year but not make the nba all-defensive 1st team

Dečko s Harvarda našao rupu u sustavu, stvarno čudno ili nije jer Tyson nikada nije ni zaslužio da bude DPOY, ja bi to dao Ibaki ili Howardu koji su i završili u petorci.

Tyson Chandler was named the NBA's Defensive Player of the Year, but somehow he did not make the NBA All-Defensive First Team. The New York Knicks center was named to the Second Team, as voted by the league's coaches.

Players received two points for a First Team vote and one point for a Second Team vote. LeBron James led the way with 53 points, including 24 votes for his inclusion on the first team, more than any other player. He was joined on the First Team by Serge Ibaka, Dwight Howard, Chris Paul and Tony Allen. Ibaka and Allen both made the First Team for the first time.

In addition to Chandler, who led the Second Team in voting, the Second Team included Kevin Garnett, Rajon Rondo, Kobe Bryant and Luol Deng. Chandler received more points (36) than either Paul or Allen, but made the Second Team because the balloting is based on position.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Papa Bear
Papa Bear
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 27.07.2008.
Poruka: 16.089
12. srpnja 2012. u 10:58

Evo Mavsi našli solidnog playa, trejdali smeće (rezervnog centra Mahinmija) u Indianu za Collisona, a ovi su im uvalili i SG Dahntaya Jonesa da se riješe viška plaća.

Također, priča se da će Mavsi amnestirati centra Haywooda, te da su zainteresirani za Branda kojeg je Phila amnestirala.

Evo kako bi im trenutno izgledala nekakva rotacija od 8 igrača...

PG - Collison, Beabuois
SG - Carter, Jones
SF - Marion
PF - Nowitzki, Wright
C - Kaman

Iskreno ovo je prilično jadno i izgleda da će se sljedeće sezone grčevito boriti za Playoffs, Dirk je zaslužio bolje od ovoga potkraj karijere, no bacili su sve u pokušaj dovođenja Derona Williamsa i na kraju izvisili.

[uredio Papa Bear - 12. srpnja 2012. u 10:59]