NBA 2012-13

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 09.10.2009.
Poruka: 4.995
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:00
Kladim se da Lakersi ne mogu preko OKC-a na zapadu. Jedina stvar koju Perkins zna je zaustaviti Howarda, a unatoč svom geniju Nasha, Westbrook ga na fizikalije pojede. Ibaka se potuče s Gasolom, Harden izmori Kobea, Durant izbuši Mettu i to je adio uz 4-1. A i to je sve uz pretpostavku da stare kosti Los Angelesa budu zdrave. Najmlađi među njima Howard ima sjebana leđa, Kobe je sve sporiji te najizraubaniji igrač lige uz Garnetta, a Nash bi se lako mogao raspasti ko svi starci kad odu iz Phoenixa koji očito u svom medicinskom timu ima neke jebene šamane. A ako pak ne osvoje ništa u ove dvije godine, ostaju na Howardu i nadi u free agente jer ovi će ostali biti ili u penziji ili bez ikakvog trade valuea.

Phila je prošla odlično, Nuggetsi vrlo dobro. Orlando može prespavati par idućih sezona.
Man, I love duct tape. I love how it tapes, I love the sound it makes. I love saying it. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape...Duct tape...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 31.01.2010.
Poruka: 969
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:08
iguala je napisao/la:
madmax17 je napisao/la:
Phila je dala Iquodalu, odličnog Vukčevića i još jednog igrača a možda i pick za igrača koji će ostati jednu godinu a onda otići tko zna gdje dok su Lakersi dali ništa a Howard će potpisati ekstenziju to svi već znamo.
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Vučević je lani ispao iz rotacije od Allena i s njim u klubu nisu baš zadovoljni. Iguodala je na trejding bloku jer već imamo jednog 4 godine mlađeg igrača koji u napadu nosi sve što i on, s tim da je sposoban biti i puno konstantniji koš igrač od njega. Bynum će najveće pare dobiti u Phili, imamo jako agresivne nove vlasnike koji će sve učiniti da ovaj produži i ako se isplatilo drugima, ne znam zašto se ne bi i nama. Uz to, tu će biti 1. napadačka opcija, dok je u Lakersima morao trpiti napucavanja onog egomanijaka, što je vjerujem i bio razlog njegovom lošijem raspoloženju na kraju sezone. Nije da je jedini visoki Lakersa koji je imao nešto za reći na selekciju šuta gospona Kobice, zapravo, ne znam koji nije. :D Dodaj svemu tome kvalitetnu mladu jezgru koja se dokazala u doigravanju lani, trenera kojeg svi igrači vole i vidiš da imao prilično dobre šanse da Andrija produži upravo ovdje.
Žao mi je što smo dali Harklessa, mali je fenomenalan talent, vjerojatno top 5 na ovogodišnjem draftu, ali isto tako postoji solidna vjerojatnost da će završiti između pozicija kao i Tadija Young.
Ovo je rizik kojeg je klub MORAO uzeti.
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To niste VI !! Niti si GM, niti si trener niti si igrac niti si roden u Philadephiji. Jebate podrazavas neki klub i odma ka da si Will Smith osobno.

A da je Harkless top5 onda bi sigurno tako bi i biran, barem u prvih 8, to ti garantiran, tako da su to cista naklapanja koja nemaju uporista u stvarnosti.

Ne znan ko je napisa da ce Phila bit u finalu istoka. Zivi bili pa vidili, bilo bi ti najbolje uplatit to u nekoj kladioni jer ce kvota bit enormna pa mozda zaradis nesto kad si vec tako siguran.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.04.2005.
Poruka: 12.275
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:14
koja jebena prevara je taj nba
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 07.06.2010.
Poruka: 1.124
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:14
Ma da, bas to tako sinko funkcionira. Sjecam se proslosezonskih usporedbi celticsa sa svima pa su jedva ispali od miamija, kao i usporedbe okc i miamija nakon koje je okc trebao se lagano prosetati pa se sjecamo kako je to zavrsilo... nema nista od tih usporedbi...

BTW. ne zaboravite i Jamisona kojeg su lakersi potpisali... fini sesti igrac...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 31.05.2012.
Poruka: 665
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:19
Himba je napisao/la:
iguala je napisao/la:
madmax17 je napisao/la:
Phila je dala Iquodalu, odličnog Vukčevića i još jednog igrača a možda i pick za igrača koji će ostati jednu godinu a onda otići tko zna gdje dok su Lakersi dali ništa a Howard će potpisati ekstenziju to svi već znamo.
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Vučević je lani ispao iz rotacije od Allena i s njim u klubu nisu baš zadovoljni. Iguodala je na trejding bloku jer već imamo jednog 4 godine mlađeg igrača koji u napadu nosi sve što i on, s tim da je sposoban biti i puno konstantniji koš igrač od njega. Bynum će najveće pare dobiti u Phili, imamo jako agresivne nove vlasnike koji će sve učiniti da ovaj produži i ako se isplatilo drugima, ne znam zašto se ne bi i nama. Uz to, tu će biti 1. napadačka opcija, dok je u Lakersima morao trpiti napucavanja onog egomanijaka, što je vjerujem i bio razlog njegovom lošijem raspoloženju na kraju sezone. Nije da je jedini visoki Lakersa koji je imao nešto za reći na selekciju šuta gospona Kobice, zapravo, ne znam koji nije. :D Dodaj svemu tome kvalitetnu mladu jezgru koja se dokazala u doigravanju lani, trenera kojeg svi igrači vole i vidiš da imao prilično dobre šanse da Andrija produži upravo ovdje.
Žao mi je što smo dali Harklessa, mali je fenomenalan talent, vjerojatno top 5 na ovogodišnjem draftu, ali isto tako postoji solidna vjerojatnost da će završiti između pozicija kao i Tadija Young.
Ovo je rizik kojeg je klub MORAO uzeti.
Vidi cijeli citat

To niste VI !! Niti si GM, niti si trener niti si igrac niti si roden u Philadephiji. Jebate podrazavas neki klub i odma ka da si Will Smith osobno.

A da je Harkless top5 onda bi sigurno tako bi i biran, barem u prvih 8, to ti garantiran, tako da su to cista naklapanja koja nemaju uporista u stvarnosti.

Ne znan ko je napisa da ce Phila bit u finalu istoka. Zivi bili pa vidili, bilo bi ti najbolje uplatit to u nekoj kladioni jer ce kvota bit enormna pa mozda zaradis nesto kad si vec tako siguran.
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Jesmo, mi smo, pati kujo. 
A Harkless nije biran u top 5 jer kao što sam rekao postoji i priličan rizik za njega, ali ako njegov trener veli da je lik najtalentiraniji igrač kojeg je trenirao(a trenirao je Baron Davisa), tko sam ja da se ne složim s njime.

Ja nisam napisao da će Phila biti u finalu istoka i glupo je tako nešto govoriti. Ovo je odličan trejd, momčad je sada izbalansirana, ali isto tako SMO jako mladi i otišla su 3 najiskusnija igrača od lani, igrači koji su između ostaloga i držali svlačionicu, te je došla hrpa novih igrača od kojih su neki prilično problematični što se tiče nekog timskog duha(Bynum, Young), barem takvu prošlost imaju. Nadajmo se da će Collins i karakter Philinih igrača prevladati. 

A sada što se tiče poretka, protiv Heata NEMAMO šanse ako su zdravi, Boston je isto u predonsti, al ne bi bilo iznenađenje svjetskih razmjera da  ih prođemo, a slično je i s Knicksima koji su na papiru odlični, al vidjet ćemo, možda opet zakuhaju, nije da ih treba uzimati previše ozbiljno. Tu je još Brooklyn, eventualno Atlanta, al po meni SMO od obje ekipe bolji.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 07.08.2012.
Poruka: 279
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:21
koga jos lakersi imaju na klupi.? vjerojatno najbolja petorka, odmah uz heat..
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 07.06.2010.
Poruka: 1.124
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:25
od pozatijih j.hill, jamison i blake...
randy marsh
randy marsh
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2011.
Poruka: 9.678
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:27
...jedna po jedna prsnu pod nogom!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.05.2011.
Poruka: 1.128
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:28

That's it?

Wait, let me rephrase that.

THAT'S IT????!?!?!?!?!?!?

John McEnroe-like wonder fills me at the reported Dwight Howard trade to the Lakers. You cannot be serious! I keep hoping in vain for David Stern to intervene and void the trade for basketball reasons. Or any other reason.

This deal makes a mockery of the new collective bargaining agreement's alleged fairness to small markets; Orlando is selling one of the best players in the NBA for pennies on the dollar, while the rich only get richer. (But the tax-paying Lakers can't sign-and-trade Matt Barnes -- that'll show 'em!)

Mark my words: When we have our next lockout in 2016, this trade will be one of the flash points. The Lakers have a $99 million payroll, and will go over the century mark if and when Devin Ebanks and Barnes re-sign. For the small-market owners, all they can do is count the luxury tax dollars from L.A. and golf clap over their 53-win glass ceiling. That's better than losing money, but they're still hermetically sealed off from a taste of the championship unless they're either incredibly lucky or incredibly brilliant. (Schedule alert: The Lakers don't visit the House That Dwight Built And Promptly Vacated until March 12.)

To review the known details for each team in this complex deal, which is pending a Friday morning trade call:

• The Lakers give up Andrew Bynum and a protected 2017 first-round pick, and receive Howard.

• The Nuggets give up Arron Afflalo, Al Harrington and a protected first-round pick, and receive Andre Iguodala.

• The Sixers give up Iguodala, Nikola Vucevic, Moe Harkless and a protected first-round pick that can be no earlier than 2015, and receive Bynum and Jason Richardson.

• The Magic give up Howard and Richardson, and receive Afflalo, Harrington, Vucevic, Harkless and the three protected first-round picks mentioned above.

Basically, I like this deal for the other three teams ... and hate it for Orlando. Let's break it down for each one:

Orlando Magic

I don't feel totally comfortable ripping them because I don't know what competing offers they had, but I have a hard time believing they couldn't do better than this. Suddenly, overpaying Brook Lopez doesn't sound so bad.

The Magic didn't generate that much salary-cap savings, but they didn't really need to. They'll have max cap room heading into the 2013 offseason, and they'll be even further under the cap if they cut partially guaranteed deals belonging to Harrington and Hedo Turkoglu.

But let's put it this way: The two players they received as salary ballast wouldn't have been my first two choices from the three other rosters in this deal.

Afflalo is a halfway decent scorer who decided he was "The Man" last season and stopped playing defense. He's a hard-working, quality player, but he's also owed $31 million over the next four years and he'll be 27 years old by the start of this coming season.

Harrington had a nice 2011-12, too, but Denver was wise to sell high. He is a Fluke Rule player (i.e., his stats can be expected to regress sharply next season), has a bad knee and is 32 years old. Just what you need to rebuild.

Together, Afflalo and Harrington make nearly as much as Howard, and I'd argue that their two contracts have negative value going forward (although the Magic could cut Harrington after the season and save half the money since his deal is only 50 percent guaranteed).

Oh, the Magic got some other things out of it, but it's all flotsam. They received three first-round picks, but they won't get much immediate help from those -- Philly's pick won't arrive until 2015 at the earliest, and the pick from the Lakers won't be available until 2017.

The Magic also get two recent draft picks in the deal, Harkless and Vucevic, so they'll argue that they got five first-round picks for Howard. But they'll likely end up being five low-value firsts at the back end of the draft. In fact, they're guaranteed to be bad, since our Marc Stein reports that all three future ones are lottery protected. Of the other two, Vucevic is a solid backup center but nothing special, and I thought Harkless was a reach as a first-rounder.

Instead, the only lottery pick Orlando gets out of this is its own, after what figures to be a 19-win season in 2012-13 leaves the Magic with a top-five pick.

The amazing part, however, is what Orlando didn't get out of this: No Bynum. No Pau Gasol. Not even an Iguodala. I have a hard time believing Orlando couldn't stick the Lakers with Harrington and Magic forward Glen Davis in return for Gasol, given that the Lakers had no other realistic means of acquiring Howard.

It appears Orlando wants to rip its roster down to the studs and emulate the Oklahoma City model -- after all, new general manager Rob Hennigan came from the Thunder -- and perhaps the Magic can pull it off. Now all they have to do is select an all-time great and two other All-Stars in the next three drafts, and they'll be all set to emulate the Thunder.

Los Angeles Lakers

This is going to be so funny next summer when Howard spurns the Lakers to sign with the Hawks.

(Wakes up.)

Holy hell, it's good to be the Lakers. After somehow parlaying a pile of backyard trash into Steve Nash, they now have converted the very good Andrew Bynum into the absolutely dominant Dwight Howard. As reported, they somehow didn't have to give up Gasol or even take back any bad contracts. But I'm sure they're crying a river over the 2017 first-round pick they had to give up. You'll excuse the Spurs and Thunder for feeling like they're playing a game that's rigged against them.

It leaves the Lakers with a bit of a Miami in 2010-11 scenario, in which the pieces don't quite fit and they have to figure out how to make them mesh. As it was with Miami, having pieces such as these means it probably doesn't matter.

Process this: Pau Gasol is the fourth option. The Lakers are running the pick-and-roll with Nash and Howard, Gasol lifting for the midrange J, and Kobe lurking on the weak side? Good luck defending that.

There is some risk that Howard will leave after the season, but it was equally present with Bynum. The new CBA gives players incentive to test free agency, so flight risk is part of the equation going forward. But again, when you're the Lakers, flight risk is much less of a problem than it is for, oh, say, Orlando.

Philadelphia 76ers

I've been harsh on Philly's front office, but this is a heck of a deal for the 76ers. Players such as Bynum aren't going to just show up in Philadelphia, but between having his Bird rights and his growing up in nearby central Jersey, he's about as minimal a flight risk as they could hope to get.

Suddenly, the Sixers have a building block in the middle, and it didn't even cost them that much. Iguodala is a heck of a player and will be missed, but the other assets they relinquished were fungible. And even though Richardson is on a bad contract, he isn't exactly dead weight -- especially with a big man to draw double-teams.

Of course, this makes the preceding events of the summer only look more foolish. Elton Brand would have been great next to Bynum, there's no need for Kwame Brown to play a minute on this roster (not that there was before), and Nick Young and Dorell Wright are redundant next to Richardson. Philly still has some work to do to get its roster shipshape for opening day. (Also, Philly: Any time you want to sign a backup point guard, go right ahead. Really.)

But as for this trade? There's no way Philly couldn't do this deal. When you're one of the Other 25 in the league, you have to take chances on elite players when they come. The Sixers are taking a calculated gamble, and it should pay off. Their worst-case scenario is they get one year of Bynum and drop Iguodala's contract, which isn't necessarily a bad thing on its own.

Denver Nuggets

I love this deal for the Nuggets. Loveitloveitloveit. Iguodala is a hellacious wing stopper, the perfect complement for Danilo Gallinari, and his transition play will only be more terrifying surrounded by all that speed in Denver. The Nuggets are selling high on two players (Afflalo and Harrington) who might have peaked last season (especially Harrington) and move themselves a bit closer to making their no-stars model a viable one for getting beyond the first round of the playoffs.

The only little fly in the ointment is that they helped the Lakers get Howard. Um, that's gonna be a problem. But Denver got better, too, and did so while actually improving its cap position, since Iguodala has only two years left on his deal. The Nuggets wriggle out of about $23 million in future money, or $16 million if you subtract the nonguaranteed part of Harrington's deal, and put themselves in position to be a cap team in 2014 if this doesn't work.

As an aside, it also appears the Nuggets have become masters of what we'll call the "delayed sign-and-trade." After mild overpays of both Nene and Afflalo last summer, done to keep each from departing without compensation, Denver quickly moved them along before the deals came back to bite it. The race between Wilson Chandler and JaVale McGee to be the next one should be entertaining.

In the meantime, a Denver club that was 19th in defensive efficiency likely will make a sharp jump with Iggy in tow. And as a side benefit, the Nuggets create some space on a roster that was getting dangerously overcrowded.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.10.2011.
Poruka: 10.240
10. kolovoza 2012. u 12:36
robinho1310 je napisao/la:
koga jos lakersi imaju na klupi.? vjerojatno najbolja petorka, odmah uz heat..
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ako cemo po matchupovima, onda je oklahoma bolja od lakersa.
ali kosarka je ipak dosta kompleksnija igra od matchupova.