NBA 2012-13

Papa Bear
Papa Bear
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 27.07.2008.
Poruka: 16.089
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:08
basketas je napisao/la:

Kad imas ovakvu situaciju onda il ides mega zvijezda za mega zvijezdu il kupis olos i ides u re-building.

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Ne kupiš ološ, nego isprazniš Salary Cap i ideš u rebuilding.

E sad, Orlando je imao par opcija i sa Nyetsima i sa Lakersima gdje bi totalno ispraznio roster od loših ugovora (Hedo, oba Richardsona, Big Baby,...), no na kraju su se riješili Dwighta i J-Richa, a uzeli dva loša ugovora nazad, Afflalo i Harrington (čiji je ugovor skoro pa katastrofalan za ono što radi na terenu i koliko je star).

Tako da to nije imalo baš previše smisla, npr. u odnosu na one ponuđene Lakers-Houston-Orlando ili Lakers-Houston-Cleveland tradeove.

Uglavnom, GM Orlanda je ovdje ispao teži kreten i još je pomogao većini omraženim Lakersima (neznam kako uvijek nalete na tako nekoga).

Btw. ovi koji zazivaju Sterna, nemože on ovdje ništa, on je vetoirao onaj trade Chrisa Paula jer je tada NBA liga (odnosno sam Stern) zapravo bila vlasnik Hornetsa, Stern je skužio da je ponuda Lakersa sranje i blokirao je (to se u konačnici pokazalo kao super odluka jer su Hornetsi tradeom sa Clippersima ispraznili Salary Cap, dobili 11. pick na draftu, dobili mladog Gordona u tradeu, bili loši prošle sezone što je i cilj te dobili prvi pick na draftu, i u konačnici liga je uspjela prodati Hornetse vlasniku koji će ih zadržati u New Orleansu).

Dok kod ovog tradea Dwighta iz Orlanda nemože ništa i nema ništa s tim jer nema ovlasti, a to što je GM Orlanda teža morončina je problem vlasnika franšize Magica.

Btw. a što se tiče ravnopravnosti u NBA ligi što ovdje dosta ljudi priča, toga neće biti dok NBA ne uvede Hard Cap kao što ga imaju NFL i NHL, gdje je ograničena potrošnja na plaće nekim limitom iznad kojeg se nemože ići i mala tržišta imaju ravnopravne šanse sa velikim gradovima (LA, NY) i ekstra bogatim vlasnicima koji neznaju šta bi sa novcem i nije im problem plaćati Luxury Tax.

[uredio Papa Bear - 10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:26]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:23
basketas je napisao/la:
madmax17 je napisao/la:
If you try to do this trade in 2k12, the Magic AI will ask for both Gasol and Bynum. It's amazing how an actual human can take this trade with a straight face.

I 2k12 aI ima bolju inteligenciju od Magic gm-a, nevjerojatno.
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A i ti ga seres na zadnje dvije stranice masno.

Kad imas ovakvu situaciju onda il ides mega zvijezda za mega zvijezdu il kupis olos i ides u re-building.

Dobro je netko napisao oko Bynuma se ne moze gradit momcad, cinjenica je da je on drugi centar ali cinjenica je ta da je su Lakersi imali momacad kakvu Orlando ne moze sloziti u sljedecih 5-6 godina ( kad ce Bynum biti na 31-2). On bi morao igrati sa barem jos dva prava superstara.

Ugovor novi ne bi potpisao i sta bio dobio, bolja je ponuda Brooks, Lopez i Humpries? Pa jbt nije ti ovo Europa, oni gledaju da imaju potencijal za finale ili osvajanje, drugi za play-off ( Orlando nikad ne gleda samo play-off potencijal), imali bi 7-8 pobjeda vise i bili bi rubna play-off ekipa, ovako ako im se poklopi par stvari opet ce biti rubna ekipa ako ne imat ce dobre pickove.

Gasol je gotov igrac, on moze jos 2-3 godine biti kvaliteta jedino u timu poput Lakersa ili nekom kontenderu, gdje ce biti 3-4 igrac i tu ce biti dobar, njegovo vrijeme kao jedne od najvecih zvjezda je proslost i samo ce padat u prosjecnost i kao takav na trzistu nema skoro nikakvu vrijednost.

Phila-Denver-La su napravili dobar trade, Orlando krece ispocetka umjesto da je Howarda utopio za nekog losijeg superstara ili hrpu polovnjaka, ni prvi ni zadnji put videno u ligi.
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Ja na više a ti sereš na jednoj stranici
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 31.05.2012.
Poruka: 665
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:29
Papa Bear je napisao/la:

Nakon ovog tradea Phillyu je Kwame Brown potpisan na 2 sezone totalno promašena investicija, a nemaju rezervnog playa.
Ostatak rostera je fino popunjen i imaju radnog trenera koji će utjerati disciplinu u Bynuma.

Btw. bit će istok iznimno zanimljiv, prvaci Miami, pa Nyetsi i Philly, pa Knicksi, Boston i Indiana.
I nakon ovih nabrojanih bolnica u Chicagu, te jedno veliko ništa.

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Rezervni play je Turner, zamišljeno je da on ili Holiday ostanu na terenu i vode i 2. petorku, ovisno o match upu već i tako. A tek kao osigurači su tu Ivey i ovaj Wayns. Al slažem se da možda fali ball handler jedan.
Brown je potpisan na 6 milja na 2 sezone, s obzirom na sklonost ozljeda određenih igrača, neka njega tu. Iako, nije isključeno da će se napraviti još koji trejd, vjerujem da je Phila ovim poželjnija destinacija mnogim igračima.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 31.05.2012.
Poruka: 665
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:40
Dwight Howard has been traded to the Lakers following the completion of an official trade call with the NBA league office.

The reported deal will send Howard, Chris Duhon and Earl Clark to the Lakers, Andre Iguodala going to the Nuggets, Andrew Bynum and Jason Richardson to the Sixers, while the Magic would receive at least Arron Afflalo, Nikola Vucevic, Moe Harkless, Christian Eyenga, Josh McRoberts and a first round pick from each of the other teams along with the Warriors' second round pick in 2013 via Denver.

Read more:

Službeno je izgleda. 
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:42
Katastrofa.. Ponude Hawksa, Rocketsa i Netsa, koji su nudili prve pickove sve do 2019-e, su bile bolje od ove.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:46

Winner: Los Angeles Lakers


The Los Angeles Lakers are obviously the big winners of this trade, as Mitch Kupchak essentially managed to swap Andrew Bynum for Dwight Howard. 

With D12 on board in purple and gold, the Lakers now boast the NBA's best starting lineup: Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, Metta World Peace, Pau Gasol and Dwight. 

L.A. now has a center who fits in better with the Princeton Offense—one who also happens to be the best player at his position in the NBA. 

With elite players at four of the five positions and a standout defender at small forward, the Lakers are poised to add a sixth ring to Kobe's collection in the immediate future. 

Dwight's presence ensures that L.A. is in the hunt for a title while also extending Kobe's prime for a bit longer, as some of the pressure can now be taken off his shoulders. 

Loser: Orlando Magic


Is this really the best that the Orlando Magic could do? 

Rob Hennigan didn't land Pau Gasol, Andrew Bynum or Brook Lopez, instead settling for a deal that emptied his roster of Dwight Howard for far less intriguing players. 

Yes, the Magic eventually had to bite the bullet and trade away their star center, but surely they could have gotten a little bit more in return?

Arron Afflalo is an intriguing young shooting guard with plenty of potential on the defensive end of the court, but he's not exactly a franchise centerpiece.

The 26-year-old 2-guard averaged 15.2 points, 2.4 assists and 3.2 rebounds per game last season with a below-average player efficiency rating (PER) of 14.76. The opposing PER of 13.7 that he allowed opposing shooting guards to post—according to—was impressive, but doesn't change his status as a (non-)franchise player.   

Similarly, Nikola Vucevic and Maurice Harkless both have some upside, but neither was thought of highly enough to go in the lottery of their respective drafts. There's a serious limit to their upside.

Vucevic was efficient and effective during his time on the court as a rookie for the Philadelphia 76ers, but it's anyone's guess as to whether that will remain true when he averages more than 15.9 minutes per game.

As for Harkless, the sky is the limit for him, but only if we're referring to his jumping ability.  

Besides the protected first-round picks that the Magic will receive from each team, Al Harrington was the last piece in the deal going. He's already 32 and clearly isn't a player the Magic want to build around. 

This is by no means a terrible trade from the Magic's perspective, but they could have done far better with either a little more patience in the last week, or a little less hesitance in the past few months. 

Winner: Andre Iguodala

Andre Iguodala is now going to be put into a situation where he can thrive as the league's best role player. 

He'll no longer be asked to be a top scoring option, as he was with the Philadelphia 76ers. Now, he can function as the team's secondary or tertiary scorer behind Ty Lawson and/or Danilo Gallinari.

Allowed to pick and choose his spots, Iggy will blossom into an even more efficient machine while maintaining his focus on the defensive end of the court.

He'll immediately take over the team's starting shooting guard role and will play to his heart's content.

Plus, we all know just how much Iggy loves producing highlights.

Playing alongside a blazingly-fast point guard like Ty Lawson and a mobile big man in the form of Kenneth Faried, Iguodala is going to have opportunity after opportunity in transition.

He'll be on the receiving end of quite a few alley-oops when the Denver Nuggets get out and start running the fast break.

Loser: Philadelphia 76ers


The Philadelphia 76ers lose Andre Iguodala, but they pick up Andrew Bynum and finally have the low-post threat that they've been sorely lacking. 

At first glance, it appears as though the Sixers are winners in this trade, seeing how they just managed to replace Kwame Brown in the starting five with the NBA's second-best center. 

However, this team isn't built to win now. With a potential starting lineup of Jrue Holiday, Evan Turner/Jason Richardson/Nick Young, Dorell Wright, Spencer Hawes and Bynum, the Sixers are looking at a low seed in the Eastern Conference. 

This team isn't ready to compete with the true contenders in the NBA during its first year in their current form. 

Bynum hasn't indicated that he'll sign an extension with any team but the Los Angeles Lakers, which could mean that it's now or never for the Sixers. 

Unfortunately for their fans, "never" is looking like the safer option if Bynum leaves in free agency and doesn't stick past 2013.

Winner: NBA Fans


NBA fans can rejoice. The Dwightmare a few months before Christmas is almost officially over (assuming the reports prove correct...and David Stern doesn't meddle).

Howard can't flip-flop anymore. He can't declare that he wants something one way and then change his mind as soon as it appears that the possibility is about to become an actuality. 

Rob Hennigan can't hesitate to make up his mind and drive everyone crazy. 

The Los Angeles Lakers are the team that landed Dwight, and there's simply not much more speculation to deal with. 

We can all proceed with our lives and no longer worry about opening up the browser and seeing the latest reiteration of the Dwight rumor. 

NBA fans have been freed from the whims of D12 and Hennigan, and for that, the fans are clearly winners. 


Loser: LeBron James


Just when the basketball world appeared to be developing into LeBron James' oyster after his regular-season MVP, Finals MVP and dominance in London, the landscape of its world shifted. 

Now, LeBron's repeat efforts have to go through the Los Angeles Lakers, and winning a second straight championship will be anything but easy. 

LeBron's detractors will never be satisfied with anything less than seven or eight rings. After all, he "promised" that at a silly pep rally that was meant more to pump up fans than anything else. 

Regardless of his intentions during that now infamous rally, LeBron is going to be held to a higher standard, and he can't be done winning titles after systematically destroying the Oklahoma City Thunder in the 2012 NBA Finals. 

That higher standard will be awfully difficult to achieve now that Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol and Steve Nash have joined forces to form a Big Four that more than rivals South Beach's Big Three. 

I have no idea what LeBron's face looked like when he heard the news in London, but I can only imagine that the corners of his mouth weren't turned upward in smile. 

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
randy marsh
randy marsh
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2011.
Poruka: 9.678
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:51
ako dođe do finala MIA-LAL uništiće mi sezonu. Za koga tu da navijam, gadovi do gadova.

Isreno se nadam da će David Stern i vođstvo TNT-a izvršiti kolektivni suicid kad u veliko finale uđu rednecksi iz Indiane i Oklahome
...jedna po jedna prsnu pod nogom!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.122
10. kolovoza 2012. u 19:55
The price in dollars will be enormous, one that mocks the collective bargaining agreement and the league’s bogus claim that it could engineer competitive balance on a grand scale. The Lakers’ payroll will push or exceed $100 million in each of the next two seasons (assuming a max extension for Howard), putting them nearly $30 million over the luxury-tax line that has terrified the big-market Bulls. When the harsher tax penalties kick in next season, the Lakers could be paying a tax bill of something like $50 million — on top of their payroll.

Again, we don’t know how concrete any of these offers were, and there have been rumblings around the league that Orlando’s non-basketball people — i.e., CEO Alex Martins — have taken control of the Howard talks away from GM Rob Hennigan (and Otis Smith before him). But this deal stinks for the Magic. It’s great for the Lakers, though. Some things never change.

Aha, znači nije GM napravio ovaj 'posao' već ljudi koji se ne kuže u košarku, neke stvari mi sada imaju smisla
[uredio madmax17 - 10. kolovoza 2012. u 20:02]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 23.12.2011.
Poruka: 7.242
10. kolovoza 2012. u 20:04
uff sa iguodalom ce igra bit jos brza nego prosle sezone
jedva cekam novu sezonu
"Stvarna veličina kluba ne mjeri se trenutnim rezultatima, trofejima ili novcem, nego time koliko ga ljudi doživljava kao svoj – kao nešto bitno u svojim životima."
Pristupio: 28.08.2011.
Poruka: 22.377
10. kolovoza 2012. u 20:19
Papa Bear je napisao/la:
basketas je napisao/la:

Kad imas ovakvu situaciju onda il ides mega zvijezda za mega zvijezdu il kupis olos i ides u re-building.

Vidi cijeli citat

Ne kupiš ološ, nego isprazniš Salary Cap i ideš u rebuilding.

E sad, Orlando je imao par opcija i sa Nyetsima i sa Lakersima gdje bi totalno ispraznio roster od loših ugovora (Hedo, oba Richardsona, Big Baby,...), no na kraju su se riješili Dwighta i J-Richa, a uzeli dva loša ugovora nazad, Afflalo i Harrington (čiji je ugovor skoro pa katastrofalan za ono što radi na terenu i koliko je star).

Tako da to nije imalo baš previše smisla, npr. u odnosu na one ponuđene Lakers-Houston-Orlando ili Lakers-Houston-Cleveland tradeove.

Uglavnom, GM Orlanda je ovdje ispao teži kreten i još je pomogao većini omraženim Lakersima (neznam kako uvijek nalete na tako nekoga).

Btw. ovi koji zazivaju Sterna, nemože on ovdje ništa, on je vetoirao onaj trade Chrisa Paula jer je tada NBA liga (odnosno sam Stern) zapravo bila vlasnik Hornetsa, Stern je skužio da je ponuda Lakersa sranje i blokirao je (to se u konačnici pokazalo kao super odluka jer su Hornetsi tradeom sa Clippersima ispraznili Salary Cap, dobili 11. pick na draftu, dobili mladog Gordona u tradeu, bili loši prošle sezone što je i cilj te dobili prvi pick na draftu, i u konačnici liga je uspjela prodati Hornetse vlasniku koji će ih zadržati u New Orleansu).

Dok kod ovog tradea Dwighta iz Orlanda nemože ništa i nema ništa s tim jer nema ovlasti, a to što je GM Orlanda teža morončina je problem vlasnika franšize Magica.

Btw. a što se tiče ravnopravnosti u NBA ligi što ovdje dosta ljudi priča, toga neće biti dok NBA ne uvede Hard Cap kao što ga imaju NFL i NHL, gdje je ograničena potrošnja na plaće nekim limitom iznad kojeg se nemože ići i mala tržišta imaju ravnopravne šanse sa velikim gradovima (LA, NY) i ekstra bogatim vlasnicima koji neznaju šta bi sa novcem i nije im problem plaćati Luxury Tax.

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Sa Netsima ne bi pokupili ponovo lose ugovore? Humpriesa i Lopeza koji su tek prosjecni igraci s tim da je ovaj drugi extra sklon ozljedama, ne kazem da je ovo dobar potez ali nije ni toliko ne ocekivan.

Oni su mogli napravit taj trade sa  Netsima i dobit 3 prosjecna igraca i opet lose ugovore, sa Atlantom ( mozda jel) i dobit opet samo solidne Teagua i Horforda i nesto od Rocketsa i to je to jer nitko drugi nije ni pomisljao na Howarda em zbog ozljeda, em zbog njegove blesave glave i najavljivanja ne potpisivanja ugovora.

Tako da sve u svemu Orlando nikako nije mogao proci ne znam kako dobro, mozda je mogao bolje, na prvu sigruno recimo da su isli cisto Bynum za DH ali ovaj ne bi potpisao ugovor i sto onda.

Sto se tice losih ugovora njih ce se ionako rijesiti kroz sljedece tri-cetiri godine u kojima da su napravili bilo sta od ovog trade-a ne bi napravili.

Evo vi koji prigovarate, za sto bi vi dali Howarda tj. kakave trade i koliko bi to bilo bolje, cekam odgovor.

Ne kazem da nije moglo bolje ali drasticno nije, a posebno da LA nije dao nsita i da je opet sjebo nekog jer ovaj put to nije slucaj, nisam neki LA fan, samo realan, da se razumijemo.
[uredio basketas - 10. kolovoza 2012. u 20:23]
Kad pitaju sto je srcu milo...sviraj ono ja te volim Slavonijo...