NBA 2016-2017

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2007.
Poruka: 11.671
31. siječnja 2017. u 00:49
A što reći na niz Miamija?!
Samo vjera, nada i ljubav, a najveća od njih je ljubav. Merčep, Praljak, Prlić, Petković, Ćorić, Pušić, Stojić - velikani hrvatskog naroda
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.07.2009.
Poruka: 32.585
31. siječnja 2017. u 03:52
Bogomdani je napisao/la:
A što reći na niz Miamija?!
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Evo nove pobjede s McGruderom i Babbittom u prvoj postavi 

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.923
31. siječnja 2017. u 17:29
sad je i ofišl..naši u nba,posljednja 3 kluba istoku..posljednji klub na zapadu NOVI VIDEO!
Dinko Bilich
Dinko Bilich
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 08.07.2012.
Poruka: 21.655
31. siječnja 2017. u 19:07
allen je napisao/la:
sad je i ofišl..naši u nba,posljednja 3 kluba istoku..posljednji klub na zapadu
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2 na Zapadu, ne ubrajaš Zupca
Pristupio: 08.08.2009.
Poruka: 17.203
31. siječnja 2017. u 19:53
allen je napisao/la:
sad je i ofišl..naši u nba,posljednja 3 kluba istoku..posljednji klub na zapadu
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Možda je ipak bolje da Žižić ne dođe u Boston... 
"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals." - Larry Bird
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 07.08.2012.
Poruka: 1.636
31. siječnja 2017. u 23:41

The Suns and Kings have reportedly had discussions involving a trade the would net Phoenix DeMarcus Cousins.

Phoenix is reportedly offering T.J. Warren, Alex Len, their 2017 first-round pick and they may also include some of the Miami future first-round selections that they have in their back pocket from the Goran Dragic deal. The Kings are looking for a quality starting point guard, and with impressive freshmen Lonzo Ball of UCLA set to enter the 2017 draft, the Kings may be able to finally secure that PG they desire with what will likely be a high lottery selection from the Suns. Phoenix would be a particularly good landing spot for DMC, as they play at the fourth-highest pace in the league.

"I went from wanting to trade him on the spot to wanting to cook breakfast for him tomorrow morning. When I talk to him and say Manu, he goes, `This is what I do.' That's what he's going to tell me. I stopped coaching him a long time ago."
Dinko Bilich
Dinko Bilich
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 08.07.2012.
Poruka: 21.655
31. siječnja 2017. u 23:48
MajklĐordan je napisao/la:

The Suns and Kings have reportedly had discussions involving a trade the would net Phoenix DeMarcus Cousins.

Phoenix is reportedly offering T.J. Warren, Alex Len, their 2017 first-round pick and they may also include some of the Miami future first-round selections that they have in their back pocket from the Goran Dragic deal. The Kings are looking for a quality starting point guard, and with impressive freshmen Lonzo Ball of UCLA set to enter the 2017 draft, the Kings may be able to finally secure that PG they desire with what will likely be a high lottery selection from the Suns. Phoenix would be a particularly good landing spot for DMC, as they play at the fourth-highest pace in the league.

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Kingsi sigurno neće imati TOP5 pick pa da izaberu Lonza, a i Divac bi kvalitetnu glupost napravio ovim potezom, nadmašio bi prijašnje eskapadice
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 16.07.2016.
Poruka: 4.695
31. siječnja 2017. u 23:51
Dinko Bilich je napisao/la:
MajklĐordan je napisao/la:

The Suns and Kings have reportedly had discussions involving a trade the would net Phoenix DeMarcus Cousins.

Phoenix is reportedly offering T.J. Warren, Alex Len, their 2017 first-round pick and they may also include some of the Miami future first-round selections that they have in their back pocket from the Goran Dragic deal. The Kings are looking for a quality starting point guard, and with impressive freshmen Lonzo Ball of UCLA set to enter the 2017 draft, the Kings may be able to finally secure that PG they desire with what will likely be a high lottery selection from the Suns. Phoenix would be a particularly good landing spot for DMC, as they play at the fourth-highest pace in the league.

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Kingsi sigurno neće imati TOP5 pick pa da izaberu Lonza, a i Divac bi kvalitetnu glupost napravio ovim potezom, nadmašio bi prijašnje eskapadice
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Kako neće pa piše da će im Sunsi dati svoj pick, a taj će bit među 5. Šta ne?
Dinko Bilich
Dinko Bilich
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 08.07.2012.
Poruka: 21.655
01. veljače 2017. u 00:16
kemp3 je napisao/la:
Dinko Bilich je napisao/la:
MajklĐordan je napisao/la:

The Suns and Kings have reportedly had discussions involving a trade the would net Phoenix DeMarcus Cousins.

Phoenix is reportedly offering T.J. Warren, Alex Len, their 2017 first-round pick and they may also include some of the Miami future first-round selections that they have in their back pocket from the Goran Dragic deal. The Kings are looking for a quality starting point guard, and with impressive freshmen Lonzo Ball of UCLA set to enter the 2017 draft, the Kings may be able to finally secure that PG they desire with what will likely be a high lottery selection from the Suns. Phoenix would be a particularly good landing spot for DMC, as they play at the fourth-highest pace in the league.

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Kingsi sigurno neće imati TOP5 pick pa da izaberu Lonza, a i Divac bi kvalitetnu glupost napravio ovim potezom, nadmašio bi prijašnje eskapadice
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Kako neće pa piše da će im Sunsi dati svoj pick, a taj će bit među 5. Šta ne?
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Ahhahah, kakav lapsus, da, Sixersi imaju pravo razmjene s Kingsima, ne Sunsima. Maj bad. To bi već imalo smisla nekakvog
[uredio Dinko Bilich - 01. veljače 2017. u 00:16]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 14.11.2009.
Poruka: 1.658
02. veljače 2017. u 09:41
Boston dobio Toronto i sada je preokret potpun, bježe im utakmicu i pol a Cleveland je udaljen 2.5 utakmice. Thomas ima 27 godina i igra sezonu zivota a po vasim pricama i po internetu sto sam gledao sljedeci draft nudi visoke pozicije samo za PG sto za Boston zaista nema smisla. Mozda odmah forsiraju trade za nekog visokog sto bi bila otezavajuca okolnost za zizu. Mozda sacekaju FA i tamo nekoga pokupe ali ponnuda je ocajna za ono sto njima treba, vjerujem da ih ocekuje sjajna buducnost ali moraju sad napraviti potez da postanu pravi izazivaci Lebronu na istoku
Šta me tako gledaš, nisam forumaš.