Phila je nedavno uzela Moreya za šefa kšarkaških operacija i odmah su krenule priče, tko će prvi odletiti, Ben ili Joel (a možda i oba) jer Harris i Horford imaju ugovore koje nitko ne želi...
Bile su čak priče da će napraviti trade za Hardena i da će Phila šutirati hrpu trica kao Houston...
Danas sam naletio na jedan video koji razmatra nešto drugačiji scenarij...
Evo par detalja :)
Morey loves analytics, and optimizing the team’s offense so that it brings as many points per given possession as possible.
So what makes me think that the Sixers won’t turn into the Rockets?
Here’s my point. As a data driven guy, Morrey looks to his main player’s strengths, and then amplifies them.
It just so happens that Harden is a great shot maker and driver. So that was Houston’s philosophy. Play to these strengths.
For Philadelphia tho, it’s a whole different situation, but they do have a clear advantage on the floor. And it has to do with Joel Embiid. Check this out. When Joel posted up, on average the result was 1.2 points per possession. That would be the best and most efficient offense in the league.
Ovo mi se puno više sviđa (želim vidjeti konačnu potvrdu da Ben i Joel mogu igrati zajedno), kao i Moreyeva filozofija da prilagođava pristup igračima koje ima, a ne da tvrdoglavo gura svoju ideju (što neki ljudi/treneri rade).
[uredio The Dream - 02. studenog 2020. u 19:30]