Eeeee tek sada mi je gušt igrati my player
slideriiiiiiiii, nema više bacanja kontrolera u zid jer mi Thunder ima šut 80%, kada izgubim neka bude realno to me ne živcira. Također i faulovi su česti jer se i to prenosi (treba ih prvo podesiti u glavnom meniju).
Use at your own risk. Always backup your save files before you use
this. I only ran one game, but it seems to work. Basically, what we are
going to do is freeze the memory region containing the sliders.
(v2) Game play speed is at 54439E4(4byte) If you want to freeze FT diff, so on, free the region from 54439C4 to 54439F4
Or the labeled cht file by Pandam00nium(Great job!) :
How to use:
1. Run nba2k10.
2. Set the game sliders in my nba menu as you like. (We are going to freeze this, so that this applies to my player too)
3. Run tsearch, load the file.
4. Select all, freeze values.
5. Load My player. Done!
Taj jedan fajl je sada za sve, slidere, faulove, težinu (1-pro, 2 all-star itd.), koliko minuta se igra, samo treba namjestiti sve u glavnom meniju, znači ako je u glavnom meniju težina na superstar tako će biti u my player (sa gore opisanim postupkom).
Također je bitno u controller settings smanjiti 'defense assisst strength' to pomaže kod bezglavog udvajanja, u sliderima isto smanjiti 'help defense strength' (staviti ih na 0, i za cpu i za user).
[uredio madmax17 - 22. listopada 2009. u 11:05]