Nema vise Sjeverne regionalne lige (NEBL) !

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.10.2002.
Poruka: 1.404
13. srpnja 2003. u 09:25
Evo svjedoci smo da je gyl kao regionalna liga zazivila vec svoju trecu sezonu. Iako ima zestoke protivnike (ja prvi) ipak se odrzala, ovdje kod nas. Da to ide tesko i u drugim krajevima svjedoci primjer NEBL-a, sjevernoeuropske lige, koja se evo, ove sezone ugasila:



NEBL stops its activities

Northern European Basketball League (NEBL) administration, located in Vilnius, Lithuania, stops its activities due to critical situation in the European basketball

June 11, 2003

Headquarters of the Northern European Basketball League (NEBL), founded in 1998 and reorganized into FIBA-Europe Conference North in 2002, has stopped its activities for undetermined period. NEBL administration will not be operating any competitions as for the season 2003/04. The present situation in the European basketball enables to continue NEBL activities in a professional manner, while majority of the clubs, players and fans are confused about the structure and hierarchy of European clubs competitions.

NEBL administration expresses its gratitude to its founders, national federations, clubs, who's joint effort developed basketball in the Northern Europe. An exceptional appreciation is devoted to the TV broadcasters and business partners, especially "Vision International" and "Yukos", for their lasting support and mutual trust.

NEBL strongly encourages European basketball authorities to join their forces for the same goal - having a single, clear and professional structure, to unify the entire European club basketball........ "

Moram priznati da u ove nekolike godine igranja nisam vidio toliko pozitivnog u GYL, osim toga sto je besplatna i da prvak moze izboriti mjesto u euroligi (jos uvijek ne). dapace bilo je vise negativnog naboja na pojedinim utakmicama. pogotovo finalna utakmica ove godine.
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