SP za mlade

kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
16. srpnja 2003. u 17:10
Ima vec tema za hrvatsku, al o ostalima i opcenito mozemo ovdje.
Koga to Amerikanci salju na ova prvenstva?? na zadnjeu SPU19 1999-te su igrali:
jedino sam za ovog Doolinga mozda cuo i mozda za Wrighta-a (ima ih puno). Nije ni cudo sto su na svakoj utakmici na granici poraza. Evo sad imaustralci vode sa 12

kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
16. srpnja 2003. u 17:11
Inace, kako stvari stoje Ameri ispadaju,a dalje ide Litva i Australija - jos se ne zna tko je prvi. Lijepa prilika za postati svjetskim prvakom
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.07.2003.
Poruka: 212
16. srpnja 2003. u 17:15
Aus - USA 85-68, kakao izgleda US-Boys napustaju ovo prvenstvo kao i seniori
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.11.2002.
Poruka: 1.125
16. srpnja 2003. u 17:39
Australija i Litva su u polufinalu...
Bogut zabio 22 amerima i imo tendex od1.102
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.07.2003.
Poruka: 212
16. srpnja 2003. u 20:09
Cibona ili neki derugi nas klub bi trebao da ga uzme, dat cemo mu i putovnicu i evo pronasli smo tricu za nasu repku.
kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
17. srpnja 2003. u 23:37
Evo komentar portorikanskog trenera o dominaciji grka i amerikanaca na SP (sa espn-a)
[QUOTE] The U.S.A. and the Greece host has dominated World-wide the Youthful one of Basketball SALONICA, Greece -- After completed the stage of classification of 7mo Youthful World-wide Championship of Basketball and having itself played two third parts of the second round, the finalists begin to define themselves who will be playing by medals. The first stage of this match for young people of 19 years or less, being celebrated in the city of Salonica in Greece, saw the equipment of Australia, Greece, the United States and the Croatia to dominate its respective groups (To, B, C and D), when finishing invictos in three presentations each one. In each one of those groups they also classified those that finalized in second position, when accumulating identical registries of two victories and one defeat. These were Turquia, Puerto Rico, Slovenia and Lituania, respectively. The classified quintetos as well were regrouped in other two new sections. In the "E" they participate Australia, Puerto Rico, the United States and Lituania. In the "F" they are Greece, Slovenia, the Croatia and Turquia. Best the two of each group will happen to be the four semifinalists whom they will be defining as of Friday 18 of July, the positions 1ro to 4to of the championship.
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kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
17. srpnja 2003. u 23:38
nastavak prijevoda
[QUOTE]On the other hand, the 4 classified equipment to semifinals will not be playing to each other to define the positions 5to to 8vo. Within these better eight equipment of the world, Europe managed to strain to its five participants in the match, America managed to position to two of its four (Argentina and Venezuela did not advance and have had to play in the round of 9no 16to); whereas the Australian Continent was able to classify its only representative. The first two dates of this second round have left as balance to two equipment practicamente classified for the final round. The United States and Greece have dominated to their respective rivals in their two first commitments and they are outlined already like semifinalists. The North Americans dominated of ample form, in their first game, to Puerto Rico and by hardly three points, in their second party, to Lituania to touch to the doors of the classification already. He reduces single a party to him of this round, in front of Australia, and gaining it or losing by less than 6 points, they would be advancing. Greece has done the own thing in its group, defeating by ample margins to Slovenia and Turkey; having left a party in front of the Croatia, in which it could lose until by 21 points and even so to advance to the four end. The second classified in the group and could well be Lituania, that it only has to defeat in his last party from this series to Puerto Rico to advance. Puerto Rico still has opportunities, but to classify they would have to defeat by more than 4 points to Lituania and to count whereupon the United States wins to Australia. In case that it happened first, but Australia prevailed before the Americans, would be the Australians the classified ones. In group F it happens something similar with the Croatia, Turkey and Slovenia, where to the Turks it is enough to them just by to overcome the Slovenes, as long as the Croatia does not manage to defeat to Greece. In case the Croatians overcame the Greeks, those would be these two equipment that they would advance, being left Turkey outside.
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kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
17. srpnja 2003. u 23:38
[QUOTE]The only opportunity of the Slovenes goes of the hand of which a pair of things happens; in order to classify itself you would deberan to defeat to the Turks by 12 or more points and to count whereupon Greece win to the Croatia. In the round of consolation, Argentina and Venezuela they march invictos and everything tends to indicate that they will be deciding on the positions 9na to 12da. Their possible companions in that round seem to be Chinese Nigeria and, who have played an acceptable level. Malaysia, Iran, Angola and Korea South del are the equipment that has demonstrated smaller quality, reason why their classifications between the positions 13ra to 16ta will be right. In the individual plane, it is worth the trouble to indicate to several players who by their executory ones in hurt it stand out and they are outlined like possible members of the ideal quinteto. In the base position they are most outstanding Jose Juan Barea, of Puerto Rico; Daniel Brown, of the United States and Roko Ukic, the Croatia. The best escorts have been Engin Atasur, of Turkey and Costas Vassiliadis, Greece. The most outstanding eaves until the moment are Of Angelo Alexander, of the United States and Stratos Perperoglou, Greece. As wing-pivots excels Linas Kleiza, of Lituania; Paul Davis, of the United States and Saza Zagorac, Slovenia. The position of pivot stands out by the good amount of quality players who play it. The list is headed by the player selected in the last drawing of the NBA, by Los Angeles Clippers, Sofoklis Schortsianitis, of Greece. To him they are united Andrew to him Bogut, of Australia; Pasalic dragon tree, of the Croatia; Darius Silinskis, of Lituania; Erazem Lorbek, of Slovenia; Kevin Pittsnogle of the United States and Peter John Branches, Puerto Rico. In addition to the players who represent the United States, Barea, Kleiza and Lorbek they study in that country and they play basketball in its respective institutions. Barea is the base of Northeastern University in Boston. Lorbek is teammate of Paul Davis in Michigan State. Kleiza finishes graduating as secondary school in California and will be participating in the NCAA with the University of Kansas. Carlos Moral is commentator of the parties of the NBA that transmits ESPN Latin America. Also she is the analyst of the transmissions in Spanish of Trimming the Magic. Like technician, he has been leader by more than 20 years in all the levels of básquetbol, destacacando itself as technician in the leagues of Puerto Rico, Republic Dominicana and Venezuela and coach of the National Selection of Puerto Rico. See the file of his columns.
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kit teller
kit teller
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.09.2002.
Poruka: 6.425
17. srpnja 2003. u 23:39
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