
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.11.2005.
Poruka: 39
09. prosinca 2005. u 16:49
MA neće biti nikakvih nereda od strane hrvatskih ili srpskih navijača.
Rijetki su navijači Dinama,Hajduka,Partizana ili Zvezde koji si mogu priuštiti Svjetsko prvenstvo? NA takva natjecanja idu samo političari i biznismeni da se kasnije mogu hvaliti i pravi entuzijasti kojima nije do nereda već da gledaju nogomet i što jeftinije prođu.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 01.11.2005.
Poruka: 36.827
09. prosinca 2005. u 18:03
novisad je napisao/la:

M@lez je napisao/la:
Koje ti je to glupo pitanje...jednostavno su nas uzeli za primjer jer smo u tako dobrim odnosima...
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Sta sam ja tu propustio? Ko nas je uzeo za primer? Koga je ko uzeo za primer??!!? O cemu se radi???

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Ma mi o poljoprivednoj emisiji govorimo , tj. " Plodovi Zemlje " u RH i SCG....
Nista posebno....
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.05.2005.
Poruka: 2.497
09. prosinca 2005. u 18:09

ipetric je napisao/la:
MA neće biti nikakvih nereda od strane hrvatskih ili srpskih navijača.
Rijetki su navijači Dinama,Hajduka,Partizana ili Zvezde koji si mogu priuštiti Svjetsko prvenstvo? NA takva natjecanja idu samo političari i biznismeni da se kasnije mogu hvaliti i pravi entuzijasti kojima nije do nereda već da gledaju nogomet i što jeftinije prođu.
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kompa moj grdno se varas...bit ce ih u do sada najvecem broju..a kao "hit" prvenstva izdvojio bih poljake koji imaju itekako jaku hool scenu i ako uspiju stavit iza sebe klupsko neprijateljstvo mogli bi napravit itekakav lom i krš jer već godinama čekaju da njihova zemlja dođe na neko veliko natjecanje, uglavnom, specijalci ce krvavo zaradjivat placu na SP-u..

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.12.2005.
Poruka: 11.625
09. prosinca 2005. u 19:35

 slazem se da ce poljaci ove godine biti iznenadjenje na "globalnoj" navijackoj sceni, pa znate kako se stalno tamo makljaju na granici njemacki i poljski huligani. pa ako ste citali onu knjigu tzv. najveceg britanskog huligana iz Head Huntersa, mogli ste da vidite kako Englezi cijene Poljake, smatraju ih pa mozemo reci najludjim navijacima u istocnoj evropi.

e onda dolaze standardno englezi, holandjani itd... jos samo da su se turci plasirali, e tek bi onda specijalci imali pune ruke posla... schwabe nece biti nesto posebno, mislim da to njihova policija vec sve drzi od prismotrom, bar one sa duzim hool-stazom. al bice zanimljivo kako na terenu tako i van njega...

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.05.2005.
Poruka: 716
09. prosinca 2005. u 19:44
 Ako mi i srbi završimo u istoj skupini tek onda će bit krša! Možete zamislit 30-ak tisuća naših s jedne i isto toliko s njihove strane na stadionu......
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 282
09. prosinca 2005. u 19:49

 sanse da se to dogodi su 3:64

Tuc cemo se mi sa Furijama, Togoancima, i Ekvadorcima

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.05.2005.
Poruka: 716
09. prosinca 2005. u 19:54

 Ekvador!!!??? Neeeeeeeeee opeeeeeeeeeeet!!!


Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.11.2005.
Poruka: 28
09. prosinca 2005. u 19:58
Cenarius je napisao/la:

 Ekvador!!!??? Neeeeeeeeee opeeeeeeeeeeet!!!


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Šta(kaj) si se usra(pokakao), bit će nas više(Malo nas je al nas ima...)


Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2005.
Poruka: 4.798
22. siječnja 2006. u 12:15

Eastern Nazis target black England stars
Bob Graham
EXTREME right wing groups from eastern Europe are planning to subject England’s black football stars to racist abuse during the World Cup tournament in Germany.

The gangs, from Serbia, Croatia and the Czech Republic, have held meetings at which they agreed to put aside traditional rivalries for the duration of the tournament.

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Radi Jiricna, a Czech organiser of the “United Fascist Brigade”, warned: “We will be coming together to fight in Germany . . . our spiritual home. We are looking for black English players because they are taking the places of white players.”

The Sunday Times has learnt of a meeting held two months ago in Serbia, involving six Czech skinheads and the Delije, notoriously violent supporters of Red Star Belgrade. Two weeks later they met a group of hooligans from Croatia.

Fifteen years ago a pitched battle in a football stadium between Red Star fans and a rival Croatian club was one of the sparks that ignited the Balkan wars.

One of the Serbian organisers, Dragan Banovic, explained: “Germany will be one big battleground this summer. This is an opportunity for our groups to shout our message and to know people will hear it.”

Banovic, a former paramilitary who fought in Bosnia alongside Arkan, the Serbian war criminal assassinated in 2000, added: “For the time of the World Cup, traditional rivalries will be forgotten. I will be able to stand alongside others from Zagreb and Split, from Prague, Rome and Milan to shout with one voice because we all feel the same.

“There will be many more in Germany who will have sympathy with us and we think we will be able to cause many problems for the police. Our targets are the black players and those who follow them. The black players from England will be a good target for us because they will react to what we shout and to the banners we will be carrying. We will be throwing more than bananas at them.”

The thugs say they will not be deterred by measures intended to prevent them from buying tickets, and will fight outside the stadiums. They plan to link up with like-minded hooligans from Italy’s notorious extremist groups to create “Ultras United”.

At a meeting held in London last month, European police chiefs discussed how to prevent fascist groups from targeting African teams and black members of the England squad, such as Rio Ferdinand, Sol Campbell and Ledley King.

Two other England players, Ashley Cole and Shaun Wright-Phillips, were the victims of monkey chants a year ago during a friendly game against Spain. The Spanish footballing authorities were forced to apologise for the behaviour of spectators in Madrid. Piara Power, national co-ordinator of the Kick It Out anti-racism campaign, said: “In some places in eastern Europe, whenever there is a Jewish or black player on the field of play, they are constantly abused.”

Despite the relatively low levels of disorder at Euro 2004, held in Portugal, and the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan, senior officers are worried that Germany will be harder to police. It has open borders with nine neighbouring countries.

More than 3,200 England fans identified as troublemakers will be stranded at home under banning orders that require them to surrender their passports and report to local police stations on match days.

One police source, with responsibility for monitoring Europe-wide hooliganism, said peaceful England fans might now be prime targets for troublemakers seeking to test their prowess.

Superintendent Andreas Morbach, joint head of the German police Landeskriminalamt football intelligence unit, based in Düsseldorf, said: “We have a big potential for violence from our supporters. They live here, they know how to act and they are now prepared.”

Morbach said that 9,000-10,000 German hooligans could become violent, depending on the provocation. The German police are concerned that visiting England and Holland fans will be wearing replica plastic Nazi storm-trooper helmets in the colours of their country.

A Dutch firm will this week start production of helmets bearing the flag of St George and the slogan “No One Likes Us” usually chanted by Millwall fans.

Florian Van Laar, joint head of the company producing the helmets, said: “It is meant as a joke. The Germans are not meant to have a sense of humour, but we Dutch do have one. We are getting calls from all over Europe, even from those who have not even qualified for the tournament. After all, the Germans invaded most countries, so people want to wear these. If they think this is provocation, the only thing I can say is, now you know how we feel.”

Morbach said: “It is not nice to have a sports event compared to war. We try to use as our theme for this cup, ‘It’s time to make friends’.”

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.10.2005.
Poruka: 3.404
22. siječnja 2006. u 12:22
ma gluposti.hrvatski se navijači nikad s brbima nebi dogovarali primirja.čisto sranje.češki huligani su nula,a srbi isto nebi nikad s hrvatskim nekakava primirja nebi radili.poljaci će napravit nerede jer im je blizu...da je njemačka bliže ukrajini i njihovi bi hooligani došli.sreća što je turska ispala jer ih ima puno...
ostali su nizozemci,englezi,nijemci,talijani,...
  • Najnovije
  • Najčitanije