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Hi. Sorry for a little spam and maybe slightly incomprehensible content, but as I am from Poland I helped myself with a translator. I am a big fan of Mario Mandžukić. I am collecting all the statistics about Mario's performances since the 2005/2006 season.I am writing to you to ask if you know any site about Mario Mandžukić's performances in the 2004/2005 season, when he was a player of Marsonia Slavonski Brod in the second league of Hrvatska Liga nogometna. It is so hard to find anything about his performances. I have found matches in which Mario may have played, but I would need a source that could indicate in which of those matches Mario scored goals. I'm just missing this season to be able to compile all of Mario's goals in his senior career. Wikipedia states that Mario scored 14 goals in the 04/05 season. However, in one of the interviews, Mario himself mentioned 17 goals scored and attachment to this number and the number on the jersey. Please any help, guidance. Greetings
Zdravo. Oprostite na malo spama i možda malo nerazumljivog sadržaja, ali kako sam iz Poljske pomogla sam si s prevoditeljem. Veliki sam obožavatelj Marija Mandžukića. Prikupljam svu statistiku o Mariovim nastupima od sezone 2005./2006. Pišem vam i pitam znate li koju stranicu o nastupima Marija Mandžukića u sezoni 2004./2005., kada je bio drugoligaš Marsonije Slavonski Brod Hrvatske nogometne lige. Tako je teško pronaći nešto o njegovim nastupima. Pronašao sam utakmice u kojima je Mario mogao igrati, ali bi mi trebao izvor koji bi mogao naznačiti u kojoj je od tih utakmica Mario postigao gol. Nedostaje mi samo ova sezona da bih uspio ispuniti sve Marijeve golove u seniorskoj karijeri. Wikipedia prenosi da je u sezoni 4-5 Mario postigao 14 golova. No, u jednom od intervjua i sam Mario je spomenuo 17 postignutih golova i svoju privrženost ovom broju i brojevima na majicama. Molim za bilo kakvu pomoć, savjet. pozdravi
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Dear Polish friend.
Information which you are looking for, about the best striker in Croatias history, may be found in this article.
To make your life easy- this is an article from some local portal of Slavonski brod, Marios birthplace. They say the correct answer is, in fact, 14 goals for Marsonia. He only played one season in Marsonia.
17 goals can be, as Vjeko mentioned, only if you count friendly games.
[uredio Statisticki Izet - 28. siječnja 2022. u 01:15]