kako su uopce dosli u Cile? Bile su to kvalifikacije za EP U-18 1986. godine:
Yugoslavia, 11 - 15 October 1986
11.10.1986 Subotica East Germany 2-0 Yugoslavia
11.10.1986 Backa Topola Scotland 1-0 Bulgaria
11.10.1986 Sombor Italy 2-1 Belgium
11.10.1986 Kula West Germany 3-0 Romania
Play-off for places 5-8
13.10.1986 Zenta Bulgaria 1-0 Belgium
13.10.1986 Csantaver Yugoslavia 5-0 Romania
13.10.1986 Sombor East Germany 1-0 West Germany
13.10.1986 Backa Topola Italy 1-0 Scotland
For the 3rd place
15.10.1986 Subotica West Germany 1-0 Scotland
15.10.1986 Subotica East Germany 3-1 Italy
Note: the first six teams (the semifinalists plus Yugoslavia and
Bulgaria) qualified for the
1987 World Championship U-20 in Chile.
[uredio istok.stajanje - 12. listopada 2007. u 10:23]