2007 Copa America - Venezuela

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.06.2003.
Poruka: 18.025
16. srpnja 2007. u 00:53
Ne mogu da verujem koliko Argentinci petljaju u napadu...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.10.2002.
Poruka: 5.657
16. srpnja 2007. u 01:06
NYC je napisao/la:
Hebateled, odem do klonje... kad ono trojka. 'Ajmo Brazil, još tri komada, pa da mogu da kažem da ste нас осветили! Big%20smile
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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.12.2005.
Poruka: 5.608
16. srpnja 2007. u 01:13
NYC je napisao/la:

Hebga, Messi ipak nije bio offside. Šta vi mislite?

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Jeste ofsajd, na jednoj snimci se vidi kako lopta udara Alexa, pa onda od Heinzea ide Messiju!
Inače, bravo za Brazil, nisam se nadao takvoj nadmoći Clap
Previše se Gauchosi u igri oslanjaju na Riquelmea kojeg su Carioce lako izbacivali iz igre brzim faulima cijelu utakmicu. Izostala je ljepota, ali pamti se samo rezultat, ne i igra!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2006.
Poruka: 11.538
16. srpnja 2007. u 02:00
video - golovi
Prvi je bio stvarno lijep....
Zasluzena pobjeda Brazila
Triba vratit Štimca!!!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.360
16. srpnja 2007. u 02:36
Sve ono sto je krasilo igru Argentine na ovom turniru danas je nedostajalo.  Izgledali su sporo i mlitavo, Brazilci su svaki duel uzimali, a samim tim i vise zeljeli pobjedu danas i zasluzeno je ostvarili.   
“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.360
16. srpnja 2007. u 02:48
NYC je napisao/la:
Vi koji ste u USA, sigurno znate za TV reklame za GEICO osiguravajuću Co. Na koga vas Tevez podseća?
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Mislis Caveman? Tevez je k'o beba imao nesrecu kad se zalio vrelom vodom pa zato djelimicno izgleda onako izgoren.  Meni jedan od drazih nogometasa svih vremena. 

"Tevez is so gritty because he comes from Fuerte Apache, the Bronx of Buenos Aires, where only the strongest survive in good health and on the right side of the law. He had to narrate the story of his life hundreds of times to the reporters he hates as much as he hates quarantines before games.

His childhood was marred with hunger and poverty. His parents Raimundo and Adriana had to be very resourceful to feed him and his four younger brothers and sisters, Diego, Miguel, Ricardo and Debora.

"Sometimes we had little to eat because my old man could not find a job as a bricklayer, but to hear 'I love you' from my parents was enough to help the hunger pass. Seeing them struggle gave me inner strength and made me what I am today."

He is himself called Apache although the red mark ("mancha") that he carries on his body is not a battle colour, rather the result of boiling water poured over him when he was ten months old.

"My mom was making tea while I crawled on the kitchen floor, waving my arms and hit the kettle handle. The kettle fell and the hot liquid spilled all over me", adding he would never undergo esthetic surgery even though the kids called him Manchado (Spotty).

As if that incident was not enough, he broke a front tooth when a girl in the nursery accidentally hit his jaw with her head. The blows did not demoralize him, in fact they made him all the more courageous against older guys on the soccer field.

"Street soccer is the greatest thing in the world. There is just you and your friends against the rest. If someone feels he has to stick a foot in your throat, he will."

When he became the first team regular, Boca pulled him and his family out of Fuerte and transferred them to a residential area of the capital.

The directors allegedly insisted on the move because knives frequently flash and guns "accidentally" fire in the area, so why risk something nasty happening to a precious asset like Tevez."

“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 13.02.2007.
Poruka: 62
16. srpnja 2007. u 03:16

Brazil neocekivano savladao favorita...kazem ja danas svi igraju fudbal!?

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.07.2006.
Poruka: 2.516
16. srpnja 2007. u 11:41
to je nogomet,ne pobjeđuju uvijek najbolji,brazil sa drugom momčadi do titule.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.05.2005.
Poruka: 1.399
16. srpnja 2007. u 11:51
Ne sviđa mi se Dungin Brazil

Brazil nije igrao "brazilski", igrali su ko usrani Talijani, na kontre, povučeni, na duel igru.

Brazil nije imao "brazilskih" peta, bicikala, no osvojio je trofej...
J***š takav nogomet kad više ni Brazil ne pokušava lijepo igrati

Argentina neprepoznatljiva, no da je ona bomba Riquelmea odsjela u golu, vjerovatno bi Argentina bila prvak. No barem su pokušavali s driblinzima i rolinzima

Vrlo sam razočaran načinom igre Brazila i žao mi je što će Dunga vjerovatno i R10 i Kaku ograničiti s defanzivnim dužnostima, tko zna, možda ih stavi i na poziciju "krila" budući da forsira 4-4-2 formaciju
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.539
16. srpnja 2007. u 12:05
Tebi se ne sviđa ali to je igra koja osvaja titule i svjetska prvenstva, pitaj talijane. Rezultat je važniji od atraktivnosti osim toga Brazil je 2002 osvojio sp a igrali su sa petoricom u zadnjoj liniji.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
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