AC Milan

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 20.09.2006.
Poruka: 2.916
17. siječnja 2007. u 14:46

Milan doctor Jean Pierre Meersseman takes a look at the injury situation: Dida has recovered and will be back to cover injured Kalac, Kakà will play Sunday, Ambro and Kala are next in line to come off the injured list


Milan’s head doctor, Jean Pierre Meersseman, summed up the current situation with the injuries:

KALAC: He was injured in the game against Reggina. He’s not sure when exactly the injury occurred, at halftime he said he was in a bit of pain but at the end of the game it seemed to have passed and there were no problems. However, the day after the pain returned. He pulled a ligament in his knee and he might be out for 30 to 60 days.

DIDA: He has recovered and he can play against Lazio.

KAKA': He is doing really well and is running wonderfully now, without anymore pain. Nevertheless we have decided to hold off, so he won’t play against Arezzo. However, he will definitely be on the field against Lazio on Sunday night.

KALADZE: He is doing really well. He won’t play against Lazio because we want to use him with the utmost prudence so that he can continue the season without stopping until the end of May.

NESTA: He is in the United States working with physical therapists and his situation is being evaluated in Miami with the doctors. The objective is to get him in the best physical condition possible. He is doing well. He is happy and so are we. We hope to see him on the field again within the next month or month and a half. Perhaps he will be ready for the Champions League, but if there is any risk then we prefer to wait.

SERGINHO: On Saturday we will know if he can move onto the rehabilitation phase. At the moment, given the operation and the serious problems that he has had, he has only exercised in the water. Things are going well, there is no pain or any kind of strange sensations. We will wait until Saturday to hear what the doctor that operated on him has to say.

AMBROSINI: He is training well and doesn’t have any particular problems. He trained for the whole session with his team-mates and we just hope that nothing else happens.

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Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 20.09.2006.
Poruka: 2.916
17. siječnja 2007. u 14:47

It is a dream come true for Marco Storari after the goalkeeper signs for Milan and prepares for his first training session at Milanello

The last time Marco Storari ran into Milan he spent a busy afternoon keeping the Rossoneri at bay and only a Paolo Maldini goal beat the goalkeeper on that occasion. For the rest, Storari spent the game in a personal duel with Ricky Kakà who he kept off the scoreheet with a series of excellent saves.

From today, Storari will be a team-mate of Maldini and Kakà after joining the club and making his way to Milanello for his first training session.

Storari, who was born in Pisa on January 7, 1977, stands at 1.87cm and weighs 76kg. He started his career at Perugia, where a certain Rino Gattuso was a team-mate, before moving to Montevarchi for the 1997-98 season and then to Ancono where he won promotion to Serie B in 1999-2000. The experience there continued positively until an injury at the end of the 2001-02 season and after a spell at Napoli he finally made his Serie A debut on September 12, 2004 for Messina in a goalless draw at Parma. Since then we has played 81 games in the top flight.

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Dejan NS
Dejan NS
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 26.01.2005.
Poruka: 24.120
17. siječnja 2007. u 14:53
j**ote, dajte barem prevedite...
Storari na golu Milana
Uprava AC Milana rešila je golmansku krizu dovođenjem dosadašnjeg člana Mesine Marka Storarija.

Prvi golman tima Brazilac Dida uskoro bi trebalo da zaigra posle duge pauze zbog povrede, ali je u međuvremenu crveno-crni klub ostao bez njegove rezerve, Australijanca hrvatskog porekla Željka Kalača.

Storari je rođen u Pizi pre 29 godina, a u Milanu će ostati do leta 2010. godine. U ekipi Mesine on je bio kapiten ove sezone.

Do njegovog dolaska na San Siro glavni favorit za novu akviziciju "rosonera" bio je golman Livorna Marko Amelija.

Ja sam protiv svakog nacionalizma,jer je nacionalizam najnizi oblik drustvene svesti - Koca Popovic
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.08.2006.
Poruka: 1.161
17. siječnja 2007. u 17:28
Dejan NS je napisao/la:
j**ote, dajte barem prevedite...
Storari na golu Milana

Uprava AC Milana rešila je golmansku krizu dovođenjem dosadašnjeg člana Mesine Marka Storarija.

Prvi golman tima Brazilac Dida uskoro bi trebalo da zaigra posle duge pauze zbog povrede, ali je u međuvremenu crveno-crni klub ostao bez njegove rezerve, Australijanca hrvatskog porekla Željka Kalača.

Storari je rođen u Pizi pre 29 godina, a u Milanu će ostati do leta 2010. godine. U ekipi Mesine on je bio kapiten ove sezone.

Do njegovog dolaska na San Siro glavni favorit za novu akviziciju "rosonera" bio je golman Livorna Marko Amelija.

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jel valja šta taj golman?

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.12.2006.
Poruka: 835
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:14
 Milan: "Ancelotti će ugovor odraditi do kraja"
Iz redova AC Milana potvrdili su danas kako ne postoji ni najmanja mogućnost da njihov trener Carlo Ancelotti napusti taj klub i pređe u Chelsea, o čemu se pisalo proteklih dana, posebno u engleskim, ali i u nekim talijanskim medijima.

Unatoč činjenici da Milan za vodećim gradskim rivalom Interom zaostaje čak 28 bodova, sportski direktor Milana Ariedo Braida inzistira na tvrdnji kako je Ancelottijeva pozicija neupitna, te kako će on sasvim sigurno odraditi do kraja ugovor sa tim klubom, koji vrijedi do lipnja 2008. godine.

"Ancelotti ima ugovor sa AC Milanom i on će ovdje ostati. Ono što se piše u novinama su najobičnije glasine, od toga nema apsolutno ništa." izjavio je Braida.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.12.2006.
Poruka: 835
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:20
Calderon - Problemi oko Kake
 Calderon optužuje Pereza kako sabotira prelazak Kake u Real Madrid.

Ujedno Calderón vidi dobro prijateljstvo Péreza i Berlusconija prijetnjom za svaki potencijalni deal sa Milanom. Sa druge strane Berlusconi negira svaku vijest o prodaji Kake.

"Predsjednik Real Madrida Ramón Calderón me nimalo ne uznemirava svojim snovima o Kaki, jer to su samo snovi. Siguran sam da igrač ostaje u Milanu", rekao je Berlusconi
[uredio Milanista1899]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.01.2006.
Poruka: 2.471
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:27
Eto vam moji prijatelji Rrronalda(vjerovatno) 
[uredio Al_Bundy]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.12.2006.
Poruka: 835
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:27

Ronaldo pred Milanom:

Dopredsjednik Milana Adriano Galliani izjavio je kako postoji mogućnost da unatoč tome što su čelnici Milana u zadnje vrijeme u nekoliko navrata negirali mogućnost dovođenja Ronalda, čini se da će Brazilac ipak završiti na San Siru. Talijanski mediji prenose vijest kako se Ronaldo nalazi pred povratkom u Serie A i tako bi opet trebao zaigrati na San Siru pošto je u karijeri igrao i za Inter za kojeg je u 68 nastupa zabio 49 golova.

Poznato je da trener Capello više ne računa na usluge tog igrača zbog čega ga se čelnici madridskog kluba žele riješiti. Igračev menađer Fabiano Farah se u utorak susreo sa podpredsjednikom Milana Adrianom Gallianijem nakon čega je otputovao u Madrid gdje još treba razgovarati sa sportskim direktorom Reala Predragom Mijatovićem.

Milan navodno nudi Ronaldu plaću od 4 milijuna funti po sezoni plus pravo na cjelokupna autorska prava vrijedna 8 milijuna funti koja igrač trenutno dijeli sa Realom. Najnovije vijesti govore kako bi Milan mogao potpisati ugovor sa Ronaldom do 2008. godine a ne tek ga uzeti na posudbu. Za Ronalda su zainteresirani i Flamengo, Al-Ittihad te klubovi iz MLS-a.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.01.2006.
Poruka: 2.471
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:29
Barem napravite zvijezdu od njega koja ce zabijati,kao i nekad Interrrr,a ne kao Real... 
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.12.2006.
Poruka: 835
17. siječnja 2007. u 20:30
rema je napisao/la:

Milan doctor Jean Pierre Meersseman takes a look at the injury situation: Dida has recovered and will be back to cover injured Kalac, Kakà will play Sunday, Ambro and Kala are next in line to come off the injured list


Milan’s head doctor, Jean Pierre Meersseman, summed up the current situation with the injuries:

KALAC: He was injured in the game against Reggina. He’s not sure when exactly the injury occurred, at halftime he said he was in a bit of pain but at the end of the game it seemed to have passed and there were no problems. However, the day after the pain returned. He pulled a ligament in his knee and he might be out for 30 to 60 days.

DIDA: He has recovered and he can play against Lazio.

KAKA': He is doing really well and is running wonderfully now, without anymore pain. Nevertheless we have decided to hold off, so he won’t play against Arezzo. However, he will definitely be on the field against Lazio on Sunday night.

KALADZE: He is doing really well. He won’t play against Lazio because we want to use him with the utmost prudence so that he can continue the season without stopping until the end of May.

NESTA: He is in the United States working with physical therapists and his situation is being evaluated in Miami with the doctors. The objective is to get him in the best physical condition possible. He is doing well. He is happy and so are we. We hope to see him on the field again within the next month or month and a half. Perhaps he will be ready for the Champions League, but if there is any risk then we prefer to wait.

SERGINHO: On Saturday we will know if he can move onto the rehabilitation phase. At the moment, given the operation and the serious problems that he has had, he has only exercised in the water. Things are going well, there is no pain or any kind of strange sensations. We will wait until Saturday to hear what the doctor that operated on him has to say.

AMBROSINI: He is training well and doesn’t have any particular problems. He trained for the whole session with his team-mates and we just hope that nothing else happens.

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odlicno,skoro u punom sastavu protiv Lazya,razbit cemo ih

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