Arsenal 2006/2007

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 14.08.2006.
Poruka: 12.918
22. studenog 2006. u 08:30

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A ąta se tiče Arsenala, ipak je bija hendikep.
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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.08.2006.
Poruka: 626
22. studenog 2006. u 21:37

Fabregas believes Walcott is the best young player in the Premiership if not the world.

The 17-year-old winger made a crucial cameo appearance late in the game against Hamburg on Tuesday night. Walcott came off the bench in the 75th minute and caused havoc in tiring the German defence. He capped his display with a perfect cross for Julio Baptista to nod home the tension-easing third goal.

Of course it is only three years since a 16-year-old Fabregas first stole Highbury hearts with his precocious talent. Now a veteran of 120 games, the Spaniard is in prime position to judge the new kid on the block.

“He is the best player of that age playing in the Premiership,” said Fabregas, “Definitely. When he came to Arsenal you could see he has the quality. If I had to choose two players it would be him and Lionel Messi, because I saw what he could do at Barcelona. For me they are the two best players I have seen at 16 to17.

“When Theo comes on for the last 15 or 20 minutes you can see he can do something. He's so quick, so powerful and showed that once again this evening. For the third goal I thought he had gone too far but he put it perfectly on Baptista's head.”

Despite the similarities in their career Walcott has never sought Fabregas’ counsel.

“He has not asked me for advice, no,” said the former Barcelona player. “He is a very clever boy and he knows more than what a player of his age should know. His family is always close to him and they treat him so well at Arsenal.

“The advice is always from the boss, from Thierry. I'm just 19. I'm nearly the same age so I can't give him advice.

“But he is a great guy and I think getting called up for the World Cup has definitely helped him.”

Sven Goran Eriksson’s decision to take him to Germany surprised many and has made Walcott newsworthy whatever he does. With that attention comes the weight of expectation.

“I think it's normal,” said Fabregas. “Theo is showing everyone that he is a great player and people expect a lot of him. I know from my own experience it takes time when you are young.

“In my case it's different because I am Spanish. He is English so there are greater expectations. In England the young players are under pressure but he is able to handle it like Wayne Rooney did and that is why he is so good. Sometimes the manager uses him sparingly so people don't have a go at him but I am sure he will play many times for Arsenal.”

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.08.2006.
Poruka: 1.457
22. studenog 2006. u 22:28
 Ja sam na DSF-u gledao Arsenala i 1. poluvrijeme je bilo katastrofa a drugo odlično.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.11.2004.
Poruka: 23.682
22. studenog 2006. u 22:32
sad se i fabregas uključio u reklamnu kampanju...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.08.2006.
Poruka: 5.785
24. studenog 2006. u 17:27
Arsenal: Henry propušta gostovanje kod Boltona 

Napadač Arsenala Thierry Henry propustit će subotnju prvenstvenu utakmicu protiv Boltona zbog ozljede vrata, objavljeno je danas iz tog kluba.

"Radi se o kratkoročnom problemu i trebao bi biti spreman do srijede i utakmice protiv Fulhama." - izjavio je menadžer Arsenala Arsene Wenger.

Wenger u utakmici protiv Boltona ne može računati niti na Robina van Persija, koji je u utakmici protiv Liverpoola zaradio peti žuti karton, tako da će napad najvjerojatnije predvoditi Emmanuel Adebayor, a priliku bi mogao dobiti i mladi Theo Walcott.

U prvu se momčad najvjerojatnije vraća Gilberto Silva, dok će ponovno izostati Tomas Rosicky i William Gallas, kao i već duže vrijeme ozlijeđeni Abou Diaby i Lauren.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.07.2006.
Poruka: 2.589
25. studenog 2006. u 19:31
Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.08.2006.
Poruka: 11.344
01. prosinca 2006. u 08:20
auu, raspali smo se totalno. jedina šansa za lp na godinu je da ju ove godine osvojimo.

al dečkima sve opraštam ako dobiju tottenham!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 14.08.2006.
Poruka: 12.918
01. prosinca 2006. u 09:51

 Je,gledal sam tekmu na netu! Fulham je ja mislim jedini koji nas je ove godine nadigrao(neznam kak je bilo na tekmi s Boltonom) i zaslužena je pobjeda bila!

Prvo poluvrijeme je igral Song,možda se uplašio,ali stvarno nije napravio baš ništa dobroga! Kad je ušao Fabregas to je već bila druga priča,igrali su bolje,da su imali malo više sreće mogli su doći do iksa!

Za Van Persia i njegov gol

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.08.2006.
Poruka: 5.785
01. prosinca 2006. u 13:19
Henry propušta subotnji derbi?

Izgleda da će se Arsenal ove subote morati suočiti s najvećim gradskim rivalom Tottenhamom bez pomoći kapetana Thierryja Henryja.

Francuski napadač još se nije u potpunosti oporavio od problema s vratom zbog kojih je propustio prošlotjedno gostovanje kod Boltona.

"Thierryjevo stanje mora biti procijenjeno. Danas ćemo donijeti konačnu odluku", izjavio je Arsenalov trener Arsene Wenger.

Wenger smatra da će se slijedećih nekoliko utakmica pokazati ključnima za njegovu momčad.

Nakon derbija s Tottenhamom čeka ih važno gostovanje u Portu, u Ligi prvaka, a nakon toga ih na Stamford Bridgeu dočekuje moćni Chelsea. Stoga je logično da Wenger ne želi riskirati s Henryjem s obzirom da će mu biti itekako potreban u utakmicama koje slijede.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.07.2006.
Poruka: 9.501
01. prosinca 2006. u 13:25
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