Ovi koji ponizaju igracke kapicatete Bilosa ocito nemaju pojma....
Kritizirati igraca koji niste gledali je totalno bezveze....
Ako ne hocete da Bilos igra za Hrvatsku zbog njegova natezanje "hocu, necu" to je jedna stvar. Ali on svakako ima kvalitet da poboljsa nasu vrstu.
Vidio sam njega barem 7-8 puta ova sezona, i svaku utakmicu me je impresionirao. Dosta je brz za njegovo visina, dosta trce, i zna vrlo dobro uklizati. Ima onaj "deceptive speed"... duge korake...
Igra za Bocu na lijevu stranu, iako neki Boca navijaci bi ga rado vidili kao napadac.
Evo sto mi je jedan Boca navijac napisao kada sam pitao za Bilosa (u pocetak sezone):
"IMO, Bilos is a great player. He can play on both sides, and has good
ability/speed for his heoght. He can also play center forward, but in
Boca they have Palermo who is an idol, reason why Bilos has played the
#9 position only for the Int'l games, since Palermo was suspended for 3
games (carried from last Libertadores red card)
Irony is, I see Boca playing a much faster and effective footie when
Blos does play the #9 position, as he tends to move away from the box
and leave space for the 2nd forwrad, in this case his teammate Palacio.
Now ... in terms of the NT ... the media hs been inssisting Bilos
deserves a chance. Pekerman hasn't called him because it is quite
delicate to "tie" him forever qwith Argentina when he could have a
chance to play for your country. Realize he is still young, 24 I
believe, and that the future coaches in the NT might not call him,
which would be a pity.
I see it diifficult for him to break into the NT for this WC, there are many players at good level in the Argie NT (thank God!
) ... so I imagine he is giving himself the chance til near the WC, and
if he isn't in the plans of Pekerman, more than likely will accept the
offer from Croatia. He would add an interesting alternative in attack,
both in generating "volume of play" on the flanks as when he step in th
earea cause of his height."
Da ponavljam, mozda i njemu nije mjesto u Hrvatsku repku za SP, ali NE zbog igracke sposobnosti.