Budućnost nogometa

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 13.10.2012.
Poruka: 788
28. svibnja 2013. u 16:54
Mislim da europski nogomet ide sve bliže formatu NBA lige gdje će igrati samo bogati klubovi jer recimo većina španjolskih prvoligaša ne isplaćuje redovito plaće. Samo veliki će opstati, a mali će propasti kao i u USA gdje ima 30 klubova u 4 njihova sporta. Kao što cijelim svjetskim gospodarstvom upravlja 10 kompanije i 100 ljudi. Biti će nekoliko tisuća superbogatih sportaša, a ostali će svi biti amateri što je jako dobro jer će se ostali baciti u druge gospodarske djelatnosti. To je sve kao hranidbeni lanac u prirodi i kod životinja gdje kitovi, krokodili ili morski psi su na vrhu hranidbenog lanca i nemaju prirodnih neprijatelja i jedino mogu stradati uslijede prirodne katastrofe. Cijela jugoistočna europa sa 65 milijuna ljudi i gospodarskom snagom može imati samo 1 vrhunski nogometni klub. Zatvoreno liga sa 20-30 klubova, a ostali poluamaterizam je bliska budućnost.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 21.01.2011.
Poruka: 21.568
28. svibnja 2013. u 17:33

nazalost je tako

u Belgiji je pravi kaos zbog tog NBA sistema.klubovi su postali sve samo to ne-Zulte i Waregem su vec dva mjesta,al i to nije nekima dovoljno

sad kad je Antwerpen ostao bez prvoligasa pokusavaju neki klub iz 1.lige prebacit tamo jer velik grad nema nogometa,a stadion nitko ne upotrebljava..niti Kiel niti Bosuil od  Royal Antwerpena

isti slucaj u Nizozemskoj gdje vec duze vremena ide ideja FC Limburg..fuzija Rode,Fortune,MVV i VVV

a navijace se nista ne pita

samo da se lova okrece


Zulte Waregem seli na stadion Kiel u Antwerpen?Kiel je stadio Beerschota ,kluba koji je ove sezone propao i mozda pocne igrat od 4.lige.udaljenost je Waregem-Anwerpen je cak 80km
a predsjednik ZW ih htio preselit u Antwerp,navijaci bi putovali stalno

gradonacelnik Waregema to moguce seljakanje naziva´sportskom prostitucijom´

Burgemeester Waregem woest: "Sportieve prostitutie"

druga varijanta je nakon sto je Waregem uz teske proteste navijaca i napade u medijima i na TV na gazdu Waregema nece preselit , da novi prvoligas OOSTENDE u Antwerpen ide igrat,jer navodno gazda ZW ima i dionice Oostendea ,sto navodno nitko nije znao
a on samo misli na fuziju ,lovu,kaze da 5 klubova u West -Vlaanderen ne mogu egzistirat ,najvise 2,,ostali da ce propast


Manager Zulte Waregem denkt aan fusie met Kortrijk
ovdje je isti cak htio fuziju s KV Kortrijk-om


[uredio KORISNIK 007 - 28. svibnja 2013. u 18:23]
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Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.07.2012.
Poruka: 14.424
28. svibnja 2013. u 18:04
Ma radi se da se unište male sredine, nažalost onaj koji ima novca to može.Moglo bi se napravit ono što je bilo prije npr. ograničit broj stranaca u ekipi na 3, ili uvesti salary cap.Međutim, sve dok ljudi koji imaju pare imaju koristi od nogometa , a imat će ga i dalje, ništa se neće dogoditi.Najbolji primjer vam je momčad Bayerna koja je najbolja momčad Europe i kupuje dva najbolja igrača od momčadi koja je druga po jačini.To sve govori da momčadi koje nemaju financijsku podlogu su postali dućani za velike klubove.Kad hoćeš nekog igrača odeš u mali klub i kupiš ga po povoljnoj cijeni i to je to.Mali klubovi "preživljavaju" kao trgovine , a veliki grade momčadi za natjecanja.Nažalost, to je istina koja je najbolnija za navijače ovih manjih klubova jer stalno se prodaju mladi igrači na kojima bi se trebala graditi budućnost.Ali dok je nogomet biznis , tako će biti !!!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.05.2013.
Poruka: 83
28. svibnja 2013. u 18:08
Na dijelu je elitizacija sporta iako taj proces neće ići tako brzo. Možda ni poluamaterizam nije tako loš, mogli bi gledati igru radi igre same jer pohlepa i želja za profitom u konačnici uništavaju svaku ljepotu. Koliko god je u američkim sportovima kvaliteta skoncentrirana u profesionalnim ligama dobra košarka se može gledati i u NCAA ili dobar hokej u AHL.

Znam samo da sam protivnik takvog gledanja svega kroz čisti profit i da me neka elitna europska liga superbogatih klubova ne bi zanimala više od prosječne nacionalne lige a pratim ih skoro sve u Europi od HNL do ruske i portugalske lige. Ja čak ne pratim previše ni Champions League. Činjenica je da ovaj format natjecanja pogoduje klubovima iz bogatijih zemalja i za naše klubove je neki maksimum dogurati do faze po skupinama. Ako će se ići u dodatnu elitizaciju onda našima ostaje jedino poluamaterizam ali i tu bi se moglo složiti neko zanimljivo kontinentalno natjecanje po uzoru na nekadašnji Kup UEFA ili Mitropa Kup koji bi bio ograničen samo na srednjeeuropske zemlje.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 21.01.2011.
Poruka: 21.568
15. lipnja 2013. u 20:20


Rupert Murdoch plans summer contest for football's top clubs

16 teams from European leagues would play in cities around the world under plans by tycoon's global broadcasting company

Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch's broadcasters around the world would air matches from the competition under the plans. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Rupert Murdoch's global broadcasting company is exploring an ambitious plan to create a summer football competition featuring Europe's top clubs, including English Premier League sides, with matches to be played in cities from Los Angeles to Shanghai.

Leading clubs such as Manchester United and Chelsea would be invited to participate, should the tournament come to fruition, competing with the biggest clubs from Europe's other top leagues – the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern Munich.

The idea would see a 16-team competition run for 10 years with a potential start date of 2015 in the close season when clubs traditionally play exhibition matches.

Matches would be aired on Sky and by Murdoch's other broadcasters worldwide. The mogul's 21st Century Fox company – being separated from publishing business News Corporation later this month – also owns broadcasters in Italy, Germany, Asia and the United States.

One source described the plan as akin to the "Formula One-isation of football", with cities from Europe, Asia and the Americas bidding to host tournament matches.

The Guardian understands that approaches have been made to a number of cities by executives from Murdoch subsidiary Fox International to explore partnerships to host the exhibition-style tournament matches. But the proposal is at its early stages.

"One of the major issues is if it gets to the stage of trying to pull the empire together and paying what they think is a fair share," said a second source.

With more than half of the clubs in the Premier League in the hands of overseas owners, and five of those now owned by Americans including Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool, the desire to go global has increased.

Manchester United, third behind Spanish giants Barcelona and Real Madrid in terms of overall revenues, have shown the way in commercialising their overseas fanbase, vastly increasing their income by tapping into international sponsorship markets. As such, plans for overseas tours in the close season have also become increasingly ambitious.

Chelsea, for example, headed to the US to play Manchester City as soon as their marathon season finished and will head to Thailand, Malaysia, India and back to America before the start of the 2013-14 season. Manchester United will go to Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and Hong Kong. It is in that context that Fox International executives have drawn up their plan, but they will have to convince club owners it represents a better bet than forging their own path.

The Guinness International Cup, featuring eight clubs including Milan, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Juventus and LA Galaxy would appear to be a dry run for the more ambitious scheme. Early rounds will take place in Europe, with the finals in Miami in August.

The thinking may also be influenced by the fact that Fox has lost the rights to live Premier League football in the US to NBC for the next three seasons. In what is expected to be a watershed moment for the appeal of football in the US, NBC will show every match live including 20 on its main network.

Murdoch has made several attempts to shake up sports – in the 1990s News Corp set up its own rugby Super League in Australia, forcing the sport's national governing body to partner to create the National Rugby League competition. Earlier this year it emerged that BSkyB and News Corp were interested in creating a new world series of cycling – while in 2011 Murdoch's media group made an unsuccessful attempt to take control of Formula One.

Plans for a European Super League have been proposed with various degrees of seriousness several times in the past decade. There was a detailed plan doing the rounds in 2009 and again in 2011, but the Uefa president, Michel Platini, has been alive to the threat and sealed a deal in 2012 with the European Clubs Association, representing 137 of the biggest clubs, that will hold until 2018 and should keep them within the Uefa fold.

With the idea of playing regular season games abroad torpedoed in the short term by the negative reaction to the Premier League's unusually half-baked "39th game" plan in 2008, attention has turned to the close season.

News Corp and BSkyB declined to comment.

Drawing up ambitious plans for a close season tournament would allow the clubs involved to avoid clashing with their domestic leagues and the existing European club competitions, although Fifa and Uefa may have concerns over what is becoming an increasingly cluttered summer football calendar. The fixture list has become a battleground for the ongoing political battles between the clubs, leagues and governing bodies jostling for control of the calendar.


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