Kao dokaz ovome sto sam napisao pogledajte ovaj intervju sa covekom koji je doveo i Savicevica i Bobana u Milan, naravno radi se o Silviju Berluskoniju:
http://testing.sportnetwork.net/boards/read/s342.php?f=588&i=520&t=520 A odakle ja podvlacim sledece:
[QUOTE] - Can you tell us which player has given the greatest sensations on the pitch, Marco Van Basten?
''I think Marco has given unforgettable sensations. He''s been compared to a dancer of classical music, to a swan, for others a dragonfly. He was a great player, a great athlete, brilliant in the air, could play anywhere, knew how to bring in the midfield and defence as he held the ball up well. My youngest son had a video of Van Basten''s 100 goals and he has always admired him. How many times have I dreamt of Savicevic number ten with Van Basten-Weah in attack or Van Basten-Shevchenko. I wish with Pirlo and Seedorf behind. When I think of Milan I think of all my seasons as president but also the past. The great Milan of Gre-No-Li, of Schiaffino, of Rivera. Now we have Kaka: his speed of thought reminds me of Savicevic, he has speed of execution and is a natural. We also have Rui Costa which shows that our team always has room for creative players and I hope this will continue in the future. One day it would be great if a computer could put those two Milan sides against each other. I am sure all Rossoneri fans would love to see that.''
- Does Dejan Savicevic represent the ideal footballer for Silvio Berlusconi?
''Savicevic was a genius as is Kaka today, it seems Kaka was born to be a footballer. Savicevic was brilliant. I remember the Champions Cup in Athens against Barcelona in 1994 and said to him even if you aren''t a genius go out and show it and he did.''
On ovde nije niti spomenuo Bobana koji je sigurno dao svoj doprinos uspesima Milana u 90tim godinama jer kao i vecina ljudi, koji nisu strucnjaci za fudbal i koji su gledaoci secaju se driblinga, kad je igrac proturio loptu drugom kroz noge, kad je lobovao golmana itd.
To je logicno da je Savicevic bio veca zvezda "Il Genio" i najomiljeniji igrac premijera Italije jer sa sa njim, po driblinzima, moze usporedjivati sa Ronaldom.