Eriksson ,trener ili...

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
25. siječnja 2006. u 17:42



Eriksson plays down talk of lucrative pay off

LONDON (Reuters) - Sven-Goran Eriksson says his premature departure from his job as England's head coach may not cost the FA "one single penny" despite reports he is in line for a lucrative pay off.

The 57-year-old Swede also countered criticism he has been overpaid since being installed as England's first foreign head coach in 2000.

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After a lengthy meeting on Monday between the FA and Eriksson it was agreed he would leave his post after this year's World Cup finals in Germany, despite a contract running until the 2008 European Championship.

Reports in English newspapers estimated he could leave with a compensation package of up to five million pounds but Eriksson said any pay off would be waived if he found a new job before the World Cup was over.

Eriksson refused to reveal full details of the deal and FA chief executive Brian Barwick said it was a "private agreement".

"I would like to say very strongly that hopefully it will not cost the FA one penny," Eriksson told reporters on Tuesday.

"I can't be sure but I'm quite confident it will not cost the FA."

Eriksson is free to search for a new job over the next few months, a situation that will raise eyebrows in the run-up to a World Cup, but Barwick believes the situation is "manageable".

"If I want to stay in football I can't wait until July 10 to get a new job, that's obvious, all of us know that," said Eriksson.

"If I'm going to negotiate I have my agent. But I don't know where because in football you don't take the first step to ask can I come and work for you?, they offer you the job.

"I am free to talk about it but it will not affect our preparation for the World Cup."


Eriksson's tenure as England coach has been dogged by tabloid headlines about his private life and criticism that his four million pounds salary is excessive.

He hit the front pages again in the past two weeks after being quoted in a Sunday newspaper saying he would leave the England job to join Aston Villa.

The News of the World sting, in which a reporter posed as a rich Arab businessman, also quoted Eriksson talking candidly about several high-profile members of the England squad.

"Have I been value for money? I don't know, I can't say that," he said.

"What I can say about money is that when I was at Lazio I was on a certain amount of money and the money I started on with England was more or less the same.

"If you want a coach on that level the fact is you have to pay that money. If you want (Roberto) Mancini or (Alex) Ferguson or (Arsene) Wenger, for instance. That's a fact.

"I never understood in this country why I'm accused of going for too much money. I can at least think of 10 managers in Europe who earn more money than I do."

Eriksson has offered to give evidence to a Premier League inquiry into transfer irregularities in the English game.

He spoke to the FA's compliance unit on Monday about his private opinions, printed in last Sunday's News of the World, that managers were taking bungs.

The Premier League have since launched an inquiry and Eriksson could be called to give evidence.

"If the Premier League want me to take part in the inquiry I am extremely happy to do that and explain, just as I did with the FA."


jeb.ote za 4 milje funti on place,ko da nije  sam 'kriv' ,uostalom za tu lovu ja bi dao da me yebu di stignu

vrati se erice u svedsku pa ces tamo dobit 4 krune

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.243
25. siječnja 2006. u 17:47

za mene je najprecijenjeniji trener danasnjice.... ima onaj naslov s Lazijem, ali je to bilo u vremena kad se razbacivalo lovom lopatama...

s Engleskom nije napravio apsolutno nista... cetvrtfinale SP i EP s onakvim igracima mogu i ja ostvariti, a uopce nisam "svjetska trenerska marka"

snaci ce se on brzo, bez brige... uvijek ima dovoljno bedastih klubova koji su spremni istovariti vagon love za "renomirano trenersko ime": Real, Newcastle, PSG, Inter, lista ide unedogled...

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
25. siječnja 2006. u 17:51
 ma kad bolje pogledas to je i sramota za engleze kolijevku nogometa a da nemaju svog trenera ,ajde klubovi jos nekako,ali trener repke stranac a njih 50 milijuna
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.12.2005.
Poruka: 524
25. siječnja 2006. u 18:13

 Eriksson, trener ili...?

Aha za trenera, a ja sam pomislio da je ona firma mobitela Ericson koja se spojila sa Sony-jem

Po meni uopce nije dobar trener, mrzim ga jer ima cinicnu facu i cinican osmijeh. S takvim igracima izgubiti od Sjeverne Irske je sramota. A u Njemacku on ce se najvise osramotit kad ce izgubit od Svedske u skupinama (nikad ne mozes igrati protiv svojih).

On je dobar samo za Lazio, jer Lazio je isto kao i on, cinicna j.ebeno fasisticka ekipa. Mrzim ih oba

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
25. siječnja 2006. u 18:33

 svijet je cinican,necemo o zubimaali gledao sam dio tog intervjua i najveca greska je sto je rekao :'ovo o tabloidima ,papparazzima itd.nema nigdje ,samo u engleskoj!!!'

pa kud spomene englesku ludo,sad ce bit sretan ako doceka na kormilu do sp

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.01.2006.
Poruka: 2.108
25. siječnja 2006. u 18:36

 Hvala bogu što će otići...Šteta za engleze što ne ide odmah jer bi imali šanse za titulu na SP 2006.Englezi su na listu mogućih naslednika stavili čak 23 imena,ovako bukmejkeri procenjuju njihove šanse..

1.Sem Alardajs (bolton)5 funti na 2 uložene

2.Alan Kurbišli (čarlton) 3/1

3.Stiv Meklaren (midlzbro) 7/2

4.Otmar Hicfild (bez kluba) 8/1

5.Stiv Brus(birmingem),Luis felipe skolari(portugal),Gus Hidink(psv/australija),Stjuart Pirs(man city)-njihove šanse su 12/1

6.Ser Bobi Robson (direktor repke R.Irske) 16/1

7.Ser Trevor Bruking (direktor FA),Brajan Robson (WBA),Pol Dzuel(vigan)--20/1

8.Fabio Kapelo (juventus),Žoze Murinjo (čelzi)  25/1

9.Arsen Venger (arsenal),Žerar Ulije (lion)  33/1

10.Piter Tejlor (hal)  40/1

11.Hari Rednap (portsmaut),Aleks Ferguson (man utd),Alan Širer(igrač njukastla),Sem Li(asistent u boltonu) 66/1

12.Kevin Kigen (bez posla) 100/1

Jedini uspeh Eriksona je dupla kruna sa Laciom 1999/00,istina je da je imao jak tim ali imao je izuzetno jaku konkurenciju(milan,juve,roma,inter,parma...)

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.01.2005.
Poruka: 13.711
25. siječnja 2006. u 18:54
CarlosValderama je napisao/la:


7.Ser Trevor Bruking

Vidi cijeli citat

He, he, to je onaj sukomentator iz FIFE

Baš bi me zanimala Engleska sa Capellom na čelu. To ne bi ličilo ni na šta.
Debeli Brijeg: Najveća zapljena dišpeta u zadnjih 30 godina
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.12.2005.
Poruka: 5.608
25. siječnja 2006. u 19:08
 Tabloidi su dokazali (još u Italiji) da je on bolji je.bač nego trener. U Portugalu na EURO sam kroz druženje skužio da ga širi engleski navijački puk doživljava, blago rečeno, kao elementarnu nepogodu za njihov nogomet, malo je reć da ga mrze! Zato me najnoviji razvoj događaja uopće ne čudi, bolje mu je da ide. Pa tko ne bi kao on, malo karaš tajnice saveza, par odvjetnica, neke manekenke što vole sijede ljude (tek da si dokažeš da izgledaš bolje od Briatorea), uzmeš svake godine tri-četiri milijunčića (bilo koje konvertibilne valute) i glumiš zabrinutost za rezultate momčadi! Čovjek je car, skidam mu kapu, ne znam kad će još neko uzet tolike pare i toliko uživati  (nogomet je tu najmanje bitan)!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.08.2004.
Poruka: 55.231
25. siječnja 2006. u 19:10
CarlosValderama je napisao/la:

11.Hari Rednap (portsmaut) 66/1

Vidi cijeli citat

A 2/1 da moze najvise popit! 
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.03.2005.
Poruka: 19.281
25. siječnja 2006. u 19:13
 jesu ga platili za ništa!!!a on još kaže da se nada kako neče stajat FA ništa, pa valda je na njemu da odluči hoče li odpremninu ili ne!ma englezi su dokazali svoju nesposobnost na reprezentativnom nivoju
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