EURO 2012- konačni trenutak istine!!

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.09.2006.
Poruka: 6.001
10. travnja 2007. u 14:02
nik, ti si izuzetno dobar u prognozama....
kako stvari stoje dobit ćemo EURO jer kad god ti misliš da gubimo mi dobijemo, kao i vaterpolo...
ivan vk
ivan vk
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.09.2006.
Poruka: 1.377
10. travnja 2007. u 14:09
Popara je napisao/la:
Nije mi jasno, HRT ima neku emisiju u vezi predstavljanja naše kandidature u četvrtak u 20.00 h, a odluka bi trebala past u četvrtak oko podne, ako sam dobro shvatio... pa sad mi ništa nije jasno
Vidi cijeli citat
Emisija je u ovaj cetvrtak, a odluka se donosi 18. travnja.
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 90.594
10. travnja 2007. u 14:13
ivan vk je napisao/la:
Emisija je u ovaj cetvrtak, a odluka se donosi 18. travnja.
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u koliko sati?
Domovine sin
ivan vk
ivan vk
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.09.2006.
Poruka: 1.377
10. travnja 2007. u 14:14
Vilenjak je napisao/la:
ivan vk je napisao/la:
Emisija je u ovaj cetvrtak, a odluka se donosi 18. travnja.
Vidi cijeli citat
u koliko sati?
Vidi cijeli citat
20.05 h
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
10. travnja 2007. u 14:23
Odluka UEFE o EP 2012. (eventualno prijenos objave odluke),tako pise na hrt-u sto znaci da ce mozda i prenositi donosenje odluke
[uredio HeRpLaY - 10. travnja 2007. u 14:23]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.06.2006.
Poruka: 881
10. travnja 2007. u 14:27
Ima li ko kakve linkove ili slike stadiona ostalih kandidata?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
10. travnja 2007. u 14:33

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
10. travnja 2007. u 14:33

poljska i ukrajina
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
10. travnja 2007. u 14:35
ovo su linkovi nihovih stranica,sad za stadione cu vidjet
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
10. travnja 2007. u 14:41

It’s probably going to be Italy….again

Three bidders remain from the original five in the contest to host the 2012 European Football/Soccer Championships. Bids by Turkey and Greece were rejected in the first round of voting. Top of that first ballot came Italy – already hosts of the European Championships twice in 1968 and 1980. The Italian bid is up against a joint Croatia/Hungary bid and a joint bid by Poland and Ukraine. The Hungarians are nothing if not persistent. They failed in bids to host Euro 2004 and Euro 2008. It is unlikely however that their persistence will pay off. The problems with infrastructure in all of Italy’s competitors mean that barring a shock, all eyes will be on Italy for Euro 2012.

The hosts for Euro 2012 will be revealed in Cardiff on April 18th 2007 after the candidates have made their final presentations to the UEFA executive committee.

The fourteenth European Championships looks likely to be expanded from 16 teams to 24. A decision was made at the UEFA congress in Dusseldorf late in January 2007 to look into the possibility more. UEFA president Lennart Johansson has been quoted as saying he is ‘convinced the majority [of UEFA member nations] will vote for this change’ adding ‘The difference in national teams is smaller than before’. At the January congress 44 nations voted for expansion but Franz Beckenbauer poured scorn on the idea and many people believe a tournament of 24 teams is unworkable.

Unsurprisingly, the idea of expansion came from those plucky Scots – no doubt excited at the prospect of a first phase Euro 2012 exit.

The expansion would have a significant effect on Euro 2012 qualifying. All qualifying news, results and fixtures for Euro 2012 will appear on this site as soon as announcements are made. The qualifying draw is scheduled for January 2010 but this could change as the tournament draws near. Qualifying is expected to start in autumn 2010.

The draw for the final stages of the tournament is expected to be made in December 2011. A full Euro 2012 timetable will appear on this site as soon as it is announced.

At this moment in time, UEFA are planning fan zones in the Euro 2012 host cities. Following on from the success of fan fests in Germany during the World Cup, the fan zones will be stand alone events where fans can come together and enjoy the party.

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