EURO 2012- konačni trenutak istine!!
Kao dijete sam gledao na TV-u Davida Coperrfielda na TV-u i nikako se nisam mogao načudit kako prepila onu žensku pa je ponovo sastavi a njoj ni silikon nije otpao pa tek s nestankom kipa slobode i slično ali danas smo gledali još veću iluziju koju sam isto popušio prije proglašenja a ima veze s nekom šansom. Zato čestitam našem gazdi Vlatku. Odlično odrađen posao, Parni Valjak na razglasu i Vlatko u krupnom planu uz stihove: "Naoružan samo smješkom hodam ja kroz..."
provokator je napisao/la:
Kao dijete sam gledao na TV-u Davida Coperrfielda na TV-u i nikako se nisam mogao načudit kako prepila onu žensku pa je ponovo sastavi a njoj ni silikon nije otpao pa tek s nestankom kipa slobode i slično ali danas smo gledali još veću iluziju koju sam isto popušio prije proglašenja a ima veze s nekom šansom. Zato čestitam našem gazdi Vlatku. Odlično odrađen posao, Parni Valjak na razglasu i Vlatko u krupnom planu uz stihove: "Naoružan samo smješkom hodam ja kroz..."Bravo!
Vidi cijeli citat
ma bravo covjece!
ovo je definitivno najrealniji prikaz kako smo se svi osjecali ovih par zadnjih dana i kako se osjecamo sada
VLATKO MARKOVIĆ je ispao takva budala s svim tim pricama kako ima sigurne glasove, cak vjerujem da je to i sam mislio da ce dobiti glasove od ljudi koji su mu ''obecali'' - i napravio je cijelu naciju budalama, procitajte malo ovaj thread prije odluke, presmijesno
Nadam se da nam je svima jasno da s covjekom koji ima ''golem'' utjecaj kao Marković (tih 0 bodova) necemo nista postici, idioti smo ako pristanemo na jos jednu kandidaturu
[uredio dicquelme - 18. travnja 2007. u 16:56]
društvo, meni je žao što je ispalo ovako ali kad bolje uzmete ovako je i najrealnije. Ako izuzmemo priču o Italiji i posmatramo samo ostale dvije kandidature Ukrajina i Poljska zaista bolje stoje:
1. zajedno imaju cca 100 miliona stanovnika, cro/hun 14 miliona
2. ako je orijentacija dati ovo takmičenje istoku, onda je logičnije opet to dati Ukraincima i Poljacima
3. ovi puno bolje stoje u svim mogućim svjetskim forumima nego neko iz exyu
4. mozda ove simulacije izgledaju nestvarno, ali su ipak ljepše od one Osječke ili mađarskih, a ovi imaju para da to ostvare, zer ne. pogledaj te
History of the Championship
Host Cities
Poland - Ukraine
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EURO 2012 Club
Archive of surveys
After submission of the documentation in Nyon under Phase II of the project, we are presenting the following current information about the stadiums in Poland and Ukraine. The data presented earlier came from Poland-Ukraine Bid submitted in 2005 under Phase I of the UEFA EURO 2012 tender.
The Phase II Bid incorporates the following changes:
- Poznan ceased to be a reserve city;
- Reserve host cities are: Chorzow, Krakow and Odessa; the Olympic Stadium in Donetsk is a reserve stadium;
- The scope of plans and location of the National Stadium in Warsaw have changed;
- Location of the stadium in Lvov has changed.
Name of stadium: | Shakhstar Stadium (to replace the old stadium) |
Date of opening: | Scheduled for 2009 |
The scheduled construction commences: | In progress |
The scheduled construction ends: | By the end of 2008 |
Total capacity: |
- 55 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
31 718 50 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches, quarter-final and semi-final |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | yes (120 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
225 buses / 1 750 cars 450 buses / 6 500 cars |
Name of stadium: | Baltic Arena |
Date of opening: | Scheduled for 2010 |
The scheduled construction commences: | in 2008 |
The scheduled construction ends: | in 2010 |
Total capacity: |
- 44 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
- 40 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches and quarter-final |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - hotel - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes |
Safety and security at the stadium: | - public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium - electronic ticketing access system - own power source (two independent power lines and two power generators) |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
180 buses / 1 400 cars 360 buses / 5 200 cars |
Name of stadium: | Olympic Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1923 |
The scheduled construction commences: | |
The scheduled construction ends: | By the end of 2010 |
Total capacity: |
83 053 83 300 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
- 77 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches, quarter-final and semi-final |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - side pitches - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (50 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
225 buses / 1 750 cars 450 buses / 6 500 cars |
Name of stadium: | Ukraina Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1927 |
The scheduled construction commences: | |
The scheduled construction ends: | By the end of 2009 |
Total capacity: |
- 40 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
28 051 36 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (64 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
180 buses / 1 400 cars 360 buses / 5 200 cars |
Name of stadium: | Municipal Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1980 |
The scheduled construction commences: | In progress (commenced in 2002) |
The scheduled construction ends: | By the end of 2008 |
Total capacity: |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
24 166 42 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (200 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
200 buses / 1 400 cars 400 buses / 6 000 cars |
Name of stadium: | National Stadium |
Date of opening: | Scheduled for 2009 |
The scheduled construction commences: | in 2007 |
The scheduled construction ends: | In June 2009 |
Total capacity: |
- 70 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
- 63 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Opening match, group matches, quarter-final and semi-final |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - sports hall for 15 000 spectators - aquatic park with Olympic swimming pool (50 meters), waterslides, a sauna, a water playground for children and stands for 4 000 spectators - a hotel with congress and office space - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (60 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
450 buses / 8 000 cars 250 buses / 4 000 cars |
Name of stadium: | Olympic Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1936 |
The scheduled construction commences: | in 2007 |
The scheduled construction ends: | in 2010 |
Total capacity: |
- 45 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
10 000 40 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - a track for cinder-track racing - side pitches - tennis courts - a shooting range facility - an indoor and outdoor swimming pool - a sports hall - a baseball pitch - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (50 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
180 buses / 1 400 cars 360 buses / 5 200 cars |
Name of stadium: | Śląski Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1927 |
The scheduled construction commences: | In progress |
The scheduled construction ends: | in 2010 |
Total capacity: |
- 60 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
47 202 54 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - 3 sports halls - conference rooms - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities - hotel |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (150 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
255 buses / 1 750 cars 450 buses / 6 500 cars |
Name of stadium: | National Stadium |
Date of opening: | Scheduled for 2007 |
The scheduled construction commences: | In progress |
The scheduled construction ends: | In 2007 |
Total capacity: |
- 34 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
24 381 31 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (64 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
135 buses / 1 050 cars - |
Name of stadium: | Olympic Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1958 |
The scheduled construction commences: | |
The scheduled construction ends: | By the end of 2009 |
Total capacity: |
- 34 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
25 500 30 600 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (130 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
135 buses / 1 050 cars 360 buses / 5 200 cars |
Name of stadium: | Wisła Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1954 |
The scheduled construction commences: | Im progress (commenced in 2004) |
The scheduled construction ends: | In June 2010 |
Total capacity: |
- 33 000 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
14 657 30 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (53 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
150 buses / 1 200 cars 300 buses / 4 000 cars |
Name of stadium: | Central Stadium |
Date of opening: | 1936 |
The scheduled construction commences: | In progress |
The scheduled construction ends: | In May 2010 |
Total capacity: |
34 362 34 362 |
Including spectator seats: current planned |
31 000 31 000 |
Planned matches of EURO 2012: | Group matches |
Facilities inside the stadium /directly adjacent to the stadium: | - catering outlets (bars and restaurants) - retail and service facilities |
Seats for disabled fans: | Yes (75 seats) |
Safety and security at the stadium: |
- public surveillance cameras outside and inside the stadium |
PARKING: inside the stadium directly adjacent to the stadium |
400 buses / 1 400 cars 500 buses / 5 200 cars |
TP - a partner to the bid
We created a website about our joint bid. We are showing that our countries have enough strength and human talents to meet this challenge. On the website you will find the most up-to-date information on what Poland and Ukraine are doing to win the UEFA bid.more >
Polska i Ukraina organizatorami EURO 20122007-04-17
Szewczenko i Dudek w jednej drużynie
Art competition2006-07-20
Voting procedure2006-05-24
Promo video
selection of the EURO 2012 host
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Bara igrača kojeg je nedavno nudio Dinamu prodao u Ronaldov Al-Nassr za 77 milijuna eura!
Hrvatska deklasirala najvećeg konkurenta i na najbolji mogući način otvorila kvalifikacije za Euro!
Rebić s klupe gledao show Crnogorca i Argentinca koji su Lecce odveli do pobjede
Kakav udarac za Đalovića, kapetan i hrvatski reprezentativac napuštaju Rijeku!
džon vejn je napisao/la:
ovo se zovu kompleksi Vidi cijeli citat
Ma bolje i ovo nego da su dobili talijani - lopovi i licemjeri! Samo ne kuzim kako su ovi dobili???...Mislim da su morali dobro iskesirat!!! Prakticki su se povukli iz kandidature i imali sranja u savezima...i onda PAF! dobiju prvenstvo...Hebi ga...ovo je nama Hrvatima bio zadnji vlak da nam naprave stadione i nogometnu infrastrukturu...a sad sve ode u k***c...Jedina radost i dalje ce nam biti reprezentacija a klupski nogomet i dalje u vidi se izlaz...
(Riječanin, 18. april 2007 12:37)
ovaj mi se komentar tamo svidio... NOVI VIDEO!
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