Postoje dosta publikacija (
primjer), u kojima je vec dokazeno koliko je FIFA-ranking los. Ranking-sistemi se mogu lako mjeriti, jednostavno se gleda, koji sistem ima najvecu predikcijsku moc (dakle koji ranking najbolje predvidja buduce utakmice, sto se na podacima zadnjih godina lagano testira).
U gore navedenom linku na kraju dodju do zakljucka:
The aim of the paper was to provide an overview of, and investigate the predictive capabilities of different ranking systems for national football teams. The main benchmark was the FIFA ranking. Our experiments has shown that it is possible to outperform the official ranking procedure by relatively simple algorithms, which is surprising given the high influence of this ranking on football competitions. On the other hand, the FIFA methodology used for ranking women’s teams, based on the Elo rating system, is indeed a very competitive rating method. Applying an analogous procedure in ranking men’s national teams might be worth taking into consideration.
Postoje i publikacije, koje dokazu da je i ELO-sistem daleko od optimuma, ali ovo sto sad imamo je naravno katastrofalno. Jbg, to ti je tako kad bivsi nogometasi glume matematicare...