HNK Hajduk Split 2014/2015

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 17.01.2014.
Poruka: 4.200
29. siječnja 2015. u 21:51

Tino-Sven Susic

18. Tino-Sven Susic
Fernando Llano/Associated Press

Hajduk Split (Prva HNL) › Newcastle United and West Ham United (English Premier League), per Duncan Castles at Bleacher Report.

Bosnia and Herzegovina winger Tino-Sven Susic, 22, is being chased by a "group of Premier League clubs," with Newcastle United and West Ham United leading the pack. 

According to Castles, Susic is valued by Hajduk Split at €5/L3.7 million. 

Susic played at the 2014 FIFA World Cup and was lively in a 3-1 win over Iran. 

Originally placed on the left wing, Susic moved inside, operating as a left-sided central midfielder.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 17.01.2014.
Poruka: 4.200
29. siječnja 2015. u 22:06

Veliki preokret u transferu reprezentativca BiH

Tino Sven Sušić bi mogao da nastavi karijeru u Engleskoj navode brojni mediji na otku

Ugledni sportski portal Bleacher Report je prvi objavio priču kako su za bosanskohercegovačkog reprezentativca zainteresovani West Ham United i Newcastle kao i Stoke City našeg Asmira Begovića.

Međutim, Murray Groves na svom Twitter nalogu navodi kako su predstavnici Sušića zatražili od čelnika West Ham Uniteda L4 miliona kako bi se transfer kompletirao na današnjim pregovorima.

Sa druge strane, s obzirom da je transfer Darrena Fletchera neizvjestan čelnici “Čekićara” u mladom reprezentativcu Bosne i Hercegovine vide jeftiniju varijantu.

U proteklim sedmicama ekipa West Ham Uniteda ostala je bez Ricarda Vaz Tea kao i Ravela Morrisona koji su igrali u veznom redu.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.01.2012.
Poruka: 9.360
29. siječnja 2015. u 22:25
Aubameyang je napisao/la:
Reba je napisao/la:
Luka Lučić u ČR (Banik Ostrava).
Vidi cijeli citat

Teško da je ovdje išta kapnulo.
Vidi cijeli citat

Da se citiram i ispravim. Vidim da je navodno Banik nudio Želji za Tomića 150 tisuća eura, tako da su šanse da smo vidili nešto odštete porasle za 1 posto.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
29. siječnja 2015. u 22:38

Nicholas Llanos: "I could bring you a lot to this Sub-20"


In an exclusive interview, the Colombian-Croatian Pearl, Nicholas Llanos, revealed some details about your personal life, your goals and your future.

Nicholas Llanos: "Podría aportarle mucho a esta Sub-20"
Interview with Nicholas Llanos, Pearl colombo-Croatian

Nicholas Rafael Llanos is a Colombian-18 Croatian player, who currently plays for Hajduk Split, Croatia League. Although born in Croatia, Nicholas dream is clear: to play for Team Colombia. With his magic right hand, is giving much to talk about in Europe, and also in Colombia.

VAVEL: How would you define yourself as a player?

Nicholas Llanos: I'm a creative offensive or flyer with a great vision, I am very fast, and have a good middle-distance shot.

V: What clubs have you been?

NL: I've been in Holland and Italy. In the Netherlands, I was tested in the subsidiary Chelsea Vitesse, and in Italy in Genoa. Now I'm in the Hajduk Split, Croatia from here.

V: Do you feel more Colombian, or Croatian?

NL: I feel very Colombia despite being born in Croatia. I'm just as Colombian as any. It's something I have inside. All that tastiness of Colombians. It is something that nobody can take away from within.

V: What is the Croatian football characteristics that differentiates it from other leagues?

NL: The Croatian football here is a lot of contact football, very slow and without much emotion. Honestly, I do not like. To succeed here you need to be strong and have a lot of power, something very different from what the Colombian football.

V: I imagine that will take advantage slowness and poor mobility of the players to highlight each ...

NL: Yes, of course, is what I should do. The players here in Croatia will you do a quick change of pace, and leave, as it is popularly said, on the floor.

V: How was your process with the selection Croatia?

NL: I've been in the Under-15 and Under-17 doing microcycles and playing friendlies, but one time I have not been uninvited. But for now I am focused on the selection Colombia.

V: What do you think about your nickname "The new Luka Modric '?

NL: For me it's a compliment to be compared to a player Luka Modric as it is, but I'm Nicholas Llanos. You feel good when you say things like that. My goal is clearly to reach a level of football as high as his, and I think I get to have him training hard.

V: What is the European league that catches your attention?

NL: The five leagues excellence have been the best. Personally my favorite is the Italian Serie A, because there is a great quality of football, and I think that's where I can best acoplarme.

V: What was the interest felt the Inter for you?

NL: I'd like to talk about it, but honestly, I know nothing of what happened in concrete. I read a lot, and I do not know how true they are, so I do not know anything concrete, honestly.

V: And if it got a proposal of that team, do you you think twice?

NL: No, I would not think twice. First, because Inter is a club which I love since childhood. I went to the San Siro Stadium to see him play live, and it's a show. Second, the club where I am now I see that you can really have a future in football.

V: You would imagine sharing in midfield with two compatriots as Fredy Guarin yours and Mateo Kovacic?

NL: Sure, it would be great to play with them both. Guarin is a great player. You can run pretty, about 48 hours, I say, 'she said joke, and it's bulky. While Kovacic is not so ... I do not know how to say, aggressive or intense, is more a player that plays pretty. They both can offer you much at Inter, why Inter plays so well.

V: How do you see yourself in five years?

NL: I see Colombia national team and playing for a big club.

Q: Speaking of the selection Colombia, how do you see the U-20?

NL: I have not had a chance to see any party, because I train in the morning, and the parties are at 3 in the morning. I have seen that it is not doing very well, as in previous times. To me seems, should be better footballing so we have seen in recent years.

V: Do you think that being in a call for the U20 is important to reach greater selection Colombia?

NL: Sure hope I get to do at least some microcycle with the U-20 and so, I suppose, it will be easier it will reach the largest selection of Colombia.

V: Have you come into contact with someone from the U20?

NL: Professor Restrepo asked me my data in April, but since there has not contacted me again. I do not think contact you, do not wanna be the one who put me there, but he is the one to decide if I'm going.

V: Are You Afraid not understand you with a partner Selection Colombia? O Do you trust your power of association?

NL: I'm not afraid, nor anything like that. I think I can enterderme well with all players, and instead, could give a lot to the U20 present.

V: Enter a microcycle give you opportunities to reach the World Cup?

NL: I think so. I want to enter a microcycle to show the teacher that I have much to give back to the selection. It would be a great opportunity for him to see me play, and perhaps begin to summon more often. I feel I could bring a lot to this team.

V: Do you think this selection Colombia U20 lacks a creative wheel?

NL: In my opinion, it is important to have a wheel that has a great vision, you open the wing, seeking places to play and create opportunities. All teams should have one.

V: In the unlikely event that there came a call for U20, would you take it as motivation? Or was it something that discourage you?

NL: If you do not come, there would be something to discourage me, much less. Work harder to highlight more, it would be a daily extra motivation.

V: Will you wait to Selection Colombia? Or if Croatia is interested in you again, you decantarías for that selection?

NL: Football is a game of chance, and I think the priority is to get to the selection Colombia, but it not, would have to take the proposal of Croatia.

V: The Hajduk, your current club, has had a historic rivalry with Dinamo Zagreb, arriving an offer that team would accept or does declinarías?

NL: For starters, they are two different clubs. Dinamo is run by people who know football and having money. My club, unfortunately, they handle people who have been making the club is destroyed, and have made the name of Hajduk sound less around the world. I would think a little, but I think that ultimately decide to leave.

V: Do you admire to a specific player?

NL: Cesc Fabregas when he was at Arsenal midfielder seemed extraordinary, and when he went to Barcelona never again be the same, but now you're in Chelsea, seems to be returning to what it was at the time.

V: And one Croatian?

NL: Certainly, Luka Modric. He is a great player and has well deserved everything that happens. Definitely can play well, can play nice.

V: Is your intention for the summer market is out of your club?

NL: The truth itself. I do not see in six months at the club where I am today. It is difficult to have here a future as a professional footballer, and really do not want to be here. Yet nothing in particular, but several options are being considered, among them a Colombian club.

V: How do you see yourself Colombian Professional Soccer?

NL: Long time no see a party of the Colombian league, precisely because I drive times. However, he was the World Soccer quality very good, as I said, with much tastiness and dribbling. Much more agility and play nice football.

V: sympathize with a team of Colombia?

NL: I liked America de Cali, and my father Deportivo Cali. He took me to see some of Cali Pascual games when I was younger. Now that America is in the second division have not been heard much about the team's situation, but you could say that I sympathize with them.

V: Coming to the Colombian league can be a double-edged sword, it may be that playing here, 'Pisces' is set easier on you as it might be a setback. How do you handle that?

NL: That's not my intention if I go to the Colombian league, just use other proposals, and will have to see what happens. Playing in the Colombian league would not be very good for its age I have.

V: So you discard playing in the Colombian league?

NL: I can not say I rule because I can not tell you what will happen tomorrow.

V: What are your expectations for 2015?

NL: My goal is to play with the Under-20 World Cup in Toronto, I can now just thinking about it, and I will work very hard to achieve.

V: Can you play another position besides the wheel of creation?

NL: I played as a right midfielder, but that position did not like it. I like having the role of the plays, that is my decision and have some prominence.

V: Are you more creative flyer or offensive?

NL: I would be more of a midfielder, as qualities have a shooting and dribbling.

V: What is your favorite formation?

NL: I feel very comfortable with the 4-2-3-1, because I know that I have two on my back that can cover me, and I can upload to attack. I think that would be trained.

V: Do you prefer high blood pressure or waiting for the ref to?

NL: Always ground press up, I do not like to wait for the opponent's error. We play to push up and try to fight back.

V: Do your peers see you as Croatian Colombia?

NL: They see me as a Colombian, not as a Croat. They notice that I have very little Croatian. When you say "he is Colombian," they immediately know that you are someone who plays well.

V: Do you admire to a former player of football?

NL: I know some, but I most admire is Roberto Carlos. I have had the chance to chat with him and is a great person, and eventually, a great player.

V: Would you like to send a message to Carlos 'Pisces' Restrepo?

NL: Maybe it locks more abroad, because there are good players. I think if I get the chance, I can show you how I bring you enough to Selection Colombia.

V: I suggest you tell me the first thing that pops into your head when I ask you something. A book that you liked.

NL: People who liked are those of Harry Potter.

V: A movie.

NL: My favorite is Gol, Santiago Munez film.

V: A style of music.

NL: Today I listen to various genres, none in particular.

V: A club where you feel on top.

NL: Arsenal, England.

V: A player you like that club.

NL: Santi Cazorla.

So shut up conversation with this pearl that has a great future. He made clear his intentions to seek to reach the 'tricolor' and be one of the biggest clubs in Europe. Coming soon will fulfill 19, a perfect age to become convened for this category which is currently in the South American Argentina, so expect to be taken into account in future calls.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.01.2012.
Poruka: 9.360
29. siječnja 2015. u 22:42
Piše li da ide negdje. Da ne čitam bezveze.

Lynxše, jel on di Marzio prvi objavio da Pašalić ide u Chelsea? 
[uredio Aubameyang - 29. siječnja 2015. u 22:42]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
29. siječnja 2015. u 22:55
Evo nekoliko biseri:

Lynx17 je napisao/la:

V: What is the Croatian football characteristics that differentiates it from other leagues?

NL: The Croatian football here is a lot of contact football, very slow and without much emotion. Honestly, I do not like. To succeed here you need to be strong and have a lot of power, something very different from what the Colombian football.

V: I imagine that will take advantage slowness and poor mobility of the players to highlight each ...

NL: Yes, of course, is what I should do. The players here in Croatia will you do a quick change of pace, and leave, as it is popularly said, on the floor.

V: How was your process with the selection Croatia?

NL: I've been in the Under-15 and Under-17 doing microcycles and playing friendlies, but one time I have not been uninvited. But for now I am focused on the selection Colombia.

V: What do you think about your nickname "The new Luka Modric '?

NL: For me it's a compliment to be compared to a player Luka Modric as it is, but I'm Nicholas Llanos. You feel good when you say things like that. My goal is clearly to reach a level of football as high as his, and I think I get to have him training hard.

V: How do you see yourself in five years?

NL: I see Colombia national team and playing for a big club.

Q: Speaking of the selection Colombia, how do you see the U-20?

V: Will you wait to Selection Colombia? Or if Croatia is interested in you again, you decantarías for that selection?

NL: Football is a game of chance, and I think the priority is to get to the selection Colombia, but it not, would have to take the proposal of Croatia.

V: The Hajduk, your current club, has had a historic rivalry with Dinamo Zagreb, arriving an offer that team would accept or does declinarías?

NL: For starters, they are two different clubs. Dinamo is run by people who know football and having money. My club, unfortunately, they handle people who have been making the club is destroyed, and have made the name of Hajduk sound less around the world. I would think a little, but I think that ultimately decide to leave.

V: Is your intention for the summer market is out of your club?

NL: The truth itself. I do not see in six months at the club where I am today. It is difficult to have here a future as a professional footballer, and really do not want to be here. Yet nothing in particular, but several options are being considered, among them a Colombian club.

V: Do your peers see you as Croatian Colombia?

NL: They see me as a Colombian, not as a Croat. They notice that I have very little Croatian. When you say "he is Colombian," they immediately know that you are someone who plays well.

Vidi cijeli citat

Nicholas, don't bite the hand that feeds you.  

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 15.08.2014.
Poruka: 169
29. siječnja 2015. u 23:00
Jel ovaj novi Valderrama?
..samo Hajduk...
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
29. siječnja 2015. u 23:00
Aubameyang je napisao/la:

Lynxše, jel on di Marzio prvi objavio da Pašalić ide u Chelsea? 
Vidi cijeli citat

Mislim da je, ali ne sjecam se.  Ali ima bezbroj primjeri gdje je bio prvi.  Zasto pitas?

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 25.09.2012.
Poruka: 3.684
29. siječnja 2015. u 23:01
Ajde Aubameyang što je di Marzio napisao, koga smo prodali, ima li dobrih vijesti, ne drži ljude u neizvjesnosti
U nadi protiv svake nade...

Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris, vidit lucem magnam.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 17.12.2010.
Poruka: 13.775
29. siječnja 2015. u 23:07

Sad kad živim u tuđini
Moje srce samo vene
Pa mi dođe, da te pitam
Da li sliči bar na mene

Svi pjevaju ja ne čujem
Nikome se ne radujem
Samo tebe očekujem
M.K.:" Nisam nikoga poslao u materinu, nego sam im rekao da su pederčine." "Ich bin ein Venezianer" Hvala šta ste ubili Hajduk, osta nan je samo kaštelanski crljenak
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