Neki su spominjali Arsenal pa cu stavit ovo ode.
[QUOTE]These are increasingly difficult times for Arteta. The season may be just two games old, but the Spaniard’s position is already under real scrutiny.
Arsenal have invested around £130 million ($177.5m) this summer in a bid to claw back the gap that has emerged between themselves and the Premier League’s top six in recent seasons, yet right now they look like a side who will be fortunate to scrape a top-half finish.
Vidi cijeli citat
Inace, usli u sezonu s porazima od brentforda 2:0, chelsea 2:0 i citija 5:0.
Bas me zanima koji bi bili komentari na Artetu od ekipe ode nakon ove 3 utakmice.
[uredio Nocnamuzika - 04. veljače 2024. u 23:03]